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Senge's Peter Learning Organizations

Davis Ngai& Katherine Meyer By Michelle

from o PhDgraduate MITin Systems Management chairof o Founding for SoL(Society Organizational Learning) o 1990wroteThe Fifth Discipline

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(Senge) Discipline Fifth

Organizaiion Learning

Thinking SVstems I |,off**'*'

andchange > interdependencY parts > focuson wholenotindividual benefits goals vs. short-term > long-term leadsto of systems appreciation > better action moreappropriate


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Personal Mastery

> organizations learnonly who through individuals learn "arrive"; > never in continual learning mode > striveto clarify and deepen personal vision > deeply awareof growth areasandtension between visionand reality


Mental Models
> deeply ingrained assumptions andgeneralizations > honest and critical scrutiny of entrenched mental models > transcend mental models in orderfor change to takeplace


> A genuine visionleadsto people wanting to exceland learn personal > Leaders musttranslate visionsintoshared visions > Unearthing shared'pictures of the future' thatfostergenuine rather commitment thancompliance > Leaderslearnthe counter-productiveness of tryingto dictatea vision, no matterhow heartfelt. (S enge 1990:9)

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> Teamlearning starts with'dialogue'= thecapacity of members of a genuine 'thinking teamto suspend assumptions andenter together' > Allows insights thegroup to discover notattainable individually grouphowto recognize > Shows the patterns interaction of that undermine learning (Senge 1990: 10)

A LearninO r anization |s...


o Wherepeoplecontinually expandtheircapacity to createthe resultsthey trulydesire o Wherenew patterns of thinkingare nurtured o Wherecollective is set free aspiration o Wherepeople are continually learning to seethe wholetogether you ask people o "When aboutwhatit is likebeingpartof a greatteam, whatis moststriking is the meaningfulness of thie'experiente. People talk aboutbeingpartof-something larg6rthan themselve's, of being connected, of beinggenerative." (Senge 1990: 13)


VideoClip Senge

Interview Senge Clip

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