NAME: .. ..: The Torch and The Size of The Shadow

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NAME : ....

1. Diagram shows an experiment that was carried out by Irfan. He fixed the positions of the torch and the screen. A ball is placed between the torch and the screen. a) What is the aim of this experiment? c) !a"e obser#ations for the following acti#ities. I When the ball was mo#ed nearer to the torch. II When the ball was mo#ed further from the torch. c) $tate the relationship between the distance between the object and the torch and the size of the shadow. d) %ased on the following experiment& state the following' I What is "ept the same? ' II What is change? ' III What is measure? ' (. Diagram shows an in#estigation that was carried out by A)i)ah. *he temperature of a bea"er of boiled water is recorded e#ery + minutes. *able shows the result of the in#estigation. *ime , minute ) *emperature of the water 1-+ .1/1+ 0(1) ) ) )

a) What is the purpose of this in#estigation?, b) What is the trend the temperature of the water?, 2) $tate the relationship between the time and the temperature of the water., d) Predict the temperature of the water at 3- minutes., e) $tate the following ' I What is change? ' II What is measured? ' III What is "eep the same? '

3. Diagram shows an experiment that is carried out by A)i)ul. *wo balloons& 4 and 5& are filled with the same #olume of air. *he balloons are tied& one to each end 10 of a straw. *he straw is suspended hori)ontally by string. *he two balloons balance each other. a) What will happen when balloon 5 is punctured with a needle? b) 6i#e a reason for your answer in 3 ,a). c) What is kept the same in this experiment? d) !a"e a conclusion from this experiment.

1. Hafi) carried out a study to find out the relationship between sources of food and the numbers of consumers. *he study in#ol#ed sparrows and grasshoppers in the paddy field. *he obser#ations are recorded in the following table. Number of sparrows Number of grasshoppers I What is change? ' II What is measured? ' III What is "eep the same? ' b) $tate the aim of in#estigation. ( +7 71 3/ (-


c) What is the trend of change in number of grasshoppers? d) 4redict the numbers of a grasshopper if the numbers of sparrows is 1-. e) What is the conclusion can you ma"e based on the obser#ations?


$tate two other animal that can be found at paddy field.

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