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Lea Luz Marie D.


I am against prostitution. Based on the Theological approach, the Bible tells us that God has made us in his image and likeness, we are made for Him and are the crowning glory of His creation; therefore, we should take care of what the Lord has given us and we should not soil it in any way whatsoever. God has been very kind to us, it is the least we could do. In the bible, God has explicitly scorned prostitution. The prophets have been warning us not to succumb to prostitution, yet here we are, thousands of years after, still succumbing to the wretched practice. What more do we need for us to know that in the eyes of the Lord, prostitution is a crime? How many prophets need we to tell us that we are committing a sin? If we dont listen to the living, how much more the dead as what happened to the rich man in the story of Lazarus. For me, prostitution will bring no good for society. It will only break family relationships and will make the user dirty in the eyes of society. Prostitutes are no good, in any way. They have nothing beneficial to offer. Fleeting pleasures are of this world, they will not and cannot satisfy the thirst of the Spirit for satisfaction, which can only be found in the Lord. Remember what St. Augustine said: My heart is restless Oh Lord, until it rests in you.

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