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Monday, February 17, 2014 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting Lake View Muni ipal !uilding 1. "all to order. 2. Roll all #. $%!L&" F'R%M: Fi(teen minute) o( t*e "oun il meeting i) de)ignated (or iti+en) input on
matter) not on t*e agenda. ,*e "oun il will on)ider t*e)e i))ue) at a later date.

4. CONSENT AGENDA a. -ppro.e or amend t*e tentati.e agenda. b. -ppro.e minute) (rom February #rd and 10t*. . -ppro.e (inan ial report (or /anuary. d. -ppro.e bill) and aut*ori+e payment. END OF CONSENT AGENDA 0. "iti+en1) 2roup: -ddre)) "oun il on Li(eguard) and Ra(t) at "re) ent !ea *. 3. !ob Veen)tra: 4i) u)) 5a)tewater ,reatment $lant. 7. Resolution # 14- !" 6Re)olution 2ranting 7oning 8pe ial 9: eption to "ry)tal &n.e)tment), L.L.".; <. Resolution # 14- #" 6Re)olution -ppli ation to t*e "ity o( Lake View Loan Fund and Loan -greement.; =. $ubli 5ork) 4ire tor Report 10. "ity "lerk>-dmini)trator Report. 11. -d?ourn. @',&"9 ,' ,A9 $%!L&": ,*e Mayor and "ity "oun il wel ome omment) (rom t*e general
publi during t*e di) u))ion on agenda item). &( you wi)* to omment, plea)e rai)e your *and and be re ogni+ed by t*e MayorB t*en )tep up to t*e end o( t*e table and )tate your name and addre)) (or t*e re ord.

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