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Learning Target
I can analyze literary devices in a text. Essential Question: How can I deconstruct a text to have

a better understanding of its meaning and purpose?

Were still working on to be verbs!

Independent Reading
Purpose: Identify

any two literary devices from your text!

The Glass Castle 91-101

Mini-lesson: Symbolism
Symbolism: the use of symbols to represent ideas or

Symbols in The Glass Castle Fire: represents destruction of innocence, impermanence, etc. Cactus: represents resilience, ability to survive, etc.

Work Period
In groups of 3 or 4, identify at least 5 symbols and what

they represent in The Glass Castle. Work quickly and diligently! We will come back as a whole class to discuss what you find!

What are two symbols you can identify in The Glass

Castle? These cannot be ones we discussed as a group!

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