Scrapbook Project 2013-14

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Senior Scrapbook Project

English 12 As an extension of various writings this year, you will be compiling a scrapbook about your senior year. This scrapbook is an independent project that you will complete outside of class. There will be various checkpoints during the semester to help you avoid procrastination. Each scrapbook will have a minimum of 4 entries/pages completed per semester . This is equal to ONE completed page layout spread per month. Entries are considered to be a front and back or side!by!side layout. "ne side will be artistic and one side can be written or can be another artistic page #or they can certainly overlap$. %n the case of a & page artistic spread, your writing must be ON the layout. %t can be on one page or split between the spread. Each page will include the following' (. Title &. )icture #s$*This does +"T always have to mean a photograph. ,. -reative embellishments #these may include movie ticket stubs, invitations, small souvenirs, maga.ine pictures, photos, etc.$ 4. A one-page journal describing the how/what/when/where/and especially why this event, person, or idea is important to you ON !"E #A$E %single spaced&. The main focus of this assignment is your written work. /e will talk about journaling and what is required ! basically, % need to understand what event is being presented and its significance to your life. %n other words, what makes this meaningful E+"012 to make the cut in your book3 4or example, if your boyfriend girlfriend invited you to the prom while you were having lunch at 5c6onalds, your page might include a picture of him her or both of you, a 4rench fry container, a dried flower from the corsage, and a journal entry about the day, the preparations leading up to the dance, and the dance itself. 7ou could easily write a one!page reflection about all of those things. SAMPLE ENTRY: "n Thursday, "ctober &, 6ave and % went to 5c6onalds for lunch before heading to our after school jobs. % ordered a chocolate milkshake and 4rench fries. 6ave seemed a little nervous, and % understood why when he blurted out between 8ig 5ac bites, 92ey, want to go to prom with me3: % was so excited; 5y heart was doing flips, but calmly % replied, 9<ure.: As soon as % got back in my car, % called my mom to tell her that we need to start prom dress shopping. After % came home from work that night, % called 1ina and told her that 6ave and % were going to prom together. <he was so excited for me. /e talked about what kind of dresses we were going to wear and renting a limo; % fell asleep that night thinking of everything % had to do to get ready for prom. %t was one of the most exciting days of my senior year. /ith these paragraphs, % know why the 4rench fry box is there, who was involved, and why the event was significant. "f course, this is an abbreviated version of the journal you=ll compose. Each entry must be accompanied by a full page of writing #times new roman, (& point font$. A 'ew guidelines( (. 7ou are not to have any pictures of underage drinking smoking or anything illegal or against school policies. )nappropriate material included in this scrapboo* results in a +ero, ) also will ta*e any such images/re'erences as a cry 'or help, and ) will get you that help %along with guidance, administrators, and your parents&.

Mrs. Love

&. A variety of events should be covered. 7ou may not turn in a scrapbook that follows only one theme or event. 4or example, % don=t want four different entries about four different football games. ,. %f you do not want to include the original photos in your scrapbook, you may use scanned pictures instead. 4or that matter, your page does not have to contain a photo. %t can be a computer image, something cut from the newspaper or a maga.ine, or even a work of original art. >. A reflective essay will be written as one of the last assignments of the year. This essay will be a reflection of your senior year up to the due date of the project. /e will talk more about this essay as the time approaches. ?. @ournal entries need to be typed, unless you are trying something like calligraphy. Each entry should be one well!developed single spaced page telling who, what, when, where of the event, and your reactions or feelings. This reflection must be completed and displayed opposite to the 9artistic: half of the page. 4ont for the writing should be no larger then (& pt. font. A. A submission is defined as either a side!to!side entry or a front and back entry counting as one completed 9page:. And the page must be 6"+E on the date assigned. 6o not bring me pictures without a journal or a journal without the picture and expect credit. 7ou have one month to work on each submission. 6on=t wait until the night before. B. )arents friends relatives may assist you in the design of your book and pages. "owever, the writing must be your own. %t is a good time to bond with your parents and reminisce about your younger days C just make sure 7"0 are the one writing about it; $-A.)N$( (. A cover page that includes your full name and a picture. This is due along with the <eptember submission, but it does not count as your page that month. &. A total of D layouts entries*> per semester. ,. -reativity Effort The monthly progress checks will be part of the total project, but will be counted as separate grades. >. )rogress checks' <eptember &? @anuary D April ,E &? points &? points "ctober ,E 4ebruary (F 5ay &( +ovember &E 5arch (F

Each <crapbook submission Geflective essay #5ay &($

6uring the progress check, % want to see /O0#1E!E pages C not sketches or 9This is what % was gonna do,: type of pages. 6one and complete is just that C done and complete.

4inally, there are several local stores that carry scrapbook materials. !ry any o' the 'ollowing( 2oAnn 3abrics, 0ichaels, "obby 1obby, Archivers, !arget, or 4al-0art. Each sells all types of scrapbook albums, paper, and supplies to complete this project. "f course, you 6" +"T have to spend a ton of money to have a great looking project. 7ou are welcome to complete a digital scrapbook, use a three ring binder, or print out your pages.

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