Coffee With A Cop-Dunkin Donuts 02-25-14

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MEDIA RELEASE Coffee with a Cop

Media Release Number: 140 1!"01

Coffee Organizing Partnerships February 25, 2014

The Huntersville Police Department would li e to !ormall" invite the #ommunit" to meet the o!!icers that wor in "our nei$h%orhoods to discuss communit" issues& %uild relationships and drin a !ree cup o! co!!ee' All communit" mem%ers are invited to attend' The event %e$ins at ()** p'm' on Tuesda"& Fe%ruar" +,& +*-. at Dun in Donuts located at -*/-* 0ilmin$ton Street' #o!!ee with a #op provides an opportunit" !or the communit" to as 1uestions and learn more a%out the department2s wor in the nei$h%orhoods' The ma3orit" o! contact that o!!icers have with the pu%lic usuall" happens durin$ emer$encies or emotional situations' These situations are not alwa"s the most e!!ective times !or %uildin$ relationships with the communit"' Also& some residents ma" !eel that o!!icers are unapproacha%le while on patrol' The Huntersville Police Department hopes to %rea down the %arriers and allow !or a rela4ed& one5on5one interaction' 0e hope that residents will !eel com!orta%le enou$h to as 1uestions& voice concerns& or simpl" $et to now our o!!icers %etter' These interactions are the !oundation o! communit" partnerships' So please 3oin us at Dun in Donuts on Tuesda"& Fe%ruar" +,& +*-. !rom ()** p'm' until 6)** p'm' Please contact S$t' 7evin Tatur with an" 1uestions at 8*.5.(.5,.**& or email at tatur9huntersville'or$'

The Mission of the Huntersville Police Department, through a Community Policing Partnership, is to improve the quality of life and provide a sense of safety and security in our community, through the delivery of outstanding services with the highest standards of Honor, Professionalism, and Dedication to Duty.

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