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Stee ia.

*son andlm Livins+om prsl:



tu ud urdbg 41ttuhr hh dts w' unk wp|sknc cth* lu hn w A. h $e hitt ol tle d'eq. H6le te hd hdh M tte wb1i,3 dw stthiB 'dry et thenetu th autd @ hc tif,. lwt "b@ h i" qre d utk, tk dkr hn te$ @ fu k.| 9 we fu fu @fudP ul l l b| TfrEttu bdedtd hwhh,aqt6tu 44h,4

6na, s,

ur dd th hed.kB b Ld @n Aku a,,t k tb tet team woll$av ,ut@ aws qrd ,rF tb kna ao t b{are shitig ht a&tr. lE .@s nm &nh k w hr@w 3t!* te ht tt sj:Gt btu h' tuttt re hd. tun ht ]' Bd tht tv .f th' k thhtu 1lc {hrta ,hk *t hb tte uaad Mry k nt Nb rt qkn, ot t@ thq. n @ ne al eth. Nrd, rv hq thd n b r'{ld6 h ue Maw, wqeft qa ilhF htuu aw thekthtu u h the t4t*
b4ildfu' d$' N|b@hc'i defu@ fu| h'

q4n@ 4d t* enbqL+iisdt h ,]e uql d tt ret j,4 .btu e sbirtdate bido|o. M ir. @ theoh dle latutd, wolld,t lr,irs k hiwtt a ]v tut6 k a1r al 4. n@ 5@w,,t6w d B! hG stc'lrti@ tk swtds d@i1d k d6a,qh trt ft the al lt etL, hi114hah l4r side hi 6tttt - qr,tfah @! \ht al hn hy ttc @hqt fun .fu k\'ifu be|bq@ 94 h a' d |k lfuBh o| srtuhg hGM,btu tu hisp& w tu
de& d h h | 6 | l e ' l @R fu G|'h e l h d 4 rn

Hd | o i@ a l| r c ! A / s n ..d F g h b cF h a |s6 lio io ln n $ ' h d 5 a r d : dve n fu fo !F u 6 r d d to d d 6 d . 4 \ ' f i] n v d m ( Fd *q Ej &e d o q d @ d s ' a r $ r c h r h c .i l yw a ||!o l w D w t berore od 6,L 6 wh@ Ier hr. drrcd tu Lil.uF]o6Pddqdon'l/48troff^ydlk

q41! tw\



d f.;ha b,o'. ,",r m"'" M-r d

!+ at tite tun r Fdet n hbF!

*. .+


tw t6t. h6 bath q n sh,



wat tu. sr,6 qtw nrt v 4ttu

B ld N 4 riil h lli\t ct4,tud 3hadt tqiE k''t tu ywts tu

nn6'eF.dal|yth6forp|aigidhurufuF' w [ , iJ ( e ; Y s h iig o * u@g o cr n d T !o n ' Hecs e sds b i.!i ,1 rh. !dld636 ft4 6f

|bv PlMv @N]a, wvd 4r'1t3'! dh4'ha*lE'*dafuF*t.aulguotar,

,h6rtt lu ixn, L4a. t6, qE rE thrc @tu6 tufl k tEId theLe lf tb tu', Nre rnr ktf d
he|a' $'1
h thc lJvrEd lr3hthg Enbry sd5 s'hiL *

A @tutw b6id.hin A uur, d@kry wb. A ade tEtnow ut! tu aa, Ah,he e M, wa3btu 'u i dd w @ra *q h cta bt kh a. "rd

iG ryqld hde 6ded up dth a nne boolt thc lia or a cay oJD,ltffi bcirE y@ 6 n-\. @ oI nst

,h.r,,a n mt *{6rr b siq rf* boo( bd it wdrd h3nia 6 havr rhc{r, donr yoq rhbkl cs.

jMF lsEe h* oN loq hive jdt a I{, you Gn trar@rioBo!hundPdi hsue cpEs4F '4 $ E r e s : o b } ] { m 6 r c p Eso te l h so l d r d ir rultipls of thor runbds to s;m soe qffe lo u o lP h lG e t q d n woi th s6 cs t} F o l dier thq ,q wherh' r h@d, Dw.#' orc o nlsdnFar &d o{ all- Ghr4u6 of ndJ 6sw+


rhs *{r oI rheprcuou bookr we tcred! rcw

,n(h q d@r od a 3oP of irn& wrD;


oi tu P/ dd r44 win P@wurfu| rhe kft,


n d* | h,rd- ii r"*.. thhr h* .."h " "

ercp htr{ lnd rerrhc krc$ (o. ch.4 thc dbF dd of @(d) 6nd the du6 th.n nl;ss Dbehq 'h4 *r,s it ri,q *rAs F" ddi''."LLy,*r "L*v' mvolrh*jkn'hqdrbP]4A,lsmed|l3i'14 cLeiE'udlhg'.6bh|yaddbtheiu

ri. ehs F6shd h a6 bo* tb. tuh'4 D$

{4e on rh,6bhrq od @ dtid Pi* or FPe,

h D! ' g n e r we in t o d wd yo u 6 th .i &a d r cb ' ;y r;sd.+dd +roa r{ Fu h*nr phy '|rc!d

P |66 !n l d tEa ib e fo@ dhns rg@ s hqs ' lf

ga;tr s a Dn6br

1. NEw RL'LE5
<r @r 6! rer. oI a bpnrl Ardsio Hso b hqidrd! . 6-d !^d lFL "h.h 'nU' d e @ n d so fa d vo fu nghth.bsl i B 6hsdd wr rdd?dnsy I@ rhbod wild@cs i ryhoLiew &r or ihitrid will




hivh; hd* , sD{iir slin brdoI p.y d.s ho.Gh"hbis;. ".."i'. Mdt ol rhc ibn5 hE :r oe, but dEs:r d& a

Th.*rtwspdls|d|knaybJrolohArttlyd* suc !ry 4 rho* b Dw@nry Ga6e 1{) d 3rar54'dr (pqe @) vh6 a w d'ne. n {@6d sr[5 w hir b Pry trMe b b3 hq]r' dE E L s*rb rl| Jifd q<oE rdi k al hqA tnc| ! d v ' rh@d tr .. Eo, lnsr Prd, q 5@crb63 tLoughPE|oi3edqPquGbtherdivityflt.@|d 'hb 'hq asFd .| slo ll th i ti bdk fl l .dton* hg:| i iq

aE * Ls{t re$ctul @qh b ruk a hrerLi46t 1or thrn natu'nlsrn! atis sq*r) d.tsndoi q:Jy qPon sF o | sb n ' sh Plyb n lhqf@nH d4D bq an'r) Anoktiitt ie h $ fu r L yr e r y4 ib naybei bl gbP e'om

.m @r qofulbhlr Bhtmdr qf6di

Mh 6nbd \catrhrn
clry ;hi rh sift ,, ,es th. M6 B*'e iis rdcsdbd hts). h add[i@ to the *idad {d d

ds*sfth|sbll@ybF!$cdby&t4iid &d cqs vheo przy.d br rh Dr{d h $ne osq $.h .rl@k6 de rilrry b IDr r frshs i?6q rho

nqel6otolybrcugh*Fdqcindhidsad Eldy 6q * re* : rihl *d jla abod cwryrhhs

Djen (co,!,o


whih tuhdq h hardrolad


ihpo* r pmny Ior tsy4 6 Dis8n I chd,&r {}! re h4 Djff o sr.a, brPicny Edq6s rh ihc Er4{t stsd:r sri[). The Diredr ryin i|rc d6F Fhe ryhs rhedidodsdweFn ed, !P.

rrt,a ((|@rat4

a!tu sinpl, rk s@ lrh ids

h f!sh d salt wt{ Edsed choc Ior 6shhA ! o Dflibbl {d :id silL iiJdm a ucsJ'n pLys jut ryhn d{ y e3

tutkr tuti8 tstqxt\ rrr sp&il sftl ldnor k

h u tb yq Finc ql di B i ns rbc gi v ob r H.rcaLo13ljihh!dhd*{bgst!|k'jt8!ftth" dBHgoh6@Ptbna]]yk4hofu&

s@6 hav.a[d h har:n {rns

tu t1h tvetiD \tutwb

lx* +dar sknbe*ws

'heabix|y6hfidlg F d id ld d a o f v e h id e ,h d h a o i h q sa q h ibc !i rh dd6:e 4 1o[@' mill bo* (! 6 swrs

edh vd@ 66rl,i) - rh qleryd Hso ry fi rhL sp@rl skiLln rU b *e Gl tudhe th:i :n
are@ duae, lnd nay be abl6,pd,tni6ad rhi skn d6 nor cont!rhc lhiril, 6 3r rhrcqh $lid ohj.d$ how*ai r rh4 nut bevnibb i ods

dlnor brnoo6iEhp. hd nqt !rhd, dfuao\ lid tb t e poss*J *prntely broe a Hso d tuLry nodiffd chde ol sy a k@ sldrsd jn h:rdr4 i

r&r4 fin@r,&f)-rhe ts.@ w

kpwredsc oI dE .o(&r lry


b r@t hjlds

tin,tu ^d

rst tll(i@li?8') iin6pi6bh hldi

^ rEck it do'n dd odue I wd th5 sP4id

tu @npre rcsvsy of a Fvsely ijued sre h e iFrdt k3 a Qdr vo,n4 Prcvid.drh. sihq[q Jl@5
rRlhsr b ! H@ d doe uP b @erhtrd of a


b 6!d Ushs r[* lkll h @ojd.6oi w*h

Hrc s6 ?ddnidar MnE

5udr 6 Folq;edis

(.!,r.0 !9@y,4m!d.oI,i Msr Haes wc. anr c( l h ih lJ[3ht{@ ghba| | ow 'hnb n d ? qdcrt yd wh!:h ,i[ drtu* btols rroe nd, ryap.


((n@Ja&d - Thn haoi sp{ill

sr.ll h.

hd* m tuh6q h tur Pllt rurr,whr$wirr efted

tLi sklL ! Hqo an rcse M

b Aghr h bihl, dr

!uhs. rf u*J h dil!rctioi {ih cd, se Hdo wttr thnsFds(nl@'ndP@bablyP.dfeayoctodo


.odr4r (co,lu, - li3hrhs whih n1urd

aihq*- o' woe' otr aEbi dw ol fq?3i .t

He @ , d d t h * iwh q g lh GsP{ fu r sb n @r $ b ' Dudq .n6* rhdc wlL lrMys bs i chde of 6[h3 d bhs dnnostd sp*hlly tr oEt ru@r i iiured q k iL L g d ' b d t h n . ia a !b e g stL yEd q e d n s a id b lls lh t h e P r e s ofl d $ b a "b w Ie

P,rrI,r4 (tue/,t


A Hre ,rh $i!

tg&qlk]tro{rfu|od,lolil|qrowledgqthckfu o I { jn , r ' d d s q ' T h t s li||N i ||b e r cd u a d b y?

h.".; - --* eu,,4 (ta


rryis b 6"d d,-ri"


, - se:rh3 eod

od d doq5 n

,i"h *q--

r" .M sp{ai slrLle-b .ry b" i

Dptsnbs up ahsd sr

q ii th. !r@odh3


8rcdh r@DiB sirot o! brodis b, .ov.ins krds

9?e b4 (f'rc&Hs) - Trb spdil sritl h6b* |lowldggofho{to.ondudajse'ni!riowkdge h d u d e , q r o g c ' s t F hd ksr r Ja ]l th e d h g ade Nde $n a H@ dhi b ld tht sldllwoid Ecd b b fthded t : .6aa!6 possn3 nd

or r hudrjut rrrcughtuh.hon a'av tu C.Nti, bt


6nut'ts4 - l\* 1t!. waod be, tla

r serhr sbn. whidrvin @!rIq qpsr 6owbd3 b

sw'd wry

t6nb4t, rh* q

uttul sPdr srrlL

w@H nid & norc djJftolr ]]B ts@in tyPls rte 4 rhfui,,whio\@t6Plih's@brd'$ldcos5lnd

e ow@Poqt y P i o | | y a ' r o i l a i d a d a e g 4 su d l rh4 wepois lhi.l rqd. tuo hiids d s6srh ro M.!d,ir .d bs wd l6c viich @ys both no!nh6, {d d.rlaF

lcht srodr hdd re5 q dwF

sry cMkr tcntut, F4hrhs rhe dleids of: c6tlgwhllhiiglBhal'ryayqa4e4ddodi8

&u4whldriduds|aks,5hd66Pdsodw*q' @u volld ned H,rrt 3i4 tu rha obvi@sly). fu4ndgiddlcbrcdrd6o|adq' @v6 liYiB -:id s'its t$t, 'lrjo\

ruE rudr n @vs! d 4Fcts or phFrery 6d'hs h a dee. whdhr ssdr,ns drrc6 o nd'rq d

h ihe


odn6tftnmmLyPoscsedby$bt@kidwd P@lidedth.reniob.8h'!8hlF{bv6@ifu*s.

eo\o{ 'hs c hm h r y P l s b s ] b d i r , d s P e d r | slnL {hrh nsr bc (h60 fFEle|y Each @orerrd 3rc.6?dhtbolhdetthiid*w.'jdl,EsPdi| s*jrLmsr n*!ry o rhoEl]albG wtunrEryonds
d PP d o | h | o m *bn !Mo t[sd d .l ,l l rH e o

wontwqk!ryb*l'6{qul&hu'uslght,bd oo:@rycLoldynishritry@fthu*frj] b@ lrrtukdt| N;b that, d rlw:yi r H@


oav be iu* abl6 ryqr dt the3Br d wMr boa (ee. be&o oe ?nd Trcn, d &Mo

r n rreL' hciddirry. rh* ,hekrcr eck@undwr

: |ro4 L a H 4 o h ly betr$nedtohi w i fdBt L g 3w up Ar5o h i ,idra. Iadi@ b c y Lre (vrdch


nir? (Moanfln - Th. Ri/. spod sblL hls il'rF

L sor d a Edh ror, iftd :ru rrig for r Mr F{ h

LL,is nieht ewn b. serdrd b rdud idl {@tu,6 q,irftro blb )d.sadiv . +.ib-*@s6 R,,?sFo|s]jllHowgle'*tha'P{hLed,mned F:!e a nudr asi{ the of it rhe Didb! sholrd f*l ce to mre ipaar'ed i,l4 sFdd srill rFihbh q n b.frb rhcp&rioft goe. !hJ, odc th* ^d

&rr s4i4 6h,r0

whih noE uffr,r lldrcud

tuntB oo hoFebi* ksFdrlly h thp6s or : n4s be&t Nhro Mddr, .odr41 wouldploE I& ruE


r,4 tuuh&e tsts,Itt

llhos 116 lrbor o;dy odss (Wbbed,rh h.rd .6dQ of erdos , 6!h) 6wsc. ey,

a H@ dll

d ir y H. m * o ' B id c u F q Ei L l ye ||y3 d e ' BJ

As dL r6e i.N Spdbr $il]9 Pt64kd zhovq o, all

.tr6ts Guchs (ue@n cqdd), ef & doEn by IGIEs4dkG*h'furcmarwq'TtG:|s+Pllg bsPdrswhidl@*l$thd4f^uNAPobkban !Pp|Eon|y65Pdl5whthhtrldyctnqethd4


ot @ue) lod ro P@lide 5@@ne vho

8{d,r, (r) - rhL spellwhi$ nut k tusmitt?dto


rky s b;tuddldthe* nid knpqdly


*dre q 6 dfod wirh a waFr bd rc' b r4' I? &d) * { 6! 6t 1ar36 or rhe sPdLdwh nqe firslv rhry win sinply wIMa, b a larc prac and|ot'Tlrg|{gthofthe$ellnivbe

7.4d T&d, 1n ftb sinPk sFrr rloN ih cds b b Ble th 6 q d ch e ']l tdgatsP d?d,od

chetog rF o Ev{ wondcrcd howrhsc rnnyrvil soeE6h{Bbnakth*{cPy,g|owiwi|Gd qdeIIEdsdPrr:byslq6L3Pdl'UPoid*h& kw rerrcs


iid r L!{s ror eo drut6. rB dr* nay be:voi&d by siB i rd tu rk!, whd shouldb tunhs modilred tuh!tr Br lpoi a uss) by ths dit{dae rh6, r Hdo ,*L ^4s,i e 'ry4 b doid a ro@a

srow b(rhuy

d wrh r d&P fL6f

&,qb 11] - rhi inpl qeil aus 5@dhr eldrry rbroebh b a hh rrc (ry?i6ny!*h e sinrr rip). The objdnrt bs b(hd by rhc*L burrhsFndhs or !n srE of sr^M,N^, rhefsrr r dldr riviq !F u6 (hoqn * w[ aJfErpr2n6tdd

r,iak G) rh rcPe td* doE by hy$i6 h rhe nekelP|aGofrh$dhefrbws|@!FPG$i vry hill objd, fdr objd o( siaLLsr4 o! up b a Ftud o{ rwo drur; rh obj.d nst 6e wris ot obj{6 nry b. doubld Ior {ry additbrul

h,l'4 i4c

rhr &r,,r lFrl,r6,s

rh. cs6 b

rroM4 rovc rLdi r,i6l hkt. Fd 4ery

s r^ M l N A F i d u * d b a d i i tl i ssP ||!||o Wth &Ljd t b 4 f t a r t h ctd @{{tr!b y1 P o i i .,fo l


a6c doubr.d slilL s* rhnres{dlsr

{in*ionaJdeM.drurvcdobjd;dPoDt'oR urt obi4 3 pohtr ore very he objed (rnd

iwhs or ob.e rtrsdsd, od rc @).rh r{3rh or fr @y bebced by oE niruk rorN4 turh4 nri tu*ed obj<r nay do wh*ss 6k birr 11 ior4s, ji b Gd ro tuht qt 5h *b vr cn @res i 'ba63h'l h4dA tra d 'h

pohb '^x0^ LlEr a M'rn rcI nut slL b. nadetu alhbdivid@l {erL s [!t o. nishr sd eic rhe fl!* ,hrr. Funh!]mE, ro. dh addtbmL 1 ftG {sll rllo's 3 soc@ to co.etur (+t focdab@th.Yi4to'o$ooqoiqsPdlwho* !p.[ whnthe jrtra ds od r q bc lsd rutq

Be{ It rhL !p.l u*s e fdh of .t.m.nt drEt, h qder b 5n-h r|Io4l ,alh anda ud, n j8 "@ addcioi,Ls^xn^Paiil*tItaffK6di@ofql obtnda;lhi!nayb!@&dbvoro5jcn4rc ror vq addidoml u i^k!^ Fids 6t (thu a blo* naslbs nht obr nde lequrN rhesPdlh8

obidh 6E srid4t to dakoy t lrrpidy ! D 6r) Th lra aff{red by rhe *odrrd 9elL b ofr rs dchies equr ro harfrh. si4.tued bv rh5Fl ulrekdl4thevttin{|realivbg'16*rh@ghii a$ ! qf ddin my rdlq ke b doid 'he 'rc 6. t,mc Fd ea:h additioal sr^M,N^ poht ad, vorum. mae be hc,Ed by adfuI abG nde

sdrk {:) fiL sad! siG iinply Jw5 theaiq o, by a dph roud! ay pEotr otrwion rM spdrr

6no nbuks ps ashna ro hieihi4 p.iodr rhe conriE(+, GiB rhis sFrlsinply rrow i @rk!


$c e*


apabirrrs of ! Dwrrt for up 6

6 o ! ] d 4 o E ' o u | d 3 e o !|y!r u l r e i 6 th s@d . Fwnhs . . wsl| hd. d]t b.yoid. rk ,pdr roy Le c 4 ' f ld ir y b s Nn b v o . d d j 6 o i :r P!6 0 |6 ' s{ty (:) wltn.dph3 ror rh Bhr od h the

E60. O q noB se b3row)

T f ifu sFll ,'h thns tbead* thnft'l nc a lh ib. ,?dL rLe o*6 h4 ! brq dree of avoidhs lo f u q lt y n d E s jio n t Le e *g ,d u Pto l w d vc rh fo( nijo. Fh6 of th!omp* hd fod *dB be i!!d.d ro prcvida tuLr drurar gd sholrd myo,e lhq rhl anq ry@rd q{d 4 wdL r6!bh ft$ iy otLc objcr adhq sc Ior rhs spd ndhr b b

it G oqmrly ,*ryed to. ofly rbe r6t s. u c)


A spelad( qho vishs b $e whi' !bj{r 6 be @Nrcd by 6re, thl Gq*s d to bel

-rd qbtt b..ohs a td,pnor a ! poe oI shB rEd4 whar rks bryoii. rh bii( id irbw5 4 P{rnltyPiillvthsG*g)tos4thldglsondhhg

I llls s t h * c 4 b E a k , t ho q g h l h g D i Ed q !o !l d

w{ rRiis ro sh*bi sr :n aomds dhtrud Lw8 @atuE ,hos b@3 rud' be th3 b'oded tad (oI r srd,a {s[ qn by r Bad cq, dr 6ue E Hao wo,,rddr oI doiB scrr a 116& ruEryo se ilorcd 6 r6rlq.qr b ddd rh5F[ s{Mor 1r) - rhis hodv +rr irro$ rhc q*s 6 tusially smnoi up ay e.d.d obj4r, qhcthq
ild a vaPn, in do,r q vm ! FE@ rhe $l

vd r d fr @ E L 4 a@ntem:P .N d.'fu'l he

.onn'# (4)- rlG spdl:llorc rhe6k qub iinplv 6 &nmnd d. pson q obj{t 6 do thdr biddiry. frs dd, if liwh& lE q !h * slloweda 16r /'

rm. bed rr c$r

rolld i&d , srurr pr?e oI

rhit wodd not didrry rrwd{ d! sbnd thy!@ld

l 6 nTheb* t s P l ] . | | o { f o r t h e s q n n m h g o fd

r s| in E]Ib g d !Po d0'rcuddrrcon-ui l $l hid a a[!bh,pdr. rcoieb obtds a ooE 6!s. @niis aid .d he .omaded b do ju* ab@r cu$ r i pil oI Gold Piec6)up 6 M.dtun !4

dd h v.ry tal8e Nob th* thb spdr.drd qo* d rEa@ ibs rira cord Pne5 (rhqn o,ny ir tu Dnsd dlw5 iu) bql * tli. .d oI : sr^M'N^


dd, noe iEPidt,




$rs6 iE d rrcm fo! sdriq

(tr.'flr) c@rDJ {d - Th. .i6t paft d@d! i4dbyA]|asios@ccql EeAr 6l d'edafi E E@s.

(iko and e*t

MdJ, Phir sbE {d wdc( ore

!o!rd rid o* r lr:{ alf<riq obkdr Iou rurEs awayb{rydlEd6nlorlieqPldbNtLesPdl pssibLdLivrs objch;6id.d 6 be the his.t or $ ch a sp e liEa lo wdl oTd,& & .rbbd@t
@*iit oI rhe a*q Tns bnd @ be sll!)rured

F ifttr y@|d b | c toa"t$nel I& 'j [w d | 4<dy { rh sFn ryh* irEady @vq5 rhn (qjur

iB uPe nasrar hurtde shs /r cdr,t & drr pliw @d d f^uu phb lnd ryrrr,o* iutrrrre

ae Fnoled dths by rhecd( (, enPb lomod) q by 16. sc ot a x.nou clE q .4de.5'r by sakv hckt rh vttim my {oid rhc +dl on a

&/Joi' (4t rhi! +e[ wotu b edly rhesoe wlt

nay bgqk ide d b y : f u t h . r 6 " . n d r esfu - .h

rdtury ,,Fr td nir P(rc{ur qProsn of Pq d<rrai {cy ,o*s lud lke a6E &r, qcpr th*
ooa4 !!lcn h .deftl bdorry b''hel l t4o l

sr rhea*s 6 e{it qerry ryhirheq dE w46 ro brpe 3id wrlrdvd ir eny elrar qui, rhe
T o d 4 o la f e a d d l6 m | fe N AF h b &cE' t d Ne dlt ndy sinpLhhded (ad sdft iot{ rimpLed;cdr) d2flks w,rr be qhrily inPt4.4

c@r.rsPrl w4[ q w"r, ,I &M. 16btrr rry

hch d e 'd tl i s@heb@ 6dbv frv ftk s folftry!addlbM|f^v'N^PojihFtbbdE@L


M4r &re o

rhL sPr a[@sft a*s 6 cHh


w,,rr,o,tu,1, uirire r.,,1cdtu, whi.h r

thGsP.l]fuMbheEdo*e|funtii.h*whd:nd $irlucd:"eBl)r*,ifuohhdlt'$,oa6tE wh d { q | d lP d r y u p T h Pe j |@WEa d &r yl h i

:fr4iclbdd8e!cM3a!h!nFq4?ry1sT^M'Na Pohb Pd hh the 3Pdl frE eaE5 oI bn4r

! , g h l ' *d v @ t f t'd s0 4 P 6 P h *l tq g

bdd3eri5b fo! 6ve nndq it wrr beh b '$dsh d&r 6d4 fron scht ore nhie bror i tr dE b di,pFs, 3i63 dE Hrrcc phity of rim ro pd sPd{a/0 e4lt usins rft +elL rhl wiEr of
+iEdc,ugsthten*hgw6thg.@di'osde Eh bb a Fnd! lPn wh* dB ?a. c@vstu 5PerIauds 3@w 6 ral q ! hd sulmd! day

3ip4 (&k ii rtu eoun4 decodn s on ! dold 4 rf 6sdd45{dlshdBll$heqg|e|o@windsl

{attur sdrel b he @njuEdup ror oily 6 $^r,x^ or w4rh( @od*ht rhs r|l6njut or

&.bfn s,r@ (6J- A[ r rdas i ! 6uch od L\! {elL od rhesFrla*s qn dchdse bodi4 drh rir nnettir y E an'bu t i d d t o i E w h e t h ?

lhidjry*mofmoy:idie'AnythiqnbPhg b n r ye ' | Io Bh ' lEwu !l| l'akF3Fhtol

'alljl*[nhPntibl!tJ4dgfeitdbya.e'q. sAr q ldk M ot e@ sPlr wdi ad efr.d

colrcr (ror[E @tr<r erod)

ruy arF worl arbit


f,y iqh rhrr dE yid

@ rar /or r{.* ro

ju* e ldr on @abE, a on huruE

wir ol Pow (6) udry rhn spdLrhe!6kr !o @niuE!p a pownlrlsion or rh. ru3kar bade cakd by wrl w@ rh* lFn 6P! laPt s$

byf iyen tr sb viddi B 3'^MD ^Fi bFl i dehe( (fe ten'i

4Ly rhs , M&L wrr

c@rrolr, id bks tu lon !@|d


Ptuq nisht {@sr{ of

. tu L tu kr *e th 6 .t'tu.'
etukrtd ekEd,& N'ttllli@

6)y e. n'erL

L@k d ,r&krr

5rt wbcfin wb.rcrhtryse Gas

@y b ctrr by r .h:E a po$dn3 rh. Mi@ M4rn sp@lsl'1. typully h4cd b ! norud'hl3frr ; id s n e n llL t F le r h c M b ^ i !n r e n t iJ I Iiih the sllsstul, ri! spellrc*5 wrhdt.dt,

Thesns+ elLln4blao tby oy l gow hohl s Dlndbbcl6ntlr cnsdhqFB@ ,'l D h dohg$wincductfuthIqtEdbv qe&y ' MhoM4]({dL5sheqlhshisIllblrU(Pob6,


ftn |ft.spglLcu* aLLrttidlthi


oe +on idor ncr uefut dod3iq d or rhwry e.r& rLe u4in or rhr sp<rr id, b bt buchcd

NoE ot H&L wMf, 6*r L * ,PPrcdn3 FirLlocnnrd Nope ju* ! wny F(ss uig thr


spdt (wrird @'ndprcv. rery stur ir oG tr rlad

Rim - ufg ieh ps dbs th,s s@ll oduhnt, (e it wlld dE cshr otr s P ls d la F d lg r u d e r i g { r b !d E!6 6 r .{ *e rrJ.4 ore IPPL d oE n mde oI a p{tidhty hrae mrdiL q if t tdr *vbbo*oErlheDiB6rfuyimp6e!Fnilt'

riih ldbl to c6b

i rcnnl&holt

jc o!

q hq ft 26d $arft oc lmn obj{r 4d kd peE@ ryithod :ppantLy dobe dfhbs suspido4 !**Lb3 ssh d obisr whn trdi sp.ll t qd. thq bd'hj/l|cdrJ'58ji drhs ro


rni cn ttrle sPgll os4 ttu ddin (ryifrh

Nondts hw h:rl th.y ta, rhryq't gd th. Nodr

urJ6! tht i bdg kd 6@ , !co[ q b@L

sn&l,, - rhG Mhor Msic 4dr !!Es

]rrelul|L5rof,:i|ab|e6qM3tspg]lsrcwM3 8 fo ]lo w!,' q lb - &4 cdD ahb@. B 6tfu-H .aI]'1dn] Midd" 1*t hk hiit - hI M,i tu;tu

tueoft 'Pi'tPw tub h5r - R4rtid Ripq-sa& stq h&e-kb.t stu sp/krhissFll.gni (d c&d.Aar4. on {ds Ior ddiik) 4d rhd de h ft sare i3 * the


oI klryiq

the drdrim h*5 qly a rer

,nrnr A5 y it hMgt { e l l 5 , r r e ' l ' r c n d t s @r yr ct

G) rrB wo*5 jut likerheilw M3r 'pr ftb wqk5 ju* rke rherew M4i +dl

rdrr! 1, $mcofthclo||ow4sPdL'rtcllmPlyPit*Lyr. 3 6Eof t henr y M t s l l h f t d s e d e { L e Dr e ,4u, c) Thn hn |ir the iew Mar. rsll 'o.k Grlui4.r Gcab@tqlePr rh" rhslow sp!b8!

c,fr,tu 1+r - rhis wo*, ju* lia the ory M:gt


r|!s lok jui |irerh w M3r

&rdrlt) tuJysraf o

nr wo& !* n? rhorw MrsnsPdr Tn[ sFnwotuqedy r] rh M8r

rtu wo* ju* Lik rheio Mic co,lMc) 'pdl (* ahovc)ftt:pe[ nay bc p@libled 6 pdeh oi qhdr rolbrd thss, oI fiP thoEclt'ds Dnhtsirfu(:)
s r6!id @n$ lnii yo b3hiid r6rm a bvdde tF lened by a spidr 5t by thc ad.* ddt Gi be diEl;tr iu* s if th. .du himfu w4 l@riq rh? ipell li56 ror Aw nhds bur u be ldelred adtr 'rneeF6motgdfuidgdy(hre'h:''hPist@!ld nd ($ n qu ior fc hid a lo&d rcon o. laur ch40, bd * !o e!3e i6 yiryPohr r nioy rins { rhcpd$t vnh6, fd rhedulbn of L\sFll

u!4 th* FuliE sFll, the6,krmy

sPd| FJd,,,' gv. lh* it Produs l bhn of P@ lcht L@dt etd Pha ta bc r

prae ryhch x sccd b hr flGion rhl ey knPl 'i scGd {eqa@ ftc ned6nbqd ,

EMd cMdr,t td pi66 lhse Frt@r

Tht i :crhbh oit ro ac asod"ed nih, Fiioie

ao'D,,, (, cdl,^d8t(+d lile Gubrspl

rrB rc*5 j6i nre th. is


nis +n so*s h ewry My iud n* &r ft afidb Mat +dk

lttdth{ pliglly006,Ak fqel l PG'de

@ewin\cs b ldr rot b; iddd 6 th* or thcspll

qd4d on the ndF vho hrd ju+ p6ed, d $ on. of ddlaF upd hL vEtrG h cI /osi !r1 llrffi rhn cn,#?r o. Psoi wthn thR slft 'cft t r q y f ^ U' ! ^ F b G * r h e .a 6 b Pd h b th e ?ll !n odF {oar rh Pre* @ Pd b nqe hs + ei or ,l hl Puh! b cur rhe ! r[n Mr d4c) Pdbl.6r(ln!clE(udb.hg|edbyrcfu piEdqr for foBrri.$ or a qud Didror*aEd Id i stsdJic holy objed will ldoE sc @E d a6dc rh (trrG detvftd dly 6y th. p!i6k of thr

loEeoI hr ddrr, r FEt o! clE ri) - usg r[. turr

ra4 G) rh* wo*! !* rjr. rtu ns M4i! sFrl Md &r G)- fts {dl wo* q{dy lke rh M3r 3Pdre@ &4 qePr ret tu Nih ! a! hlisibb $dry c) rhtr woll(' iud rk rherew M3r sPdl

54D@ (r) - rhr wo* ju* lire rhrew M3r {sl

ehfrnn 6tuat @
s 6 !i'd, rhiFts <d b? oitulld s Fn or rli! sPn,deddhgsdEmfuEoIlha*gsP|igD\


Mc sF[ r1.,hi4 3,/]r lN !boE), qcp

Illn spdLwdks *:.rly lre thstuw

h!' r

Rrrud c(E k o ruE, s* h.lo!)



#&s "lt
d* ft@h3 of rl pd6t' vhrbwr then EI6id, but [rs 6 Eorlre rhe cse of r si6r ts@ r

o dE tp. or ehnor ud b aeb the d.FM4 on dr s6cc of th. Piiafs podio-

M3r 5pe[ Ge !boE, ph6b ryirl fylicirry w4r b :PP.* in ih{e *kdd.d *rh th.n om &rt d werr4 cdtur 1, rh* wo*r jo* []a rhr ftw M3r +rr(w rhove)rh@ ruy beFrc Es6cd@5 Dcn,&Fiirq o di DrG ot rhc6k& Fristor @

s*ardh r"hy \i

TIG ,otu jun riL rhen*

s(re oI th*e spell, h&u oI rh nn6 oI thdr tsd(hr ddy q tflple (L\ ft*tor *in adviF {

,1a,e s'i,P (6) - ujry dc QslL rhe $6r

aders .ommaid (whr.h.w n the shotu) or rh. rhe@c., un6s a abs n s*s Ior rheoLN! and

w/otP@f(6) rhr wo*s jur rilc rhenq M4r 5pr(se ?bove' howvs, rhs. ry b 4sia! F.

RG. rt m.y bc Iht rh D(br

dlL rlroN {d

lh F I t ' h d a g $ 4 ' ] a L L e sn cb so o d d j n PL y wlh 4 lppiredly 4i (t * rh very k6t, redGD

d .d*d*" k* *.,* ,t s? "-.; "d*. f u t q a & | rn 6 o q & , 4 !o 0 D 3 $ o l fo l o


Ar?n5n wrror ,qrd of rhn - r a lery - hd*d rhe

pub, ruhd bv 6ghths. iy {<h acs ray b iro,ed b joh ftn h@d Ienorr Bsdr theDl e b ril f'h e ft{ddos @ tw {t!P l qq b oI the etu


hlE a drsL 3re iot

o1 thctubod6 cd{E

?id iqb|c *d P@qd


+h lo on lol nlybg grLloP)

f ^ | ' s ^ F in h A iy . ln b h s*m a d e w i th !P4 r |l y

Gd!u5 hive tun own ld3qrse 1whid,b no wnL eqs) bd an usaly ?l$ lFrr Alhcid rey !o

r,ive, rd raid b btui .onb4 burrh.ypers ni$re

ed cou4, bd an dl@r ion jr ol rh sFlk l[ted ceddrPrtst ibovedduFMiorM4t(id$d F o u e d d T e L r ' b d&n ch d i tyi H u m F h ..

(or?r sdn, qa6 od iawrh5 ryap@s{!h 6 bow5 c{6uF @w@ i m @ ' h a i y h b 4 t t j q th g b o d y

& . t , r o q i' ^ c o h { ldti fu q L r ' !|yb b e a I lus "rr q 6m oft or rh $ngdijnehbymycsk(db$naooskEd' TlErdb6@ndudb6^*'di3@DP'tiddbe

ewphs ind the like A c{6u/s tnp (e be up b rcrk 4ih+ s,fil wnh i p4rv oI 2 for 'hnde


Foph with i sat s{*

of beditb!. or bd@siB b

beiB roi oI x eo or Y, en ot z od e o Gdn


fr6t sre* lov. {gold) ror dd iB lae qwdd6 or rhci sdond Fr row Ghons lret fq fliqiig d gre* Ld! !d iE od ojryhs rhdr thrd lfiqhriq) oYcd yin E[6 f uJ ,c ny ]i 3rLl dk j i | * h h g iit h e I om o ''a rs{d e qqbut'fuy es P ul D | P @ P le Md Dw!* u arhy h {haRds, otrtut(]l of

c e s ; s n e q jf , y h b , k|1 4 ' a o y' ' h e 3 j n Pl g

oF irly. rhe Dwdr {+' orore,reFrdh$or rhn Ldsrfy ble of rhvik oI hn6d$ 3E 6d tull of
s e4M!' (pi3. rs); rh4s ar e 6E 3ddrbfur
Lnda Dwrrr hdo.i fd sy Dw!{ to ,lLow $q

r E d i6 N| s n it y r h * h6 q n 6 d b fu e i th e n a ,

ecrry, dwd4 ! bmr ind crE ,ih4r !(,!m{L Alfui'howyq,owgthen!]tfuc?lgida6

nua\ * hom@ds3rud

,turhd roiB

Ior sord

srishrry 3@n Dwaf adEduEc !E @nm@. 'hogh

5.!J4'Ui|4sth.DWI!dvs[uE/'b,drcudsF. .rf6LlyqPlaswhyheslElrdrcilE*ou|daLo

'i[su|lyi|s**rderoI4sP{G]shnbdict hg fbldtuaL bowLde oL $phrr@red s$j{t 8o]ry,ryja]&dI!esrutJudRdhyPeP|qb4 who pria sr{ sde bt rhe drd rh{ ihe 6dy {Fu||Jb!hdrng<f4\D$jri$lF Dwsk $mdin6 hde ditftdt ddi{ hq*s, bd louldpdthen$fty,fidt6.satrtyoI!||thosyith thn h japddy I tht lu or sold ry6 La soud

br rhit a h{r t,rli drcq*

Od$5 FqJly

he rof hL or h4

Dqrf sourcE s w bE sd. rc qtrsdy .6 Dwdf Pdesb,e 3r+'ry nde @ntru

ftftsof'hegou&li'h''pe|kwl||hdudePi$tly !s6soIthrewM4t4!|k3e'.,'rgJo.l.?nd


h ^roshn

Dsdf r ftery 6 @ne frq

eP@libiLitywlio\,gh!y ?nd ofihad. Thw de rreMdosly @uqrcB h *d.d for r& Eealdc dek Ek6, vh4 rhB dl

dJfe@t'bu'ul6natelvElrskEipd,iggPet ror the hdr tulr loveof the a!tr, whlh i linila b oM EEErce lor !n |foiB [i45 'lti

fte rlry iE prniqh.t lldy b h:w sblls 'hr Enrq, Prrrilis q whadq nq {e les k!.n on sped:l gilk iivorvig d.dir q {.2ldB $osh

r{hddal wePn5 $ch * dGbows Gi Err! bw R u$rry ild. by rhc,:m chrteb! vho wirru r) h rrc hddrrd { @n rllru qerly 6 a wtuh, -d

s4r&'E{' n4 .hd. :ny sr.r.

rh4 bnd b


bePdalyhs@'lDsth*El'6|lghtqfu{oI 'houdl fol66,whEthdPorerhed6bElY4lishoa]c tqfu.N|'Powr{u|'bd*dPfid,o|4lluJs *E foBe Elv- Plih rrrL .oientrar on lpel! th4 @ beu* dl orpo d , $ d l4 lE , li 3 F lI , o ' lDs odo@ 'TheE | wo s liP f t | | in lh e E | f M lh g
ayqred, th4 !r[ wdk [2i] 6 !6bE pda. ilth@gh

hel Ptheothahs n$oi &dl add| y ,hn6t

or Dw:,*, Epdrq rhotsb slva !; dE arik biq 6ll, od sratuL iat dd.|e?n| @c 'lndq

*4.k . s@ pnr 'k




@y hayeto 6hblb[ a spd.] sr o{ &@rtu6 by

rt! inME !oe* of Nishl h eE sodltiy airc, EIE ruy (me rrln dE Ec iuBle q dlEn dbs, d 4 e b e 9 t E | Y 4 ' h o q g h a d va h tr ffo m su h ub! e lkly b be vq, Ery BE fthe w@r [r DiE6rwi|lredtodo6nodifylhg!li|l5Td4l|!

aJts sll rc o@ h ihen iGht niri, od 6p{ially nd a DE1 wond elcly wnt 6 6dsl - let Jde sh:e Iire a coblii uile$ r&rc @lly ws no oths opuql

drh q3sk4 b6bl f.:h, hdues he a5 ?ndfu$sTllv!E'dc|rcEfusyholrrowdr*th.y !E waL od ihry i@ rlwrys l&rhs 6r $arf q5 bv tli*ry q *ik by lhidr b *4 d* oddqwhthr

lith@t nsq. cobliis 6h Dwlrlr tholsh b.lly rhm

rd *rtd cthq thd d ss tuy $n'r ftn 5tupiA tlv4 on rh dhs hin4 * d?+ry lod 6r @s
tfu ilbdr ig$e 4 d ' e P . [ | l y ' | o I l h d @ $ fu FPLrny @ du f o a , ' r y t y f u E l h o N + e

' ib e win h lE t h e o P F l fu i i |yb |a o a 3 E*d a |


tu4. Fa; statrt4 ata, enk att r,q

roq eJd in4he rhy d6k dhiig

of dabbDs

co b li5 fu yn o th r tsyP ookhtfu6[ow i spdirskrr, (n6r surly bcse rhyiE rhs r@ fllLl q t@ fipid b be rbh h @ thdll sdry rw.t ted tuqd.ft]" cdnaL *4k ^dtwd oI*PLhhgi$.cobinst&kg<MJbdoethg lould b alowed(theDndq will rulewhdhryo* qPLerbn for th.h t oivnds o d) sso | &r n d d u b tr adsal |bow 5l ndb|oP i ps

od oI ir coblh t lrely to bc rud uetul 6 a ^ a3 u i d e b g n e @ i o f r h e wa y Fn 'oI Hd*

thefrbhddb$cs'I!L|y wol dd M'latd c-*,t spdbr shE 'hoql luch

hrsc pa*hrcn oI deid6 rqbe

hon hshik rher

(or.'hyrry. rcw ddd rfi4 irrc {oEhio m6rtl tu:ds d r M lod nooi a b. the Phdom.E. F@Ltuiy ils Fi*r' th. Hbrl sh:misi tl4 !* e nntuE ol ^

cobr! ows ar|ebrce ro sd\ fd prciir q {y


rhacs ri oppodiit

rn of 3dtr

nlks thet ronowG bdi4. th.y di wdk rLrdc. A nMu d M a sks P el l ,!E dl l | abl bac ! b | h lhmo'i|@sylhthefol|wiBM4]{ddbrPnst Jpdk (ri.y ie aLr.oNiJftd b bc of thr s@ cb$,

t r t ld ' s o d ' c o b h s d 6 1 :h !j d ,th o !3 h tfu y

cobrn shus M3r sprk)i &,6,i 5d - &rrd,e halittt! LMc ku4t Ptea tut uik Pen-Rw. c c w i - s 1 1 | | 5 9 a k b A l | h ah sP kwd! sqniw tunnu s4akuthtbM &.ryn/i a w hiE iLedv sdd,i cobrn jobin3


t | Eg l t r { l Pl 4 4 H .6 i |i l d yb 6 !a l U L th


14 4dft4 irrol rh

t(n rhefib36


l. @ n { 6 si En a h o w fo r co b r i i

oed s',Ik]d wd| h?w 4gv i rc M$t''on' h

cobris n.i6h
ALbo*ful,IheeP|o'yoltivi|iad'Goblins w hi l h |i Ye h P| d6| i }eP qtB l .dG d,dd . y 6 i

* r*r r mrrr 5m* of reuririb,

htmro, Dw!{s ?nd 4p4iarLyErs ro loh up wrh esgr6bcdcd|h'''!ughtLry{Ll|Ptrb.bly ,iAdejgN:ndshghidysPhkdsdryaPs

!4 (r'd

i! kd)

wePn. orc d sF dy v4Pd

sc a@ of v,r. od 6ch ubds !mc5 ry frdt ligceadnlcholth3ffghtlgdoebyrh.mtsb

Auhoqsh a orc a qpioLly haLrwly bsbdEn r Dwrtr lod i humn b hddt, h @qnts* Nor@r 6r thB sah rc nodiAE. rclL 6 rddeor to $rk'ed

l .o gqdh't y P t i ] L y s o i h 3 l o r h u n sd EV? ' adEntuF. w@rdbe flirlv ufire! - rhqh, :ie { i or ai hh tu h d b alict lnytllB (plovided Eolf 4dadral y i b j r o b l e P @ f l t o f oe sq tq lle Pqt 8h*and, h?vsdonejus rh:t, blgrrhs

th@s|r{o(eJdPokltbllyh4elnysPdrLsli|| lnduiidlis{l'{dee6L*e1yb|ive|oqo4gh sF,hAlllherul!shlh@vgcob|hni3]cum ?pply aLF b fl orc shrmn li :ddr[d, thc lirs



cobri ,hanos s?h sne or 6n pw{ tsomlonhip

6 6 | t r b t | h d . ' h n k d - e ' F N ' |e ' ' H n

sraE An - srt skt e r aLmstl]l be @namsde h rthh& krh wi'h &'k@lld' ^s

wdi lt Ptw n o(

wirh r coblin phF &od.i

hbr q be b!s!d h d qi (d r h4r @d) * jln rbod :iythh& chlhlr h d! sfu

dry q

dft6 to b. rdid i liirom, afods

of flil,




rrerk aEofro b bIourddwdrhs our h rf! wiLds,


GE06wh@thryblnyumdft]nywh@vg th.y r in lpaio, ilnllis. Tolls nely o@d* hniry 3@!ps rr i5 o,ny h tu rmiF of yir (q dE $r rhe wirl wdt sdFs oI pr,er rikBridaeod) iod 63hr ldhq nr4 se briar 4d ybror fta, le r r r d ' l yPNe s:deFrcol edngmsdl t *o5ts@dEnPrcloundi4ijity'


m$ of a8s$!or

dolrcc rtupidit

blhwj|df,bullh'lillEryDt|y&advol@E d16*b&d*thqwoql. ]bs nhc k J dx @ q

It the Hqo$ hive b{ pl4ft3 theArvd..d Fi8htrs


sholldbeb@Pd:ed ib ,ry d$a s:ma tr yd yor cd y@ Ed to:dod4 b rhadvhtut you

ThBbookio4ri!.dfulouP4| L Nw @c nnls for @rdoq 4rrcifuh, h p& re w sFdit stdtklnd s,en56r scM: toh5


l Dd3dBedff i h s r d l q f u e t h l h ni]d dr d Ar4h od b!yd4 yhh\ft jn hitk

''E4aesuFnthcrul6end3utdeln$'tr'h9 r!tus 6 rhhish{ Fik ro rhedq'|! of tu 0163 rn hedb r& c.t tNbro rhourhod 4. Fin l, rhrc! rr* oE ydE,tr b.n wjriu {o!., rh+t rasrh !dv4@ whidr@nduds r& sraa oIsrswfu.h|}5rodrcBh,ldE}dvecd rishri4 !tury !ai6 or book , &rE oF

ofraowkaafu6gadlywh*;8onab b ;drh rh. driar qdkn4r of blds i p*L @ r if yd did r.poffrYou ftdr try ato pEIr
Eld16noBonluigod{toqaddtuGsth* yry om Lnodlsdseb Jd se rcr bphd b ?ppLv

sabrq bd nqdr o@ i prsred rew rutd wh.h


Eady6 so?tusfu Le srddhu? &

sklr, rrcrrsde Frenrt !!,rdld b !u.h d *bnr

eil ri.r r4bl i trL !@E FdtuDoe: T@ndd hscl p o h 'i 6 .fono63i erei @ s hts ' :nd the se or i vq r&F vopd (ty!iq[y i dub, e&dc d sF4). rtun5 @ od q(,Md 6! favbr r bd rowl(G hlmiq 4 r Ptutt, mt L4 din! i; uaDilebh ro ftn udss dri bdkreurd see$any

tuods rhsy du 5tupLd 'ire 8d +@rr ;d droidr ,ut + h4i wih sdh4 donr{4tuEw.qDwkrd

/lrr8ht b fld'4 r4c iid 5h,ry n4 d ldr od] 4ntr

4d Nsry.ntuad s thnFrEs brotrsh

PolEfulbyilsl!||oE6[uflalyhat,csbo'ny $a m -so ftfu Hi | l Trc l haG l rc w i topo t r $

o n ] o s -d t h 4 d o Ud Mh d ? n d } o K h l d

Dqbaof:io4dedfqelre$cPotBh.rgnd Toncudfodr&nerdnbgsryL'{hdt roe bd nay ho 5p{iar asanmd ft .dtd vs hFnda!@rP|db{doBg'hegrcqdDu3fi ir nsr be sid rhlr sy krcG wholdied up wnh a rrcn {o!ld Fobabryb 6rd( for bubr 4ear. A'e Dm t iodlb v q ' t r h t h e q e P d @o fg il

,E&r&d a rrdr Hao dtr jnd


b !

@on beba Nodil! h rh. o,ltr or n d!6tur' pd d'd* i,i e.o- e ;,, 6"hb " ".[ " <l oi of dld a trrrbud rhinxr!6 @qee rdvddo|ytofrshll' whd hrh! b d?ode dr@ft d rke 'h! 'h;tu6 h n d f u E e r c t @ b *fu fu Ao Jso fd e d d r y

ful.p&yi4 Tb|h @ ns4 idru

ard, abry


advsed Fshtds fdrsv

i]]! l]re 6,{



har b $r q lrr rhetuxG d ftubs

od Pu$

thwh4.hH!rcaLos366hr*k6tdeHqot b6re*d ii p:y4 iL!^ "E rfudd rheb*rle h tulL w. ar!

@ea(dk 5h@ld bc coutd i@di4 to rhenu&. or (rhs ! HiI cnd qou lout tr two nol tu nd hchde rhc usal Ebbk or torrowsr h lupi m 6ry i lleihs rcr b? 6dr4 q rhq

b b l . e ie -

diide rhk br'l by 1@ Grud fr{rios don) rh. rcult is the oubs oI Bdde R(Md5 to b! 6ughr Each &ttk Rd,id L 6qnt ju* lre
lJEdutqpds?odFe*:PrcP!lal,|.t+itja[ we ju* sid d**


^"!& (or sldal skll sdre no@l $trr sF, ir thr sp{ilr siill h rct ts$$ed) hch hldfr rclk two die, rdds

of die rcrk, a Ies d,& joa lre rho* ih. Hdft! ^5 TdJ i s s P {i s l s l i |lo f a d le n y , s c o lu a n d 4 T o
h Ycry {didd Pddoi

ruhs 4dE

rtu bittk b i *d$

ouhqmbad by ereny lbut* les rbn ! n

G 3 jNide .6!e)

'hi hs dobs to [r A r !t$ if re ty P i cdH 'y ac hoP hf eh m h{ e ft to nm y so jd eit T,M f qurce oI ! Od* 8*tle ruis 4 6bw!

5 i d 4 ctr h tr ]i 3 l m n q ,B*fu n d o d < |i cth e


isLri (if rhe lafts n $e 6{. LL !dd3 re*

fli! 6Er srLle Rono4{d fdloe4 ewry rhtd I!*her ^fb. @ud rhsefts (it atuqDuids 4, t, r !
dd!d) der y H qoPr ef^tns ']13h1!H got

dE oppored sholu e ,oibr h nEogs 6r rdaLLy


Iohi theide th* 'on thenaiodty h:y idd + 1 b

rhr* powstul$reE

iB hid ju* bq rilLd h oe

auck B*rreRlrs wok h F{6!e ntrd!wo'odonrhrc{rPhh5beloEWirP+oig sbos fJud4 & avarry, &d { @mdded bv IouHrc6ftenrcs{9|edbycdhi.wo]Is6cd|

b bc 16 redby rhvilr@ll Ki8 Nl@, w hoh.s D & fl LTd 6 S P * ia ls k n ' b u t h ! ' i

6 6 ti ftr *w 4 $ ( 6 fu l b d ' d r u r e d b ' b 4 r y |o s' !Ath *d o fr h r cu d .tb e d so w cood u73 no. Evil,arq ouber * foLLo's, rns He64 all @w ftp qp (or lhn Hrct conh*r br b6r lXc rrcrl Khs hor& bockhis b*t 'nioE bv lnd s be d{*red nav b vdr4 ,hs rhe Hd4 a[ rou ihidr ruos th* orc src6 bf* rk! @Dd4h 4dv (thry id fte lst B:trh RoMdr' hr* i + 1 rudiJiq for ;;hs

bsdhq ind dirde by 1@ b ryqk @r rl! ioer Nos rh* 3 Datrle Rou!,1,$dl b6ught

!"ft4ui l | y | rc oP l h . \ i4 r d g 5 h f lL B H* gohbhQclkTlrg*enot4oqh@dryPleet brak gi di J fddc a n d lf u E e e o o m o d i6 f u lh e MoJitus { s before,pl!! !o qti ;di6* L-. ho bko + I lor vimiB l& &th

hto :@uu

Num nst nodlr lor aichF pE*nl

tu bvrB i

rture bsins ju{ {oqh Nst inong ht shioru. N ufrrc | k ,i dr,P lu s s K t r r lc r m s ' Nd if y b y

hcrc|Ld?nd4w i l hsi r5rrri Jeftstql hof 4 - depre hdry ldsd h rh l6t *h.k tu lide

Atth !{ d o Ith e F o d r cu d .th e EYl |a r y|sa 1 ' utnudilvrclk r6 d${stloF{5 x,a:n{;Ihe


rhq hre kosds Dhr !tupLd ;d dnrih4 ud op{iilv rd 4 bFy ! 'l -oNrhus

dclshrm &NLs rhev

r,rir *rr <da torMmors a rrcr nFr 'hck tu* 54tu, shu4h iid rk se oI i vry r{se w4@ (rypianyi dub, kf
sdlilibl 6 th4, qihs rhcl bldrc6d {dfrclt .@sqrenily @ut * L:lgr ! s 'hn rclh3 ror

hrye ud !$v

uDd 6

&.k ed A rren H.@ wirr ?rmo* edidy b a nenbs or a oBmned loc lre drPqt Bhcrsid rou c6d s{h ! chatrd ryill be *dd* vrh rh Ioc bd nay be oo sFdrr*sisrnsr 1i @dd s{ l,e PEt of i *rtl P]in b odd8g rhHqcs, lllud r ndr k eid rh* ary H{6 wro joiEd up dth ? |oI toubh inyw:y) TrclL be I!4 'ou|d Prcb3bLy @iBa[i{en{cLyb'hdlosnfani|y' nr?l'i4i rLr. rrc|rl :r tuo. vidou dd. ?bowe

; r,shrs rherlsf" bre D{r h u,n m@r,e Nr , *n b.d d qF*"6 o" ;.*l"A ^. -d

NomJb ri the louFe or


& ture !hio\ tollow to &ddc ihe @tdne or rhde

Fishis r4*y ^dva.d

ruld rh 6Ft, le ad

Md! batd6 Eql@ tu sl*r {dr }ho L\or roqhl uLtr th? Oud 8*tle tule bd d (rrs. trq ft !!d rfl{dinB e! ft nn* al$ ra! rure ddhb* 4 h4d* !hE\ brroq b 6d' shP b&'4 s n!!o4Li 4es y o! [ | Hlh } q Ha @ i8 t r b

ren of mlFFr $d &v ;.i n rhr bek ot { oLd a[ rh lared oo rhir. You vil ils mcd a hPe
Pe44ous i hs ]c ol !ffi F dj l l h{l dP( 1604U d'| * toq14,l i l l qoa!oby :

6ft tqdh6, [E 8eloft th! rwo lds roJ d.@ uhn3ud P a g f r ilf NJ d e 5 " d .4 E 4P@dlis wdrs befoE it *Hrt

rd & a


4dudul 0B ud drr o@B dtusrs q !gs.d th:'rEnultiPl*ofli'lns'ellEhw{eg!*ya





lrd rh" ll hrn b.

to nd rhe hvrdlc. o! !(M4 ib' :ll &Fde q

dE olrq hdd (r 4 oI E Plit d & DiEft/r

udd the lwq or dr*s ad b! {uFd orhr ou6id!thedlysesbylh.lihcdaubEk|^fii6

dts b hubs rdod ;h' * 6. *"n'rq -"d does iia d&n6 to d l;"s.c tsonb",idrubr

'dhiB ri tu16 r!m, fts n d! phylclnv PF4


b ,h.*







hhc rh! @ni!i L b hrl Plle cl@, hbL of al jurL F lry @r dy seftry Fq * *{@E @ ts p,rgofol db o o lr P b b q L b M &

qt b thdmse oI 2n tuhh. rtu !^rru sru of a

q( ;a or ill of rlln lnd {Lvideth. Eslt bv ti. h : 6r nubq or ioldff pEnt. rr :lr {E llfu6 the $ne Gq.h 4 a dt of 06 sa, voo !d r arL lqe ru" uf, rhe ddd:d !@a sjvm ii o,I o, r,a

Mst nded (Fer

chodd okerbro,

Otu uovr *oc ot othd ftabrc5 iot r*rd d 6 si |yb fd &m i d b yth .D n Kd sb g 6 e r b v. r qiit oasddcF or the sor bPs hr! thet lhdEd $^xo^ $de Gs sivo h olr .14' ar 6 qnPb) diide by 4 ind mldply by rh! n@bd ot hoP5 il{sor nes q e led, l.l rIPle bv r hi noE

hftr ftahcs whid,4:61 b 6k otr noE s:i h"*: 6-"-reb4 *;@@*dd'tue. "* rh. d;;pdois h o/ o/ l}d e' 6! mc aadL Yo u 3 h o u |d r l tt@!d th e w q @q *d b yth e


ur ; nrde i|t rcaE of th?n xo6. sdLdv, if 'he r^!'u^ {ilr be $c krccr thdr #ru !D rclst oI q!r!r n^M'{a d aI lr. iie6F or sry*, fruN ^.oE bA dhg s d d v d c b r | f u e m f d

'hl :| | ol oftr unl dF nt]P.bJ | h!h@ P'n!ont

.|-, i j$ be E@rded 6h!Elud,dPN|jkLdeec|aws

Ftu; wohns @' aruse rq

Ere orr dv rrrr.

Idtfuy ruY c h@ ie k s , b d . r c u d s jB P l'

one a[ u!! ub hlve bene@:r.4 n i fr br tk t@ps to bl plned on th. fi.ld or b*de Uolly dE Iroh, onc dd oav mtd d r oal, q both sii* nay blPlaadidlnorc'}orhidy6ffi6fu6d ouP q'hds i of[i g T h e P h y E l& it b b d

hhrd4 i a Ek 4d b ei *ov! oe ! 4 diEri; th?y d@s l]re @t EIh thc htui Mrng

rho rtu rel righsr d *trI xdc,rfl mow frRr,

so tr e yu d t} .l i d r cl r r e !h to o n b d r yi 6 & My bu' ltq nllEdnbly ad ow h &tu* u@'.lmrNveddqdtFu^d'

udes theP t a 4d6c Fe tluub!'hed.qhrs:dwdu

(e fr tus on dq@vsorddrns

ad fdtueldr oI !o6q $d ut fry har ffi{, (kns : a dnffi e[6d m i dft ffierurt q fod) wjrr nE or sk Gds5 $iB r bidr t$c oiddr oI A dr {qlt h herva uif5 xovc


- Tle rld

or rhebaft|&ld idt dw:v6

clrm$iq up a h

d[ rle h'lve a dvs nwosr,

rod. t haviu b dqbq wq o okbd., wh.L\q *h - r - .d kcl o n i n d m w fl |r cEd d G

beitug * I rfie .4t 8*de Rdid *@ td, p esb roy Ir nore thdbo 86.0.lob th* rtqtrl i {drk D ttd m Dlc b * id h b ,-r-+.d tu rltE ; nqe tl'n two e&' rho oro rh s@ sltlJ!re h ,nDt eoaonk udqe ad. L dr!!k4 b;r 8!trLs tuunds@tu

nob, otr !61 b 0$ phe oI tte rdd (F e +d d a dt n t wol[r ebg ody tut' sFt' beldd. whid, L wrhb !sq. bE ldr ar sob) haE r ms!

or 2' eidfdB

nvdrs haE a sier oI a ani

T od 4 n iEw h d hqthc s hd5hi t''hefr n g d * hr :d rh tuFr uitr nst b* e qd5ts Po4b

rhe blrl rf one ,idr lds pM* tr flrb sidehrs (i. borhn6r *o iii nd' u D

dan4g a$i* 0r* reuii



(* e DoiB. r,bl b t@{s oa st)) q a lire : sP& t nd clord:hl. rf rhcwero^

m$i rc& d@1 forsd b @s t o{ th! froPs

rh. 6;lr of oy htrdroh4d rishths An arb thr einq*twtha(hdhganliht' ne @nb* r &r@tud ju* r& rcmd ore @{re

Atdl' tlEyaodogFlkr do4j Il hqw h'hc

34tre sreisrh blL E{h sidnr}e5 ju* rhore ren,

nd/y I}nolLs ho! ] d b e r c d i d d i f o c ' d e issr e a tly

& BaHe Seisrh by -: {d

wor*, rhey

hidq !P a or hy a @' loniq do8 d rhd 'ron st@3th by hilllidc thq 5h@ld no,]ify tfrn Gnbit 'hn4lltud,i|th@ghthelrcoFnryndbElroff rfty wirr @m rherudve e r nd ft@ .dmbar, odo@bs ocny !ru(, &r6 y frshrig oqhqbffd by (r]l@t reny urG)

bturhs uDr lolL onLyona for ib B:trh srEqrh Ihthnt hn@ n F e J b r h c F [ ' o f s c h $ F n E {$irhs rrcI6lbml h rhg odF of rhen phye(l) shhrv rrcop! zrc sce Ere tun!m? job b

pop.iy, hrhs rhd jln buyiq rhn $ryrs d owe sr^r'N^ h rhb B*dc nosd nst ch(k t bllins

|ftl 4'nr Rhis h r t h o t h . s d 9 u r G i[L | f * b & d r h dtn r y dfod i6Lrbur r emd *bcl (i.e, r aiior @F d:misc if * wbs rhe &ne srEBrh rcD. h the MoElech(rPha*oftfuBt3*tleRdd,thcut nwfl*t p6rf rhc r6t hn, rhelEr k.P3 qnt
rrc$ nolited d (r!s whd !o *rek (tht

ufubht os ef r s l f t o t r b d w i l h e P o d lyd ]to


Arrd{ rrt w*uE hav

0 ! L B q d ' h r c l sh T h !

rhe, iru hr5sotu typ.rnr by hi,4

i h4s lir

rr ry oI
dE l e h g sl h :s j bP l y c hqdP ]Gs 6& fld

'h. ij r a reaP@

wirry iE tuh'rq ui hft6. 6er ,Pk

rm' knhq ri:i 3 ?on

ne lboF ruk5 @"q jr lhe rdE

d ighrig


3 @ w' | ! wo o d 4 b ifu d cn d a n h q o *' o d s i@ ! q n s t E d u a f t ilh a cb ya Pa :|tyo f

Hqo frth r sr^M'N^r.iih eodd nowh{c oJy

ftctE5@l|h3lE rh e d i ( } ! 6 r c l l l @g [q h a E n d 'fl i h d b bE k t h r e u g h t h c .o w d l d U l I6 'V d o 6 |y!6oI{wqbtrlhc{o[od|3chitrk!!&'


I a f u v b * d e n s r b r h e sF |L a d b y5 q g 6 d b o f ijd s ' s P . lk f d s !h b tr h e o l ki d d b odiq lPneGid nded, a d]irurs lho h6 r cushr up h : b4d.) bd dq rod b ElruE a ror of j^ M N^ 6 @ t 6 q d r6 a fi Kr L si ffb d o f

oe or rh. rus hPotu dcrenb b ry

o E ! P . llF s d d e f u ud ,h th e F i EPh tr ' T h {G!ofdBgeld@ddi8,w:F,m:'G'fu1

turhwo& ad w!l! Jo iot ieJ ro be brcra nr@3h rft&a4 rhdelndiq dr ry *hcl uss bdh rissih tu rri trb:t wrh b.tus or +:*h l ol *df uhlPdt b y d ? t r i d i B q i t h E d ud q d6!oy?d, bothuiib tla do* fd .mb:t

ol1 as:iB tE rc1s

^ret (tht sualLy bl rh@r frrh so@d k bsbd 3hodd dE fiiBhsr rrsic ,bn sd) rhe dr oay rcr
1 ro rhc 8r1u,N^ @* oI I ep.ll Ior q 4 ns ^dd h a dr Grud 6?iu@ e) 1tu, dir He, on rc

spd'l slill ff ruE

e(.!@rculdr}tdcthdsrrMx^sa'y: FbhrFr@ftga4"dt{dL

Fh bhF qd6nb t h e | o s s s u b l r e d b y' h a '

fufteEsFll!'@d$edfqcehbrtrh@idr dom o$e sPdt P84Er by ihc H.!G oay ire b n r d iG e d F llu t t hq @b l Eg d h b *tl i { tl P


o: r6G sP.n ci

be c*

* roy oft qit

sri# tz),rri$pdl a[@sthstds.t unt, w|].[ nut

R@!dr (h! DuEb! rcrk. h s{rc0

./fr 1:):rtuspdr'd6Lm yoi.ndi3uii'ia.d l6sofhowitfai|ed&Mqllch&lolLj!4e3o

weh, ot 6y !4le oeny uit drhh a q oI dE @rs @ b afiLded bv tlr5 fdL whtL osd r b r@di (vd$), T1i5 sp.ll sinply dcrrcy, &y @c

crndr, (!): ri! rycrrqrr! od tu reLrs of : &t /, $gll sivin3b<k up to I krrE sr r poid (vryurfur if ? ur [2sh?o 6t be rh. sp.I rfrd]. ..o G) rhis perr,@ge 2 !4 aus rhb&rk Roud rI rc rcnn *roced rhsrclnd,rb! Fa o, uiB thnsdl i Frsq @ c* amsiar

editu O//rI UshsrhGsPdl rhead( @ cdk ro rh. $AxrN^ prcd brsd [ fthoushqtR

1n@ sbu l,| rin spdr set6 a do@ d red


Ndsth*sodPaoj9uFoy 06{!e6@ J

qn ba* * a Fii ryithh 3 m. It He, G) Tln spll

sperl3 thry nav h'E {ditiis L\en own s^xJx^ b pdodb! uh !pe[ oay bc ad likly 6 b a hth cE rhv hiY. nd Gi odhr spdL rd36t d bd !

M@r dE:k rclr (i., rry nay mo fd i6t sqch r

si.g6rg:in$odl4tdis:idothgroffidtid' aIIter u|ssjvqibor e!Pl ,bul thg@ $ne

h vn b tuh r4c PeLr ly

oubr oIhalkFou!] dr c t6'w htc h'!tr I'h

whq'h{eln!l4ighthgotllilgh',s,q tuen -r lnd 1!3dd d! dradvar+d lidrs


of &PPle Po$sd

by th! 664.d


hi5nedqsurtndccdslDlrdbrdhd0tdbythl Dlctd:edhgbthsnqd5of'tEadv{'@Pld I E osl Ei o Gl y!| D dl B k D ay b!rh4the Hgch .Ye b q n a P tudb'dB b$ders | h 9 dl ncd b 6ep, r&n frid a *ay ro nLe r nw

.o4fqd,D - rh deln6 p@yidd t a dty wal d fo{itud sar ,ot 4 nu.h rh !'tr way s coEf

ddd howthilr 6ndth.rerore howskois)afr)difto

kBdon ,trhod r nds, r rod fil of EtueEs but drhod .oo4 o! a b,trhturd d r w@red .ity dre'n !]thrbaidaiedPrcFnyddW!]d.bglodg'Ax |dn&o Ii d E[ !hd| dl o| | o!:n* s b:trhjt h e h,r! a doH Prd L,;6 b er hb er4d! Hs;5


q tu

boundw@d Fr rt

oi]ysi+r@igoefuhrustadkai]lbelbl to bEad, the ld rhEerodnqtbis ]j34 toops oi ior beshis oorsh b b*6 down! thekowi 'nl

rbm of . dh,bdd8s a norr dirLa. sp*.d lhks q !tsdl lafr5 on a {r ryill ced to b. deddeA by

$p6 oI n8


bur the so @nhddt type

p< lntrl 4giie i6dt:nd rs dew Gt rod 4 rrcoP3

iPPedw*h ! shas Mr

q ,be dPsd ruured

nislo !6poN w[ hr rfr op@b! o' $!h a rcoad I4 orry m a dolbl}6 srlre @y 5md] r|Ioqh oI e Pdn6. wl4 i bdhds rd ld6 a ryirL 15

rh b!fttus ldt D*tle s63th {d it shdld be rhlodfrGdon h rhc urul sed fd !or!* 4!i*

sed ro ddemtu ju* wh* rtui elkb s. w. ll& , ' a De { o d 4 o tr b Po Ia w l l l n a vd r e P h*ryqkqbw6gPikhon6!ftid6gihEd { r! bi* ri! lhouLde trEhd jd k n-iL fria tson @v{ Gs ddrhd $w) qed 6n, of @uBq

pbaF,jut ll oy dhs nnsib lepof Mo a @r n Ls.h.d (d rh. !ows, i6 @mddq *ourd nok hkndd p*h oI rhe nrsie *hg $E3h' 'h deof@ntfihgllke:ru|cqaPl{eoI363'k "e 16! r|i h is;th .d c h@ trdc l Ll dby $c @ |ib

wh.n rhe wk bnd! (whcEwr r radsD ji win cu*

u*fu]wh{diE&drgrhia.ityNe]|,whefldo6 b lllow rbe us oI dhq bp6 'LMs hgt oo F6 $ q n o d thew arr+di l rftuc !@s . lr rhe Dkdtd



lish[is !:ihsr rdwnbr vhidr dos , tu*ra o@ &?; one rhd ! @n. ^dvacd r[! 6m( Pled,dEH@smywbhho'ha:dwdu6o3 in rhe wLldr:r;s of Arricb Tie Dirdd ryirrned b

we wir tun thdsh ed, of rh* !63i i o sod

thn cy6 'i sIi th n.| :P k !,w ew i l @ thrc h rhe Ptc.d@ ro doi jut thit, tho si. rme

h. eqFly hptut

@ trry c!6btr


r n

te iB6 b e stb .Io E'ou*d& 'Fi al '{dh

vdal|rroqclhg:i'olhqsodolAFFadlolue w h*|q lb e sr h iduns eonqadty A x thj o\q6 n fte bati@, dd the spdal .dditids w hl.h 4 PiysPl dfi .arry 6th* l d6nW h g f lq

)u* whir ; it rhlt frll dq yru uv4


nqchd4n 3y nry, vou Hrcs lhould6aE b.d

o e E n I ld wn h E s - q*|$ tyo cPl i yg sw l l l !NN!n$nhdsothgysinh&cone4rc$vd@l

'fu@g h }@r j s dP l oLardw i htb ] t o f |u*sh l| Iq h h F.ds th e.i d.n6do4i dd4,

6* hdP tr le?ded :gaiir r onP44 4oroe q q s, tuPlr dviq srh PLc lof a 'Iitur

H@s iE llwiys b se* Yillis6 or bdditr rrn*! d.n d for !idd4 !m!I q a nv44 n@dq

hyrerdobselooriBrorrmtJesdb defeaEd pLnfy noe rhrcqn oGbr6kd Lnds,:id &r,r {hrn6 I@ Err6s rhqe 5de *aocft wri wi,l 573)ad Br..k,* (p@ rqt q inply !m on

hD d6 P| d b y'ul B i hhgob6FdH eo6' dddE| o .a h o its onJ oMbMhbthgd P t h ! o|lh r M d b r e Hi | k .Imy s qnddrft,b* l

which b sr ft AllGh

is i he pLre, pckd with

hrE Mt

of ydr b44rIMd

lnd desiptbtr jEdy

adwerurc bla plac h th srcqropFd ndiiriB, qadd lh sfiFd t & ms w ,mP '"$c h.Et o t th, hqred $*lEo !ql$, q {s * rhe bd6n of

Altematively,thereareplenty of oppoitunitiesfor new In a time when there are no real policemen, adventures. Heroesare always in great demandfor ridding small villages of bandits, tyrants or a ravaging monster. to be curesfor illnesses Therearepeopleto be rescued, and and plots to be exposed conspiracies foun4 secret arelookingfor armedescorts Many merchants defeated. lands,and there are plenty more th'roughOrc-infested for relieving those same with wild schemes chancers Orcs of their hard-won treasurehoards.If you need in Dungeoneer more plot ideas,look at the suggestions (page (pageZyB) andBlacksand! zot), or simply tum on watch a 6lrn or reada book. Adapt your the television, favourite plot by tuming its hero into your Heroes, the Bad Guys into an Orc tribe led by an evil sorceret and the location from downtown LA to the depths of the Moonstone Hills - it mav sound daft, but it worksl TheArea Once you haveyour story, you will needa locationin which to set it. Allansiais a large place,packedwith aroundevery corner.The easiadventure opportunities an areais to set your story in the est way to choose You will then samelocationas a favouritegamebook. already and descriptions havemost of your background therein front of you. If you want to venturesomewhat further,however,you will needmore notes.Will your adventuretake placein the snowy-toppedmountains, at the heart of or amid the stagnantwestem swamps, the tangledsouthemjungles,or even at the bottom of runs the ocean? Chapter g, 'AllansianEnvironments',
aoa ao5


!l rhc d,r'd

r?6 of


foud i
|iYe]h@ew''h*couLd&rstofo[.gaElghift !6n q r sahnor dEp b rhe w@dsor hth h rhe bill1 Lflre adv$rurc ruy 6. rouid i I tohny de*ftd q ] o [ a d v m t u E F &e fd n o e h h r e "e d b w h a r o f r h v lio u t y F ofi h l b tr cd |@!o sL 6 u d

j\ , I . - bhdu d i h i | k , d i f E , { l m s *' Pa r ' i}-hdldhgdPrzfu'sowfrdd!4d3lidF ryins sudm Psidt th* n[ n.o jwl od s@np - bdqdls nnshhid elr tuk, bosr tus,

rba[r om vq hd (hos{ v@ l@6o(s), you rhourd rb{ rdd aLL rfe iriiidGr ddrrs i*a$ry to r c u n d q t F [ d . s d Pr b N ' ^ ' 6 !l yN ' i n o ' n y


* runhe :dErrurc, $' h rhc ,@

.qt 6Pts. tuad rwqd the. bmh ryPs h 'h d.hoNe'Pdfudctsqth,d6|edd.iiP'bc (od the od*r tuo codhdt 3ivn h ol ^llirob


]@r advdr@


Pliygsnaylhdthero,|v*LGtmortts.qudt|ythd b rhey6d rhry should(b dhq wodi rhr i4culds l{g.r:6h h:P 'o aE G* rht Np wr prcpircd Ior rhe adwnru b &*qEs * yo! ied,l4 |!LLt w@d', livq it t6. ieds oI hL adv4lu! ]



@P5iD4@'4dd3lr.[9l','butl!trnb{thn sr b a !rit6 a 3[ virrasc nrr be .qirodsd c ilv - B e w? r y o I l d d n cw !ft' b 1 6 .n :P. o!

i hn qio,rj. h 6 sdh@


g rn

Prns of

co th g e .o ddbgroi gbl yore'l snal en(


v.l J@AFu h]ow ,av rrLFc i s @ | h r " * d o f i6u''itfitsdfo:lu6bvlayofshoFdsF&|

gdi i *aw, nud q w@d how]i 15 i]nablu('

^ tyPi!]l j l l 4eh* b4w 6& !d?efuLd g l

hi firely ro bestqibr.los h r fr.d Gd or rE& Ee Bli.cii,lr to! @r dcbir or ims od

dhq physicLr*uE Guch6 i bnd3q fod r niq

d@c) b 3r wh* Fn LGt lor derLbaatry

ha* 61 oiwldr) aLre!*ivrrr oI @ue, you (qrd sl'aF roll oE die ld the lom oi the hbLeblLow. $ 4 ! o ' r d lh k h d e i' yw @L d b .Io El d PPe d *


ba sw r|| 'dl j .di fi edml qhou* lu 'sm n sd eqfoni i qti | rs {P l s i fl fu do +u n d c d

lrh e es,frdaL,h

r rhr runo

coid bc

l t e |4 g a a s t li th e g re *g th n @b g o flEoF

shD4 d 8/4.rgf,r (P,39' onwird'


Rorla3!h on rhend kbr. bd tno@ {y

idrrEd $ ow4rcw! dd dhr4 dkndidy, r nay be bumrour, loodd rssred h lhoriq w3d:6o( 3tupe of rhr@l sholrdbs dddrcd by wdshipp.d qidq ib rcof 1fo i'JomrDn o rhe {omrhcknPlsolvd45ddtl6ta|t'g,J,.Jsi'JJ

lme rhd of!

rBrc@d ,tre turl

Io r r h e n u bqdtdci fyo!ear6,rcL| rsu lnd ad,r rhe D@b! (y@ nay do rhi svsil rin6) Nde th* thedGic.dld be: liPL cfr $ u4aP *oadcP l nrhok'hl 6


tue my *in br blq {o*.d (rypbny

q n4 hiE bo ibdd@en |o3

by DHd,



a wn d rhe *odird

ro@s o. dweln&

b n d q d o id ld d l yr fu *sh @l d b q q te d b y .dwofu'bu'hge!


d<LdryrDr a bd4e is md ot nmpb @noe diai r =Bi.( r=Enrh r=N:6cr;1:RoPq 5=sbfr:


h $e lh4rer thL

.ar ^ 'Le

?dd6 rhehdriduriry o1:n vohE. fte Fnq5 b$r fftLnoa {yin*' 68' dlJ Dsidr rh! r.q lad4 dowo ro



g n Pl e Io F* gl i debths adc ofl hby { r o ,

onry qry rhehbl6 ror rheE!@B rocii bpF 'ArLitrh bvnomokJ

oiutlldwdu$]ioltdoqI@tbBwq|l!* lbrcyjido6hryothqPL:e'!h4nqhinsty

s@s, which 3r ehyed d@rdios b {|!r

ddde 6 do.a suaL rheDiqrq dsisNrhc sbo* +isrq d6 @aL rhn b rh! pr4;, pr4iq lrr

d* ilrcs

of16.KBofthlDitk bEor s by $ds EY{

v*dr ths Here6 rrudsrB m rod ,hrcud 4drs, kroft'E of sBreod o ,id4 6l days$rush riils -hc i| r h's t n t L l i , d ' h o d o ' ! + { l6 csq e


bkr piic! du@sa jouner h* aFh w! Eord ap.d bou oI rM jouie, n$s thd fono{iis rhHrc+
sFdJkhiar dsfolthEIi @ s tdG]i ty P6w {| b

,hth ; diidd !P hb h@6 bf !@Fd, rhu'

.oeed norc nrLyf rhec* o\aph lne lolLowiB

d.ys dp{rid}

rhn wiLlFry 3@iv asqdhs b


tfu En i'wgl l beooP ofui ty fqav i id y o l sd Psusbn i ,!4.o,er (Fse rot onmd)
$d d $|ooru4 miy be f,PPgd i qhru*ire



dd@ybeon|yob ]i qk | y uefu| bths H er 6'T h

r\dry pded nrF of i nsliinr

ror rEmprq win

ibry id +ow nulh orf{{d d*:i! rho* of r nhot{ lnd behs p(rued rtuoqn uJuirbr @Fhy @ irl rh* srouod rhn. rh Hso$ (dd rheu pbv.6 Etualy) { lrowd ro s& rhe t{sesite ;4 or A dwn arrr' bd noE dbircdn:6 shoqld 'sn bs!,r2bb ody rtun 5d{rd pr&6 or prc;re a,r

nomdt rf tfi. woFt en4 b th. woat, sinpt bt 4ry d iall rhd fid' ?ii dcr ? bBe Lldbs

fte dsr srds :i *t: afr lodd iunb{ hft im, 4o nabq {qhrl fr$ ediq, ry my

dsq,rds Howe@ re rh@sh {o!rd beiQ b |!ve ! ns Gpi ribl (onwhidr! lpdL! k rcrrs r hs or shefunbl4 vith i do!bl*, Enobsn ,hch i3
sFliaLly|olu*!dtd@!'tu46m'ftibb|ed bgrltqdgdfrthrhEg|aIooPjTabhIron&i 3M.f b qtPliE, rDu* dd htudb rh. Hd&s ii

rlE c6rr diok dE ndE+ rE (q @rhs vq

brrtu:turc) *d wd t 6ne dom.

$B.oquny'bqtof@erh.nhddshrgoe. Tne ckr sddsny bs rhe Fws of 3ovi|y,

5 Fr4h nE a*d L rc! r vsr srlt bewitddJ sPl]addhbaf,J|Pibof5m*ln3{hl day(rh" winsdosry afl4r sperlad4 abiidsr.

A iadred connon rrcLL1s!( q sAx,N^ e cub, 1 Atra.k) htr hn mrdilzed ren 6 rh As uur, tr. or rf.* (6* ruy le lifr.d 6y r Qry


wry spdir .frdbr. a quar b frndsuh d E{n

@undrud b $ltknn6, spGllv.ids (b* rcr idudis Pon d?.ksd ) rd lloa8 i lew or the najor th* the iqo$ will w t to &* rhn*lvs bdwen dd sjn Prebablyb ?blg6 st h.h *odo' 'h{ rhrre h th wot or d4s. Tr efty ol o rter u ch i re th sfi oMtl l t!utrB how fl l c 4 d I c

!o u th e + Plo Ptrbsfehl skl kqsF]l 'b

|y?g d la6]i

]i which the Hgo$ @ tavd h lorl


n r|} v&m.r


r4s'h dhmf


Pdty *r orl q be obbhed q rhe war rbud trlldLor a66elly l}Ye .h^t d trru b 8*er $hs P P le' o f ' o o c f t d N o d d E tth H.


(od bryond,rhrcqhdr ill rhenoy Llnds of r6,n iushs 6 rh boftomr rh. oem ^4v4tu@ tuy

fu lh h d .Gm h | y?cl hdrdbl hel uaw ry

qdhe$ith ! B&r@ bbl. @ whrdr yd ai d ;p

6 oMtslJ;hr;rF

rh{! I ? tur s{rb; q


o o d e e t e fu h ty? sd tfi 'o N 'o vg h Por e

tuie. &Pd:rly h {e, dc! to lhe *rhd P&h of d d DEI{ ' wh d h 4A i dahoft|eeer,brd4 dardri8 upon r ladepe .nployiB rudm dia dic, andnndpt rh* nunba by roi iol rsiin b w lflhehled46*'he']jof'h'nuvbr@ehq Ir Gasry, se rhl tucdd 0l* (* t!@@r ro ddd how a o@rr4d P4t ao5 owdt g|yEet'bi*donrhllo'elRqcdonlllgsia

GqblnswhohrEbeisp.cGl|y.ebdl.l jud s.h r prt?of by rhc DiEbL wlilc Fu !r ddd4 rhe fyPeoI crtus r$* {@rd b! d h, rhdd or *h bdrin tpe t rd j!+ tht pu,pc.i !@IdiEbdEtedtyPe 'oll

:es, b rrr ,rd c,b

sbpplsoI thl Pl2hor &ona


ri rheio{hwer,4

w. h:vc !a/, rhac wirrbc rhe

|rd rhen* Au <ruG & fron od oI A' '}t [ s u, bdo I l ( M e y q e w s l c @ b id d r cw 'k rtahe .idE Fd yom favoflE sarebook@ oa

dNhTre||'@thP$odb{orethewid]dId Plah5oddmtheFhtlmdrhwe@'thehidsPe

races of people must have settled these lands, for the wildemess is dotted with the ruins of their towers and temples. Nowadays, the plains are home to savage tribes and rampaging creatures.Further south, the immense Plain of Bronze ranges from barren steppe to warmer bushland.As it becomesthe dinosaur-roamed Plain of Bones, the landscape turns into flat veldt, warm grass-covered scrubland with plentiful waterholes. To the west, the Snakelands are similar,but they are home to the evil snake people, the Caarth. At the westemmost point of Allansia, the ancient kingdom of Arantis sits in a massive flood plain, formed by the annual deluge of the wide, slow-moving River Eltus; the people here have long known that the prosperity and health of their land is inextricably linked to this yearly event, and they worship the river as if it were a sacreddeity.

r" .


Hazards Most of the hazards of travel through the flatlands come, not from the landscape,but from its denizens! In north-west Allansia, the Pagan Plains are home to tribes of proud and noble Centaurs,while the Flatlands are the territory of a number of warring tribes of horse nomads, from a variety of races.The further south one travels, the more warlike and hostile such people -of become, though none can match the Caarth [n" Snakelands for inhuman savagery. One of the main difficulties of any joumey acrossthe flatlands will be crossing rivers. In the settled areas there are likely to be bridges or, if the land is very flat,



q{ialvhthesFii&whd lh re | tL gs o'hj ghi i l funou'us 6 [ 6 F o e o fd o b f,oo.l l ndw i | | eurtnek rc $ n o n d o f


I F < n J l' r g , o L o b hi8hq8'dnd'hgwglhaenrnq5i{@6fuls Ior Ia* iod,id6t 6epod. rEdDs almns a n & b 6 ' f u @ 3 } q |d d 5 m 4 u F AI' d d 4 g whjdr

dh4 shoddb selrdpLn&+ atl th. lldl'nd oa All4hcmsu],lethchadiBTlaiLJ]d.qaPr

h s t r | d e e ' lh He c3 m yb ? |q .ky4 o q h 6

rcfth bhh ipprcpn* b ih* 6in $pe. Nor &* 'Roush,?hh dd ar|a' * sinply dirGErt lad *Lf .lProabd nu6 ror dwe ryFs of 0i[od

d hvsrLft i 6!r bd thry

x bs vq


i acvd Ior c{ds or sdut9, r@noni6 (nFlhoG wil oftln p4 ror af med rcd) sd j6i fq rhe $r.

d @ n d n q r u h 'l sh o !]d b .sfP|cN q h b


D!w!' ? ' tu Jr o nqei si hdgrhsrGdThs

M@srone Hiq !r .6 d lide f*ted Alioih f@m rei4hrs.Proe 6 nRoge n6b ;d bdd;d bv

d n n b b s s | d | k o d th e 5 h o 3 th d d q q |j l r o fh

*@e dt

bulr on 6 rh, 5id of i dilf ilndt

r [i5h$ prcvhs a najor h{{d 6 dinbE o^ th. h g h g r F a k ' ' h e ! i m yb e sth h a d ' |Eb 4 q &

'h @sh n c bos dbb@ nec l l nblq t h e h lg h d h'bbPe6d|!Lhoddoas,'hPhFfurludlds h66lyhllnEd{ir6'iEf*bl|yhlencgivo Natrow|cd3$adshiaidesaoi|sP@Wid.Ly' +ip ailalludPfckd|ys&i|odrs'buviryi||b{sth l d d d id A, s w 4P i g!P ,d'offl hesid o I a d it lh $@!d' id t!lk, h r!ct, qq +qbew5t onLy very &Ely (@ll L oi tlo diat bu they my e bi*Ed by ! loud ioise q qprosbr *p{hny if q!fuBlr hary @ by I 5iqb mF ed b se Pdy's clirE, tutriowhg dveB ad 'ak'611, q a[


5h@]db9 *|f*P],noo'

As hfoe vjlyl


ind dE @y well ht rEqE ly usd by mrch r

on of rtt tuo bbl6 bdow,Ior

T6 d | i h to thel i E grus tdnry eqd 6 a s@d deil or Gretul p"loMs lod a b @tlay on @d5b6th!)ruhh':idllc.PzdIlhlldo*i

h e ' e d ] lk Df f igo d n { h F 6 r b !;fr D u

D{4@er (p* r7e on'edst but e@ELorrs rcdi b .| { a d b ya fu rc3fuuh'LtsP {furskl rA actur * ch<rdq for 6ntdrcp6 od 3dum3 !pi!6,

'|.fu @frddrh,B dehh| deedi e k r , e d

$FcialLyhFndirheatofrcP6'Thssi@li {ry b h dl. thl I to olloi. die evsr 1o tal rine) nhd6 rh* rhe Hecs +4d dnohbs. o! ! 6,


rirk qr. i boftorrighhiq rinds rc. by ind tuhb6 $neE hro drcPPis{ndhhs or 6riq 'et
Nu ie 6 .lg sjt| A .rretobgfdi dhl hg'*a3 |e!3Es|Rt5h3yodvynnh!oths*
lo @ ! d jt i@ s @i |F b n d h i g h h th te fu El r

*d iesh4

h wDh rhrf nay be jobed b rh



ro r nsrig siow*on



r y 6 w? 6 r G n b . fo d d o i l yb yb o i |i n e l l tso ! Tnlliig:ft$ !d r Lidnap! oi b! IEushr rth


.g 6

dilit rhde L the dzr3q oI iarod6

Gr Mo@rtu,

Nd d Q d | y r c r hcn $ i ve P!d *o ' su d sPo L !I $.[ dls!res bfl$!E Ycryqrc bdrhe6drhi thenF|6qErcnnavbhi3h|yPdldm{5th* nir rh4$Lv4 dd,hnr+ H*fts n4 $adrc

sP{hLrs$I6reedbbehr4byiiProtddlhs ihe @ld,uuiry bv wddry rhid! tu rhed @6 ?nd

dRwnslsds r.ths wree rre tooh naks suh -d

B f u r d E I x t r L lid d sr o s6 yu Pi g h ' o n ' h 4

who trwlljry * hi8n:ped w thesFur shl

@dbbechdr ed @ !c heeh6qJ ei tr !b

h rhnqrhelmd Fn5 oI AILlns rhesEd d{k eskm Arhiji. $F.rrry, G rhe flrr<r ot ftny

:id tore*t rd $en &noF riA wir b? fornd {hd

s w: nPlai*o J t h e g P * t ] : d M : i t i gd o h ' s( q l
rh sqrhm jusls ?E {s
! p { l s ' m d y o ftl ]d & l d l yb th tu !4 h su h

nq. d4so6.


junsh, rhe mdsbn


be qrt63


od bt, Po'hs-rrk ak $ ! 4 0 t h c lo f iilyo l l h e l *b &o o l h e H c@3

Livhs rrosside rhe ftahE5 oI ih, jwle ire nus, o u l i b Eo l g v 46w ho| i v e'y hus B a . | la a E k6ofthcgdhldndr!|ghseebi.redb'lngle $EhF4|stobvbuly!tonEoaurec r1lsdisrhqisthseshoYotuehb*jefq6t q jsshs ne tuni6rd bd llly win diftq Fon on

seFi$FdPPeddd6frFdnonblo4iP6tobiB 6usc"Pet!ks("NJlsdIouiL!:ot!o!

k@o ryp! Gc Mo!tuf

Frzrrod d.J rlo


ju g l wlln d n 4 d o e d 8 !r d e b sl Ew th 4 s t h l* r h * Hg @ 5 r yi |l h a r e b w i |th !!a b 6 r , qry4 ir 6!* cqdpn6r oh rhdr b&kr dnhis ' o ' * s win b e : b l. b q F r h .Io E*F l i ' th o q h th e

oth *'fq std wd| Lc obl fuandai l D{ k a E 5 h rh. dcprhsoI rf. oLd*t d'Ld foredr .yiLspid6

noeelmm'ocrerordEtE6thqshePh{d,dd 6rikg.dPfolthedghi,6P{ldlylf!'rohqol

6dr Lr o /4J? 64 +dbr skLr* esdhr ror! d thh*t tur*s :nd juisrer $o!sh Pdla-,ia
@uldPrcE4uEfu|!sne!i(trsh.@'a4'4, 4o!3h$PPLieb{{a!thePdtyo!$rnh!e|s

rhoush h rh iuqL6 rhe Hsos nav wrrhrw FRr dif6Q]tyklLhsthcdffemebeeifoodPrcvios


bdrea th PLh or Bon6 dd ilE cuLrot shaq ivq5 6oiry frrh dride/ ty wdq llow-nds ^n46 fus{ityofsi]*chajlswryhiNodvsfurhrk Fsk rr n toiEJ rhrcld@' for kls


wle q an{ a r{4htt llq 6 frnd rhqelyd wn{. drc$ dLlh;E b b. rd

!p b

F a

Purrh.L Ict

q ethn r$ i{ rhe e rcr 6

crerlr Ehft th4

rhe dhs n{or hrards in :iy swanp dd spdidLy h siL! ol., wirl bc tu nhbihd Tie ead Mm of [)lsdh4srenP|odshakJlsoodrligrtdbdrys { lh : v . $ ! d d , $ d t hr yw j ||d *4 b b r e pdoreB un6s thq ee a slaviB Fny. o K jln3h cetu4 vill Pok lu* * (lg|dry GE F(Bt ud ,u$rq ,bo!d, od dE wrs frll bc rhjll ryi[, rahs,


ddgh b srtP h rh boqh or a 6e ry be $o.rcdb6onthffi|Y65h{hgth.nbfiypa.i lith r jad or tuo i t6! nofrB! Nd rhat,fr$
deEbr nud!p!'kE4 'Df drowrudHe so mu.l1


ihe Hscs wtl !ffd td

rrd brs oI ddss

thnsnelw@laidrybc@EEdbythldtsh tid;setre!o$ dlwl5{rbn

hna'a@'!nelhqluuPnaybcwtgl4Bd tyPild]yFoPcl|ed!|4siq!PolrdsbalLoy@6 whqgdd;ndPsdble,howq{thywi|lhaEto q F l t M e d gd d cco re sd Iq g 4 E yi B6Iia

Anyoie6[hs fb qu*etrd q oy tsdrurery bossy lillow a lrr ld sri, rcrr,or dcd lsaNr iud6)

brcro rc4 soNd a


ehrh r w4Ld

drcP ri bc s! h;!B io.rylndiftg!]i'LlbredltLimcccbou|d6dd aryd6neddrine:gubyL\@q*sdfdry[vg

Pod +k

i shrd

a oi

dd burB ths sti nd hmddoD 6lD'4 ] $ L y wd g u d lo o d w i ||h d e l o b .o ff4 $ l h g wbFdosf&oPPod$llsbEPlstdl5uP|h5 sl q L l 'h o wari @ n6| i onthec ,* l ' t h ! $ e . rqas6 or ihe dFn, ionh ol irdih6 i ih. srho ro! srorcLln& domh nfurrr haod his l@g hid itth *o (lh d es oftw hec ,i theb* clr o f

h o d sT h o swl thtryhghfun64sP *Grski |

inwiois or di$*

obF& whio\ slinms h rhc hor

The.b{t orsturkn thesohnajordplir ol drsat

sdd$ will nd Ery porerir lxd rd. erd &'ild oMedby'he{fihJlqsod5TIEndngdee' en(e rhcHs6 rr!$q coll @dia, rh4 roll rhrt nubq or dia, [I srnd 6hl L P iwbd oI h@E $ch r ftm &nthuel D|q end i ! psuli{ r(n or
I { o F q . v g l h o n vl Md n & g @6 a cE yn

r wid jd r y g ln v q3 ' r l i 5 @|l @d fte l o r i h e 4.'fulunadii@*]'woftEddsgrwl'hsfuF

t o h 3 l Po yd e i Ji l Mi sN [4 i h d r5 i a wolr iE dE cdll tt sil, ddon Abdvdr4 ryoFhPn$kF.Pl.wl!rEq|o*neba[


sdr s dr 3tdft

chnt srdwon ad

m FLHqsnqdP| {t'ofw ats l $c nd5dd

gf ior 3nd idhs lDads wir pov!



str EvocNk4d|a !* !4dtw l eor dl ood, P2*ofth.dryqtogJdotE

vq, very lqdr (or ddh iJ rhry {e 6 wiye ror !@ ri:n r 6w d.ys. ]-le D*n Elvs do s by hEnngonlyhlhnodBdrd4d@@|ld '!{!e'fuwldDdrudrJol'qIhdPful3!rd'

oyonc rBvd4 dui $^xd^Fh6Pqdiy'4dlrhnqbcaoadby a b@d h,' q hoo4 l@$!|@kmdw4swomowrrhe'oPT|cHc(4

D4ar d srdk ud*s rh4 d. r,.r4

by ni3hr,

u P * b id s iB P o h kBd b b e B!r u yb e Ir u d

dd oqe Frst ihri :iy rd,r b&d oYe

n&$ 4d s4. hd rd. n{y of thl .d*i ots dd jushs ^r tuh hh siktr 6rsd rh town $ 1 6 & c e d r b ovg r h k.,Io r l h 4 t|i l th sP,c6 l

i &

P h F ic lh @ r d 5 fo l H q e sk*d |h g b yi Wa t h lh e e ( l d | o dj b d th e yn a yPr cve kn o r e

6 d r , s P d | ] y if l h g H q e sd *i d to 3 0 o w l h e ? d 3 ! o 6 i| b ' t o Ph ti !t!T h e l o d j B,o fh !ftc

oM nds. h Pon 8h{kii4 th. dhi@ b rh ofy rcqlirs r[ PlyiB of i hJt totaoicP,sf,!@d4thebddge

joum+. h sme prc! rMrc 3r .enybG6 yhidr ! j] lJ | o ' P s P l, bcssa a r ,j cfr vg Io l a l m a r r

Pkfts, bt{f.4

ud u4kB. F{rh{

@r iib


b ! $ ' M ' $ o b q ' ,l n |yPr v' fu i ' :d e b d !.{ d f q h t h y r y b e n q e 6 q E[i ' |!n h n d 6 r *d rulE5frdekollomdiqru|tiPLy mek {ide Goll dE dt4 ndtipry nd!6 vide toll ore dic, nqltiply

r = Poi44 = P@!5= hillhre d = LBrbk

iffi'if,w** " "o,,,, *" **. *.*

rM sa! sundidhs


en b @sh 5wqt

dLtat bnds

d, fd 4q



lo5| dret'.


rfie sp{hl sldllHnl, (v,td, .owE Fq ivs [!ai Gs @wbg bq0 -d nodidda b ocded o'nv h thl ewd oI . eritr.
*h c k o I ? E fi ri g 6 4 tb tg e L d a d fth c bid d:* or dutB

|*ss bct (.s bee)

RoundlhBayoIako.Pt:bP|ythe*lEj.komrhc eh.ihsofAnotrodHi|a|,pid63offdvY65d ! r@,row q 60 we* b 6dr otrrhek*'s'bN 'h!t F!ft* so!d,, r}! culr or shuE i orrclld d i6 by oy@! the riad M.r th.y shoddbc avoidd

s6@s @ fi s*st isle h:ad ro nrloa rri $.n Ttt .mbhiiotr ol wrd r d !6 !e ovshn c.@ tr sh:rel&e:n! ldk hold ! rhewll oI rh
$ holdGeGn!obe3wPlovgb@dbyh49ry Aw!||3*o@'rhgee.d|!rPh}furfuadlThg

Dqhyrwh$po.k ft rh:nrJuty e, tu dq {Ja

:shi,'downbthe44bo|bosilpul]edhythl!a indiedba*r qbr]l reef:anpow ery,l{Fq a v*cr bry ed.wFlks-b!!dr6tno showr rdt ' ii'o dsiq e i! ts@ a io{V e* to dupea 6pbh s.a.Efu6aLEPErcvqdlBqou'hdrl' ' h e h lr c u d the lj& ! d { 9 fr fto Il h 3 b tbwdl4 *d l bur tkE wbd, i'rI* EeL.a flid rl! old

e 04


thd wirrry

jut 5 dadry b r

smn shdr

q a pEdolely uo\llkJ

idlnd, jud hr

| @ k P l6 4 D@ ll o d th *r c' J|@4 [E@n sk6 of idhiq bd cass qk q shrdir6 h rud pra!6 rhc f, wiLrhi o r s6[c be{6 o' mud

h @ h ' t y P t a L | y d tr d w i th !3 4 L e m "{ d o d 6 l

rhr Hrc$ shord be ebLero book I pr$4s oi : nrchof5 v6sl h a Fn lre Por Bh&o4 rhs


Roll rh@ die oi the hbLe berowi iots th* sne of

wn sr cIh sIo r the:donofrc& hashi P E di 'h aphh lali hc spedrlsriLlioLl 'he rc& !i[ do

nhuh! d t o{qbaLry had !^nE r^r'!^ riy Poht,I.theh!d|*i||h$snPoh6hft,lblthg

sailiB i @vsd t Hdrt (vri.rd spel ski[ a (

aPPli6tosnarLboag|4eb@GolshlF;'fub{qt soiq rs*I. Hrads nly be smdunti by a loll nda apb, yd {:h+ udr a shll oo bh:lr or 'k 6l rh waths @ndidoq 6r oay inPs nodi&a ! Ffrculsly Mrcw 8aPh & qtr 5d:etu ttud Ior the # {d endi6otr oI thc s}ip }h4hs * R etd & oo heyily bd.n or f,@tq hsn 6 dE '*s,

s r hls *d $ rh. br wirLsi* h d may houE Nmb( of diftEd prc! (ad, wirr haE rhe sue nuneldr^r 3r^r'NAFh6). wno frshrb3$ip+qhi, @nbar, h& rhaprds or dd 3hipiisht er.i ods dry thdr t dr. (urnla sF d l$ ilr ]4 ' h eb$i sol 06A thds6B 1h'r

demy TM y w i L f u * d o E b l o B b o wIr y,th d b

v6sL sore ks*ls wir ME sts qsh.bps qh pu|a :id rcd rhrcw$ lboid h&th6e 4 ( rhry wE sini|tr ded<6 *{ a ory wd Gr s Mtrs


Ge plsc drr. fis Dkdtor nay oE b

dr ss dv6 ,ho dd E&ho66 !i,r u* dohhhs 6 |frd63h{oudbihd'*qdonlhssudlLesds

bold. rhlr * rtu sriousr ol.hdds rh* he or 5he

t h e e r : k o n e s o |so T !o !,l h o w I@n , htly!l'h'fukElE0dMgIo*folthgIg]th


sa r@u' vho ,e fl d j5 $ dedetrhm4t'hc ts ;i dd e e P E lh h


* n4q a thn lod b6d @*ini

ce.nrnybyth.Didtot6c6Eiand'TE*iheloclioi Ia|ssofsa$if4UnLikelheMrlolk,the9iaY$ |od.'ihlilP|d'hill'gqLliarvomoudlh'

rhe niq


or .iy



vnbiboathihesareedsagoodfuinsFul b@'hhsTheM4i!Qelrlfu',ieadGll'wjlPrcW b4 Ened tson r 5i*its $ip thry nry hrr $ch

a *ri*lhr

frlLbdis r -r nodild ro th. hidlub

rhedwa w4 of tuh'hs h w*s

rheadvorue (rhq nay @r besibbh ro! rhekrcc' foro,4 bbi$ n! ;a$e @idrrb$ an a{{r

n r:Eh d hprdkbbh. a hsh wiid or a {ow$on


hfen(d $o,crr) dd whd *eislA nor fri4 r rtu

Mdiln wb4 blJfeb& bnds ey 5*r

Ro[ l6s thd rhc iumbs oI

dod @s 'he


6ll b ! dpth4ul to 6s rims ih* of thelinhll. h

Youo@hdgryqthlgFqshouLdkdtod6jgn dd ei advcdlrs {r h rhr sr* wirdradr oI Arre. 5h wrdch i8 ju* d rydr 6 oD &'n 4d n bh5@ rhl Yry rei Fce


A Ddrkne Oba Kidd'

ooqFn*bbnBbgthGqGhodjngefrd?3{a lroD'hele6e|&olrMliedrcihbthcaw!@oI cad'cdmdwl'h*oldPh'*:hg{ryi*sd zsPE|&|y!E[rsldkcl&'v@@tw!i| The iifon*id rri:r rollo$ 6 rll ro! th eF or tf ojord of

th* * 3o4 ro lDppnwirr 4dryou

whydon'yd30oftaJ'ldyPvou//@hs,i&| ft6!4 dd hiYe rhse Fs6Ior yq DiE6r Everyon. 8orer ,ur you, rh Dtrro. ind s1 Joly

ln d s lm r b G { c !cb l r cd u cd h th i sb o o l ,b d l

eve a 6w rhhs ro ro{h ?ndDwdis*e dd a rftr

;sis fq !o! ro do Y@t @babry ra!!n!r tuh " dth all dis by iow, blt hd' : bri.I I@p 6 ldd

6bl6p q whid, bfrRlnlLa

pllre vq *tu|.


"id -hlr

. o,r.

^..,n-s '"


'h. ^d*

b d




b ! Prcfrbble fthq hq)

A ddr Iw

setre i8 btrcducd, P.ll ddb



pfthr' dd!4 r1tu rm? Edrco vin prcvid advic @ sdriB rhe Plor bi* q (trrl]E. h rhe 4d of e!*, it !rl1b? doh b y srjlLI DiNbr b r e Pltlth o E&re6hdE dl hdw ebow vou@ L*lI thqe rc rhenu, b.. ituhdonr rhid'

N* ttqe lill 6e! nd tu@, sse6IL:.r?ddr

r fs blicl lhs 3iv



Flihsy, dp etid jat hdc iiro rrP i4t

flE Ps


ddah a Is dsily obhiiabh,63

d4ihd h the 3dveures re decrb.d h D(44e


6!n rhcch&ekE Hho wse dup.d rdo 4Lh3

r{rh8 rhft aEe5 or @u! we aid Llo! ju* bw sod $!y {e (whrr do yoq rhhk we {, psyddd)'o'nyy@'lheD!Eb'bosth*&forev@ run yq *ourd @d r rh@us[pay 'ris:d*ntuE

kq rt rLrrrk {s nor id{6ar. rhe tuuF5 3iv4 h or ot,/ & ae to! a rypd roLl iie one yow
sqql if rll the H.rca !r dod )

eid (cibht rrr cobbt who h6 106 of vilddes sljll|hLimponat,h@ew'th**hatoncdlhe &4l| rerq {rco 8,i.b'ir, n no oie b.@hB a

aEbobug|!P?d' F * v q?l ofy qP| ay Bhl E


thlqs4ffoveaPoi i l ol fuof!@ r hntr !4d

' hld3hhtfuid.b ut@ l y by thes hnol thc t

url ecd ro siv h. phyE !n l?erlr


uir&.! rh" 4; or ft Hse5 win bar rv r@wledFoItheP4PbdaPL$'hryryi|lnerh'hG

H c( Ew i | | hrE bM'k l bro'& enh6 1 1 9 thitth*!e^t+th4hs4lqlysYhl*thetl@' Po ld !j n Pn4rdK hthe6gk agh* d t wll $ 4 @| f$ nH eD c bk B P tbdG adY d b lc Hdrs vlkd ut. fqo F Le#ily 'he 'rx r@L r'r. Fo ond. lnow

4ecb$of by h6n atk arl Fdd qprcE m ]m tb | r l6 fu 3 hbl fuqel l (reoebP hdo


3ivyou pansiotr ro do so){d 4r d rheapprcpli th e n ltP{ h o h sci P ttorcl d,l h.yw fftb9:bhl o

cbd drc -ei -i!' 'rE i r4c rrcrr {ourdbrw rhd don, rhe3.@ will kl@ rh* thh b r@ on rheodErh&4 whn rhe
fu vij kl(8 ad,hw 6hi grt4huryh | d o hsArrculd|oq@qhtooahfdsdJT|E6El Pl o Ph o Il udThm| 'Fqk | i l l v b P d n & l in .nd thry sill rct be oI ru{h we h tln rdvo

A ,ffn6 f'm tte hnN etw, eeh vIt'w, n wt $e sd d aja hI tw$ qq *a,6^ b ie h 6 | r yfu Ed q dedw q'brede!IL|dM. $r ss iwe. n M ut! ttr dq b.r'e ttut @ ed. fJ6la qb, inq bff h s'tqdd ot! Mnd ecEtut tutu. ntr thd le M. d thh end kw, tu rt4 ho$ ytu ha1l'Bl' anqsi lan .nh@a @I'iL, phl h the as s @wA tu tuauiletbst w!iIlh^d4/i'k|tg4tli?fukPkIek4 d ttld' 4rti6 hq N. *&1fl nt tr 6tu b hk hie ol @w?v'*m 'ha sk d at@ryh$hh'htu h kk b, @'tr'nt her'u bk |hn thk iary?$t dt, rc aa bw*iny cnr.h rl Efr HNiq Ywtona wi @\ |'r w wa inqdd.q|ly @h!e| fu d!4 sry rw thedeqtB rt r rL6d nNI b he htu@tu.Btuaqt! ut !4,8 h h,w !1 b theot d ie sbry rl tu colefrk Ph BIKkqd Pdh@toa, Itatt!, wr at] lir a uhr tu $todu Mrh ofw r ' wb q | a | a a k aryuer'q@"r'i 4r@@ I,rtud, L h6 d be, 4 th, atu Ei\ n dddl wittabU she w 'tu r tuatuF q' kt't tu da.d nqi. dn'!ur'|ury

Asis6ulIoIinAdg:MdFah'lBFot6yd*n hE, ve be *ntrs thplaFF dsht h thc n dle 'ill tu od to thq b{dehdd h theod6, v@ 'ould rhclcs n thendt o( rk frle & rotr do @t h:ve

D{kw@d dA thd : roq i@mry 6 tlE leftisa

b kthu NeM, tawe, *a k tar , kn pne6+ h theLxnh kn, bd htt tuih nd rn' wtu 'Mih q hn kn6 jth hin tteE t @ a'td thi' !6' 'r 'I hd Ler fuhffin" h the tM lf ratu, a tu $kMr ie fls$ al tt" Rh' bt, oh{. qsd ,4'e B I etpd thd,ol wshkEdtbjtstu4nHEqn tho4h, sdtv,tutu tii h4@I @# tuh tt' a,e tM. 3i it e 4 .tus' pt"'. ttt IN' tl Dhi4'I h''l N, * tehn, n' ew @a,trtu I kok d.t@ hh ib

@ .n ' \A]I@ ie4rl l hw tnomhtfrada tut k@ tkt, v lrt w ku etr dta ,N, hr 6n ,aet tud cstutd k rar* ft astMtiu 6 tut


PdrrF he

*a n w uouu *tr* b

"iw qkk -.a"r'bt' -'",. -a tl sa8n thc h"diad* Einib wi tr' tu rl tu1 tdvrt.

n b'" ,t"

at b"iq


'rh6 44tu1N thhkfr!,tu r"d h M et'tdhhd ad w @e q lrd .itu, h4* k he dr* 4 a5wn5 s qga. ] 'jf t b h q w | i * l h | f u I M d q| citv' r d I 4 .d s,!. n4h, thet@t niea ee Ibh k n@ dt

n t k@& hit ytbah' 8#a 'ryth d nv sryh&"ni b tut 4, Mq..ffiuiE. tu 'rG 2e th', n nv.. I N,tt td n aa k $i, tu n b
w6!4 k *. 6hw ad taght 6th qI nvw ol dt N, t h4d taite| kh theI yrek w haa at 8l

heaa tuIe4 hjrd.4 14 u,thh,tutnsit qw q tb )..tuy Mwtu | hqw .PLd b & 4t tt'l ' the Mr 6 ie r'ek th.t h,w Edtv @fined

h'6|i3d.ier'l@1,|tuel,rnd@eg'l!ewb 'kqn t@ t Ist h t5 neid so!E. l tawd 4 ffi,@h\,

ol cw |t wr 4 auFsdM utq tre 'm8 ^ht

h tk Mry tust. w. wt Et er;ckte Iu anv pew al kau\ L tit,tt h a1d 4 d ru ,xat I$t b! b'e l1tut, c vur nkd G nrtre, t4 thi3 lrd k k M o N dt s'{h twl 'h.L F'n 4r M et
b. dqN,le hc ndq, Exn .w ,M ltu hht ' g*, the ea/tr. skM te @ h' @t, rv std e. b r a wh n h th qW]|knxnfu& uh.8fr|l 'j B

qit ol the 4t6 atth, kxtBd M@btu tu attu r'4

w wt nt itc\rja s c 4 rytu. tut wb dn wtu n '\d 3tu yu hn "iti tt" de 4 tud, tu h'w b N itu q ctapdta cr' ald I w q ww t.@b br t s lse tun 'k'tt chald' tu'roBv hin k fdtd! i! ,hte a'd.@ taits b k thi@ hc Mw! 1tu ttd s ht N,r b.e fodth! v@ an kwh d ne l,i M@+.tu yw truu thd
'| ekru'c ttuano h& tk tue 4 3w6. tu '4 a@td Nt bN/tuAy tu t4\sd,axtd8nk w pt qw, h t',1 ww hw ' awthj@ 6M *e lMiN 'rd thc juq h the t',1 s I @ ih, w4 bdtuk q I4ts Mqtu x ,& hw kry *, trt lc .i1 i hs:sh, ALw w, e, r|.a bans4 h dill, we the 'k br ,QwB ot kgu\ bn vqbenoi w M c 6 ,re a ktu , w @ kv Ndtj tk 4hI sao,l 'rl tjrdia lxtk 16 a uwkttat Da|frae b |k fr6| hd.|az'l'l| q,tfu i,}c

brc4hr $Botr 5r.1.rr b tun dqt 6 d nd or16

d e wizd. ThL ; icprlbre lnor ro reotro

(rreo ssdt br you o4d h h*! 5ore GreB Pady'Y'l@owinrctsive&'@einlomadd

Raft1q Ela rJrn rd Y,,i - wrd lrde n kloM r]fu'Theniff6ftdDad;LghradLx.;ydon


at chwct'at ain hF

hatt tt'rr1 '@


o,t! Ltxau

R s,riry *s

tk Bta& tu thebe.6t ofHs@5

R44ar4afufuhtb! As vou nidt qp{l, Y4tono hows h' hnbry

s . ehg[ b'h n ] f u e G a n d o n o sL yin Pr e Gc{ t,

4 0 l o r r n @E a J3 i 'kd Ith e n 4 ]G|{tJ a

R { B' 4 b d Y d to n o @d e sd b .l h cb n ' t5

rrcno hin*lt q hc bws on Ihecdes or D{k!ood,

lic h [ B n n d ! a a e { d 6 |r cn o !d kctr l .d 4 rcn Ior d!N3e I(n da$ s rcniL 'he t " . t n 4 h . * e d b * o r h .$ n g ,*h g i t3 A 16I t@

ru(G!tuI e4e sFdr shrLrcn rn! poeo ,pdr otr

brcn wlEbvs it had,iJ syrh4l

tuw4s, 5rr

sm" (o4 x

IIm rhe bir A 3w6!tur rcn 4!h*

@* Lr spdisrjn. a $assturrcrr 4ziNr rh*n{

pshapsiu* lbour elebbr iI rhdr 8lnedcwroFd

Aswi'i:||lghtsh^dv$edF]gh'hgl:ibrygam6 yhthb6i'ol'hfiglrt's|rowhgwh.n.Eryo.b

Y@ nisht perh:F .dsdq l|av4 you pLyer dinb

i vq hishwar bfodB isr rhn tur rhn

3 ii a s lln o J iAg o I s P il6 wi| | s ] e no d j fi d o f


nyins rerr ! [ do v!ry fiaty, tha* you but Ldbb ad dowo &cse wlrl sropslrthrrr by rherh


th r cq h th lN u'ft'oul db!3@ 6IId q h r K (prctsbty * rh ri* hrsdry vr]lls hlfqe sewrle riy sd hish hb rhl nqihhsl

W|ko f'fu n@ dtq,Tl rs edgr'n6 $ h } ' $

ydEcrt Le' Hs@ wok eod if rhBan 'h ftre srel lo. o.Jhary s!!, !o]]3s wdl6dr ttu

fick or Filrg

an be roud h D4e,&


'hydjobY4*ouldllsmreiPiiordesdbii3 h d P3 b Br th c H ccaE rLyw odddghtf(nrhg

hybavoidlhe{khoIiJbc'T}iqthlfte|v5 sprre b dis h6 rhr wal rlE nJs o crinb4 ?e (pae at). Tlt q:rh rr t*kcP i Da4@

*h.kns ud,r s(rew redh4 rhe bofron oI dr dai6No@IyrhefltrstirbesPised'bdrh.y

oaY k+ th* /t!4Ds

iot havrhlo b 5* iJ try i:d ttu b F!d, Ior thdr

1or Eplq

snL iI &Y do

@qh 6oe fq eyq b ak r b* ,rirs b3ls ollasfclyisiJe''|EHgonry'hoi@'b@me


ro avoidFtu8

suludsd t

He@ Nody

ii oc to rlE En I hs n frore lrely) theHd drL b.

rc lallB rh?orqril peph * possh hvh* b frdr d rn (Imd ny. ff ayo* &s rhjdao{ Eldybs a bor ro 6 d(,n nr hhs b rh. drfibircb fod il ba.k

3(er thl H.rea do od bow {hd to qP!d, thq tur my &.dc ro 3od a od h ro r@k tu nud, oI a choc rsri* ^r l@ [id dll ndt daid Matioe bd yd sholld@t FtulLe tL. src6 br hrv. rm. to tukad. r( Fq tli* th:t rk sc@G, i l}E@u|ynrd!6ndrc.h:ie*'Llodln(mhrve rhr Mori@E id &f@ p1uds ind 3iw th.n 4
oPPodd|'bn*eaMhIil| r dslg Ihrle dod , G & oro6 st of dolbh


doththgs,Tht'@|d'frE'sbnesesfool]dl b o u e tl g thl y w ol rdk hfunv & of: ir m h h+ rheq s oI @uF rhee dt inyoE ro se rhcm dd thy w@ld pbbrbly sFt t[. hidiB Mori@re B eo 3ik bwrE &e !b!nd@d 4Pre {bdry oth4hrc|'sdodbmP|y!b&(

k sotr a rle Nlrnri@E]B bs derekd (d I r:s $cFdt rheH{o6 lirr b qptoE rheruros'rh

rh rndor dunBoN b{*rh the tinlr noM*4,



sqkt sritl{i Awei5 (11t, Dqk r\ht @, h@on o r reound cobliit sdal ssh 1 (!reund

c,ut r,a b),&ttdiq (rotsBr (e)


T lr f t j8 r c r e d 6 @Ia |r y' fu 4 h a L L o fr h i s dhryie4qd.U]]sdwrybocdddllubred unl6 yd! 6i.y dEwh3 @ up dd clitbs plic Fniis, Euielr r fry

jld kn ft Hrcs rhi rhq 5qrch wh&e rby dn

rhe Each the dwo'

' sbt ry tba$t t, @ne of 4kotqe6. strl erk/ k be *hN et tta, s4 alleftt 4 i' eiitu b ed Din,

w.,],e l$ , ,]Ft,y & & 'hgy s hu.o y e c c Gobo ?@d/dd snc rul! mod Aled ' 'q h nb n. to*q bM\ @t Fn t&;trs;.urt

P4 b tulra fr k tEn s, b't tla aa H& hd b ut 4 sr tEalrd Ie4 rt lisrcs 'a, -it |!a& I ait a jt tdw t 6k wL n't ^ffi' ne tk tat

c'uh {tu thkit' aluEcrtR, R,ur''

ddiared !xr. rid&4 he c s h!'3ry s" k wd@ft ?nythi4 h h! bllt 4.n a ;o!rd p@b:brv tuDeftllv the H.rce willrct b s d:rr s b sword. do dr:d{due od' isht krr hin b;uc 'hq h q . l *d o s l h e !h o l .o l i ]|o si d sl i d .hdaof

l Ntk lot r"'4 cntk Ftue 4 tk ftrBhwd cdiF - aN bbb, tL w lra ks b o'tt ttudl tur'btqld Ht d. q b'4wc of k k''tIs lq bw 'igtu 'dt q@ bisrary otr b t t t'ffi,


tehiq thq'

beh4pJ ,o hLt, co6h beL;nJ or;r hud -'rr j,hdsh h 5 o'b.r pr^ 'h"*'rr b! io !v *' odd b

1tq nn bo*hs h' thc si'ta' bht'. ktt tl ru nna. Fie ire nd $. F,!$ al tud Lr th. Mwte\ Ht tutledt' ku uq*er b*ue' h l@' psniw q Lnt w {4ty wu - t^w tt irtn trdU fti|'had nane sI sw oll utr [lu fr@ bht 'ff! 'b q dth tkn fia wtier, @ etu wkbt! ath


'My*b.|w4|BclildA|'|do|t],N1,:'fu|N|aw| tke t t @v hatw kl Bd& lar tuy@t 1

't td dtud

b! tr. to@i' elo the h/. rh4 ua

ro r"d. aa ertq ha6 th& turbMu! tu w, qtty I tutr 3w ,/ rh d!,U, to| .tt tra w iry ht b'dd' rn wn nd/ |Nt d.ubfu||n| ' "a

'tu! k!k, h rE tat 6!bh {r twbaii I hau t}c lrpstts rf ie t81 ani5. r'"'t qn \Bt' trki 2@ 'lt tM uut I @ an w w
14t 1@ I'n,E

@d ke t drt Rwblqt is. rker ,nai z@at E uhfuN|ldNu|'i4'44k|wfon|'Mll!ut| uth hMnE ol .we, ti w ,@rv hqft $w ntil nu*tun t 6,wittu aft{t t @ a t rt rl tdt, t nlhl jwt Pi h a3d @d tq s rf rhe Htre5 hrw my #s n iI rhy ,ill EniE rh* cibrer nd be rht pds( mdided by Ya! nay rcr rsr hLotuLLe w[6 ( 6i crc4h burrby

i kd, dt itry

rF a

dr,it rtuu, tar $en hEks wn ( dt!

hd Haa n'!

ol *ar ko| sd t84

td 4!//, rn h

'.,h,tN' t lie tv,tys W$k q ircahq't sas dtus rfr at @'E And d'it hN B vikU 6 , ca\tnn uk k'ra dtik 4ttt 4h, ttut lq st
of @uEq iI ore o mE of Hrrce L ! DMt 'hr Ydt@ndsINnBnd*boniyrctboqgh65tq ' M i d r ' $ \ * h h fu 3 @d l u g w N e @,h||c u;rk fu1 u'l't 4 fue Nsrtn 6 ,k fu a^iQ o| 4 ] a u l ! c a b ]t|l ka 'r]MIr& q 1 @fu w bli d4

hin q ha balB Gibhe b4i, ro i purpon fr4r sGk Hows{,thgesholdbenohofrh.dhgchgftE nood to 9ve llt |ld. 8u,,s i4k' Th. Dq:f win ]u*

tun b4 @n!, N it r tnttv t6ei Aqt ed dtaE u/ tqh tan h[i'n uw' h rfud ttht 'Nd t k q@w) | ' e | a N l N i l e ' y u j , q ${ 4 | .4 e a d

.o!, iun wir udir r:rs in tu:d@ntuP . . . nE Hrcc ,rr ddidr ctr6q b hcad +dd' fo, bad

'wdlfru'w|'|wI'okrN}frq''Mldutl.|il'|sb ,a, h' t drrr |,,ry lM .r4M5 ott4thg h hto th&8r ee tM. t /6tu. 4e aw. ratn tu h ny b '14.d 6les wg ' d r d \ a u h o @ ] q i a w h@ fr | a } tI

,.4a" lu aua d ku at @.8, t , etu dte rm!

Asli&rhighhrhtc6lBqMdfths' .fu k,n a u Po ndthgi i deol thckrc.i n& rcN pad a dodv 6n of rdr $w 3iv6 rha@ ! Ery ie qt of rhewoBroI rh. br4 whd. Burrh.r har

F$6!.d or r nrrti

hknis4e. rr i ddr rh* rhe

flilwillofier yish$tol l tBl htn'm i hhe?i d

lne HeIG, cibrrrrhcco6rh,:id r torof ie.

le s h r a I y o q ] @tto sd l h P|a y Eb !o ]1 i e

Ano'Dredb'h|6'{{qclbh'wjrrrcrwIkjmPLy h.|r{1a|@dyks.d!]ed,6.wdsPrl!Pio'

hv {ub

'L@t, sw, *e qny E ,rctthdtu ,twtdotws rhu n

et, b ik tN 4 wn 4, lid t b$4

rglhr hcry?r, q if rhedinbec { d6e ldhe4 @6n9h4|d[fusqth':boqt'ds'

.te, sotu Gqrw keqk .qtu. rl&ht enti.6 t h k srdtft E@r il vv .lanr 34 agh, lw at tikd!b 4h1t &d s!'sh b M @ m rlt tttu t1t n4 ], t6
flt nsa *L L w ,s d s di,turQ t knu 3w

wre ! rcn aB!h* sr4rl

(or prii *tr,

wrh r

dinb4 pcdie * s* dry r siet. perM nry$ r de 6ne whjh rh dhe6 wd8rhmlrve 6ory

they,in nrd ,!d $y usue rhhs! ri|, 'N4 you *il


{d {yrh4

rr$ rhry qn ri{L of

Y q @d d i L$ e n e u P w l h :d A d .p toifole{ 6 d4e or dinb. Fq enpr. 1@ se a h4e 'hf Nah4;Fn|||!Ebtrygs!ah'b4ddl]

i ftw

PL'q'Drybybruk t h e d io b s r id d T l Eyw i l |r e d b b 9 Er yg @d i r


! Ecd


(o *t[)

@ll 6r eilh tu@

t( therat sil.d, rltn thr whe hehrnnss h : spike

!P*e w 4 r c '6fi 4qh th q irEb c ol ol l bl el ndP urbl oko { 3 P * 6 Ab o vg i l | 'y @ ns t6y tomrei $un d * if t f u oomrt - vhie {$ds rhd dry jut lbod arlc it

(b&a!* d gl*ia b nnin3 $trh), rmhd thm thit thd hi,r ! d rumd8 h r *63hr rtu. blt L

*{didP{tofiyadva!rc/seqqlPms|Ho,gkl drdthqFt'h@8h'heru@6lhihefrcrPbcr N4*did]cibhlh:ssofttrPew}i.hhn{4!d d. wirr jud har b rak r b hft b ctnt od

dntrid r pNibre ro, Er pao4 senq { ha betr dsi8rcd 6 @F ryrh jut,sh a F*ro.

Phse nde rrEt if i Hercdo6 t!n, h amd rd i/ &.r ro rvord rij!4 ccyirr wo i wh* he q4 do i se h! o( b 8Eb o b endh,B m 'houd.

A hish RLlry h rhe k64s


ney hoN

rhb u|hy n tuhE R{ d 6ths Fsbsb rookd d if rhry wse prdB

{ ihe Fsbs rhe3rr rcw @*' h be

.deh, bd ii hd I I r Eri$ of 5h.P jryd irl sesrqly hlped m e4e lirh rh cda

I c * f t b llr e d m , r cd ]l d 3 e th cr t*r h q & uP b rhn kl6 i i @14 rer, s@ry edlk nd.


yd Eq

riow {ho nidt lre rhE.w'm5 ee i Enry 6een ho frod6!. ne AIrq rhe 3hd' a[ 3@! !!ri for s4e'J hoE uril up ahad rhy an se whi@snok @nhg Eon rtr

Pa rhsqh

one 4ery third rcud one oI tbe wynt *rek winbew l h B i g E o @ b e l h R c ds!p u d ci6 wns f olb a l $ e , i t s o & l b b " o l @| d g lsa n fu

Hr! sp{d

s}nL G! p|!i !!d

lf dE rcl $Ged,

q u P le d b v a Wym

Fsibli bd r lirl ra! rie roi rs bodyro nriqfac l! ( af P dlb | { r o f 3 d A y H g o a hr b yth e g , wr nf uhd y l o t ' $ ^ ! N ^ F h 6 , w k$ tlq @ doid r wnha nces!fur rd tq rd lorl

Ltb{odt!u.*fui'theHg@snrylryb,vo!j &nbrtbvdhbiBlbor'hrove:idb?ckdowno

r,o s{"r rek Gft d dhbhs up, rh. orh4 for {@i4 do$ ih) F!ir4 rhe crh, ftos rh* ! s@r dr Mis rh* r 6d hi, d5rod8d i *me whidrEtrh5don rheDolnrrn rI thc Hdo rhhb oI it, nLw a rd tq kr 6 rc whdhs rh wrm vcry b4E lwrrr,al aghr.*uprd)H.G nry rry 6

rr; ns rhod of rhe6Fr diy or lheFunry. Th. soodid6 b gd rrEi scl ur. ft wrrh6 $nd @r ni+L AJkrarr, wil nd & i(h ora nptu vher rhyae ddig ihenidr ir yd at rhn b "b&d qd' 4orlry rdr 6c H?bArh* rh p:s* wnhod

Pgr c na n f i g h t l * ! r l G E v 4 h s| o d m te l,' h c

nan rh* he adr 3d hur tBr kep a cr oi Low wyn flrd b.ts 1@ 6dh [e d,m4g otk).


boh e d4rbly

ret, bd rh4 rhe 5itritdxy nds.

wrFn dibiriry n poorft ; dE c'nr of !a nLr, od

EYenh !@o{ rhe lodrkly dioe rftp hid d t. 'tu 'h6 n 9 w@ s g 3 id w r u !o ' ,l d U .fr a to k9 Pr u d dnpE$ od ehd{g{o!th.qonivi(bc,b|oodthiEl'rtahre

d rq E.d bds 4d FPutr.d ; wruu [o& d widiq bi,J] rh@ ft @ k 'h b 4ar ot blr olbn th. eds ds well ibor rhe hidir or a oo


shfii4 6@ Fs b Ff hl! rhr rod

* a 6jr

or wda 3hfr5 o i4

blr (hre k g06 i ,w

M o tNq u b$thoFq@ u| dh4i i s h t J o e

prcbbry to @ne by {4 dyv4 'rNy 'odd !.GbbNs Dml wory $ Pr h cb s dbofti nd$E t!hh4br y b n 6 , t h y


oy or rhedsos whoaa frodhsa D*h Gn do rri! si rB i446 spdar $iti rL cobth roo*s

6m dBs tu rllo olorwd 6nbtA rrctr a d@br.


h e fu n b h 5 ' h eonort'hl w sN 4E 4rqhrfl l wn h h n f&t' h h!!fl rrei i ntoi hol A l l d<6i .owEd h @r fod uIiB

bo!!Mw,yt|!43h'hswlIPsAJlqarr,hei!'fu n i inPd4r th* Fq sd rhl Hsc! 6 {dtu

nud lptar do 4is:

lisr.frh n.t6 o&r fo th. rdp r|rcqr rh. lwrnP!

der od or r6w 6rrhv andftly rheErcnj wdi{, Lc].thedhsvi]l|aqhnlhgi(hthithcwi||


ladq o' . difterud6mhon Aly H!rc who

ists@ *cq itsaH gryorv4N aryw exl rt' h w,niird h,nf f .mr,4 Eeh hn! k.ds r;r" 'hc

'd!ahtrll.divc,hqthbyrFhblfthLe.h4 peFq f?irr rhe rcrL hs ho G stu.r sd {e!. you

b tlB a idm svrnp d,rriq noEhr { rhmt rf 'hrqhi||thswlt@ftbod{LFum]gN4swdt *ryrhbs s4s yrcB on bn oie, tu* ler rhn sd

6 qtid

hin*lt hG rdt loms o* h a 3e{ hury. P@diB rhcy ?rc es6?d rtoog by {dhs Hso rhe d6gFob|em{ithlfu5Pe||bth**|aa|oloilyfrve

*ndhinflyivbrr}ry:dshto&swnPbehiadhio n a k!Prz h$[LF[bw oLd'ht'* + r k s P 4 h l sli|l fte laok,i6 nay he|Pa Hd |.?P 6s Mhrue)

irl)u.{dP6itto|igruoLL.4utsTlisis$NibLi od rhe wishb @ b idiu*ed ?@ iryly Uirod


rtu krc$:re

k# 4<riB ( diE hro



hto th-"slinc ayrhq

rhlr rllk hb

w! r@innd 3bo' frw tum5or Josi3 rhryup but y@ di :diqi th{, r@d4

thdqrh b bw


i h. wnr Finr d ddn3! GEePr

s yd +ord redue qryoG3 /ue6 (rJ Pe $d) by I FDk eMn edi* h re ir rhry sFr rtu Narhs oniq. Hso$ who Iail $ch , lolL or who !E urobre ro nak ir, !il b flpdsed, s rhe

dy oc o o ' t g : m o ! 4 s , h d d 6 h d o { lh i, r h * e 4 d o PPd h th .

5* h b 6 &rce atu asacstur hio:ndnwr +od pcibirit ot rheh3rnd b4 ro4 b rheswrnry

so yq

Hrcs @1 ;P. wrh : bqdr or Madr

d@l be[4. y@!

w(h' Nre

o I . d F c lh g En !l w $ th cF l i b l |i l yth *o co f

du5 ndt. bcua of $e :,kw:d oiddoB F,sr. tunb&soi b. nrch n@ E@6 rf a 3@ d@ Irs w6Fr w[, it tr so. (Itut n, uir$ the Hft h:s r l*hs ldt b sh:p the w6potr b h* w& 'nh ld]de ir: Heo rmbk+ k ory rydl ) Evd 'm, r h! g{f u | i t , ' h d a l | r y a s r l t o IL UCK6 6 r o

Hq o 6 n s h d {k@l l 1 D o sn h so j 6 b fu . rlat a Mhrly soig (P4e !r), Td rnobs w@nd.d ere @ idth4 bre*he rq rh 9G 'wh Preu.n l.r[6 6 oy s@ Ed&d ro atr s r (ll!rlsd$e$) ^ by iomrl ftrs. rf ! fiind dcsdr pul him od 65r, he wir & dad To be rdputqsty

rhe orhs ode arcq'

tull he hd6la rfef, lDv.

^s6i!socoPo 'thEH g@ 5aEhaF dl aLl i y rhEe ndq d rhd rE-F rhik rh* n; @e oo sc

rokr, rrr todhs h fin! 6m, arrioh H.o4 yid4 'lE {e @iirurry rtud36:bod rhnt @heh6

seE t d rLcr d.hd*id. Afts ?r, rr i bis ,wdp hb rh6 ndr, sriny +4n!4 rn *niBh ro &?i.


sMmp n{ rre ordirry hqnos' rhyj6r dr$ [Doy

EvqrhiB rhcy havr r obrah.d tun sndrbs

rtui tsdLq

L nadg ft@ Bd5 lnd rhy pdr

sqi,r s@h 6 s4i,srib


s&oP r.E hJ

ecth.IsddforddrikJln|aYeyoE|fpko|y of 6rc 6 wsh or{ ar rh* nud axeeail,

widFi sftiB up wiv6 ud disrubhs r[. eds i5 a

j!* rois hoqn 6 ilow rh Gwcmds sPeab ii rhi*ry icftd Ar]lntu


c6 h t6 0 $ Ir y| itLeborth*P .P l eH hi d ,h!s6 th4 '* I reJ yirhs. o. hn i bu(h of

q' 'w d, tah tb rl4 al E\Nr av tgne 4 ']atnP tq.ld6 lkd kb 8e wry haq, wry 468 the a! uhw w u4 trn^ tu ot 4 3u kF b dd

u c 4 Ph$we bete,,lt!ukddn',n$4. rah as, PbBt d, B ie hww ol istis M vrke olrl hths w bt6 ot h wutl tusil.

ttury Ml M hyu h rtt 3od,. Eko ; rc' $r oI r|t .aft oI d'y bL roPrr 'M wouLd rrcw rf sr.d lhis &dr hc p.oph lo{hit

pftlF n.!

i Mm b,rh lery knpr4

hded. Aid


'nc 3ds otet bt q, ,1ftB 4,.1vr,, tE L3tr Mt Lileol thewqtt. tur rq k /,id

|Ithbdd6nothJithgfrgh'heElgdwoftqb HereA. Ir shoqld be * htE*hg fuft Nc r]shbr

dud md rhl ilE3qd5 ror r 5h@H 3ee p|{b of opporuniry fo! bL( dudB vhidr rhr @nvE*i@s ho. Fqbsry 3rren @urd6ri pha. Ebo behares d E b l' l{ & | y ' h @q 6 o u ' h r co ' 4 t' w i l h tL b b e h q d . @ ni N cth e H g ti *h i !g o o d

vw bk cf tk tut b.d! u}f 9e}! b r t M d l b l E e i n z l . l q6 Eu n b ' Hd rn s6||d vru a, ea. tt @r4 ot brt ltu h blrl.I tw tu d a@k al r,| 4'\ w h z,v,


63h6r broEDkonhs hada lbde b aalr rf rh{ aso win 4 b doPrht fr8h'h& rhdi 'Pttry,uxt we k nt uii h lah, wv ow te|tgt tlttt 4 h 54t tut wr lrau tte wa/i tuBde utu at ya' nwt tt nwn4 i8 Ftu etougtt w*. 'rc

sq!3-hex!6dtheDq h rhEd bcd! rtur tr no dry r04 !* oFn !*a hw}ichllo*ivetyolEedhoubo*sPolibly a Dcsn o fo {l fun6i hevl ksi 'hL$r bm d6&ner s 3ore sn oI lro'iB wn
hFr eB|tbcbak !@ 3" 'oIl '* !,1| hth.edf

rhc tus bori rh !w,mp p.oph ro6F d l1 nt fr5hi@sflLgq6|riBd[rEi.^d'Thmnbo*l hat hd hulr !rd' aglh" th. @b. ed3s of ths 'rE nihw:trury'*thedrc6iPPrcn|r4q5run

inft trd dn.oyq rhir rhey re rheoripnar biibrsb

t h s f t W 4 r b wl ]o l h o r h g l yL o t' 3 h i Pw r cd e d

c/ t r,,l rh ladq of ihetdbe

na, s1"4 r.e n., $tbr stu! tu4bH, e/sh(d srytta)


slqt s*ir,M@. t1.:q,k, 816.eN4. BoUcnn"d, e,nh,, wqd, cuttusqn,

Ai inPotut obj?di sG leie d

Ld ri dt dory

'c$dr$ r'Bt, N pqte tudt h ' kt d! u tu! hd h nrt d al tte 5w4hr*. h thd tin. sd " q 4 tQtu ot qit d@ 4n b Ptut ct@, 'qisd !tu ,xtry3tNt b 4, @ sffitth tk auh r$t at qJ th qiht af e, Ki8. ne 4ni6 ol tte h4 dhr4a w we tua h b iia tu4, 'M dru\ @t e. I4f\dbthw abat weu4',raa b er'lo'l

lar 6 Ih.a, d td, a' sd w.r hi ir hM rf tk tud! bdNetuhtl, Md et wt da,l 3t w ,ko b4nl thd neaNh Me khs h @t dtu qt| I M er Nt b uetM't. tua d@ t84 Lst@ '"tu 'lrijtb

w lea t u asd, Md tr& t n N bt (tiwaho rwnrqs hav tkt qtv ttutrt t bb, h' lodq a& nv dw | 4 | ! ' 4 N M d l & l l t g h ftq wwb a dawn ' b | | w } n 4 k P | w h i l o r y- ,r ' | o e 1 4 a |
ld g o b } 0 wli o d $ N e 6 h tyth *h n r o p r .
h $F PdM|I he R !Gh: lho !E w b $y

-Mr dhs

rr Hrc$c rh

cf e. k& tuat tr, tury

w il, shde totk th6ek4, r,8y3

||. k* w twww

we r,aa adti8


cf rE bEw

Bs Bw L r@ea k ql t *,4s @r rtr


4, td hlat k ,1h* uMbr

rk eltu rl cb$


shr,a v b\rt tqte Lla aorio! of sods or

rh Hses nav hiK rcne $sabtr ibod rhmbE o flh .s w ?hP P .dP L.s hone d t r b y n f i' | f * k ! n '

rebd i aLo ,omd by iq

tiu"s tta,t, v "kah

T ,d L u ]9 w4 n w qite".tu w ta@alue


'd/ dut6 kn @rbt tc K4 tt t]' r,4t i tb nw d

tu b6 Fu'hapr wry 4,15qfl hndt hc bftk q tla as al tuaa ata P.rrft'ttj Buh! Drt''s ru fd w6lhd @a hh 4d,N rtu taaal k ,1. 'k | | 6eNq 4 g * h p v J a . l h k e q r ,Pq r r y' 1 8 .n li a idshdl the Herca ied ro prerc th* thry &! Fopl oI3@d cheek, od rkt ftn au* c ju*

itys ar tut,t!N ta h tlq et4r.1bun ttt 441 El@ aitt w, h.Nr q qr bet'dt I k@r twr 5a1d

nyddou sbfr Gr tup i6ve) ni tnn @ r4l h &e tMte at h /@d E M' aw M6b6 hwhr I am *o' ^tua uhq ttw M. ts ws tur t do I'b 4t bau,b hn dd'l krtu tnt rh ean! al tre ury q d brG\ rhe

hPs frill@rry

4iD rr rhcy !E $p{ia[y pou

jun d dE s ft

hr cnoPy rh P@tuionol

hrids lle $inp popL &e o{toyd lho dE k{ tum5od wdl lnd oonre b do aeryrrbs rhry.o chtfTsLsFllli,lr!,qli"}p,J@'rlr,a,at'a ,an tk hery e''t ry nd @w h it rit. w e'

naPr4eb b! sc cded ri4ht

^ nM! Atue G rb. Nt th/M \hddrt Gea ea


cCthcshlBlewedhasnldea$c6sfu|^trad strqlh rcn 6 r d@,it do$ r sr^xd^ Pdt of T h c y a m d B t f Eu ' l |' |t$ o Br r w r .d L d a d Ulrlkgrh6u1ru]'aMigh|y8|owtsons6gle wed dcs Dd @uf, a Ndr wolnd hda4 rhc

$.r a pdidoi h. h d sed * den, 6l rh. sk sre

rhe Hetr4 !*L crk dd Ebo b bs. mr r tl!

dxk' 'nc k r {at tua lor nt, hv 6drr 4u rtu ,]ui h tr. .M' ^q 4'r r t ad ktt! ld "t ,Eat ct l@t qhi'L it wtr baq t hNt s h* trfl 'l r
djed t4tt, b,t tu4 led 8rr ris.ks 4


lo! s{rd roll 16Ee whdhs he i2s ,kpp.d

$ e a io f m e d e w h o Gcq h tw a L r cF ta h r T h e s 6 iq l wdP|a ' a n q ' d a r u r yH .d c5 * o@ * r fire lirs i vq Lrs Q{hd ed ech Ra n d Ho ' r y g,? |l ttEd a m F d o Eb ya ch H a o

Jf rlr rheHa6:pd ths s6dsh wd (by nakbs r $c$rur rcrt krr rhcn 16* dey hde rFy ddepq on dois rh* for * roia * rherdsid Imds hkh. Nishr Ia[5 on rioshwoo4 od r ! hc b nab

tu/ wd r@, t t6u! w.u, ffit al th, tine arywy.Bwr6,anth dk h,td. wfrLt),cdweti I qdt'-j r@sts{d h. tu we st dm eryt '@, nhn ytu,t@rrq @ wet tu. tE w 3d {w. l$t

Ar &*nF hrL $e sedows d rhe t| beh b

F m h ! 6 s t h e g|@cP? 6 $ 6 o f|l g h r fi d d :* s

;dGfuIH bya*dhui gryw d.

to gie rhd a ti{dry [cl burrhyNy @rberc co sq n h n fu e 'qah'e|!l .t!ho{dE 3hd.mi e e tr lh ffg nomtrdU 4s.i qhr


s.h h hin be6E E an w,lc up ,nd dcrnd

'olt 'rdd
p6b3 wi6$6 dsdq {h oisht dd iJ s, who n on ovs). kodrr 6k ar rhr H{@s vlErhs rhry ire

hi6 i6@6qllr


wirr!11@ a


Hqd6) on w{a\ w,rL icdi $c$rur rur6


u@nro*,bl nGht rby nsr ishr [e rid rhr?

e iy @ r n a A s d|$ e n i i l e r cw b d d EP d * h g b | d k r f u Pa ttth e Bh r h cw o o d sT [.d r y wh k h h - h l4 f t ne d F sb g o a tb e ch { m ' T ' o rulEsq9belowitc'{k,i|cd.drokdmle irrhoqh, wnh a hft of rcpc {d a rot of p*iaa, no* nNdrc dd @oalnbGd b jup ore

ad 16. !id*

Do yoq rtnmbs $e 5@e b whidr tubh H@d lid Lrde Joh^ 66t ftd .&h orh.d rf 50 d5 @ 3h@Ld

6dro! rree dn rhe f{ bad. ciblt hl(M h !h@rd dcsrctlgwryhE'heT@nl!e?slt

uh.) w d b rE vilt s. bt w ol ,q dk6 hw r sq

d b c a b h b E I r h e o Pp q [|i ty' o 3 d l h D w l r l

-;tn c mv bd&1 \e ftr6 , lu wr b .6 e. ke Gtu!!j1\8a.h tl@@nt lqt tt,t t* ulhda at 16tutur 6na6trchtsdthd c\htet qtfts * orc. ut!, ,Mr', ljl N ;a tuna. n hnh l Law w w pqth tt'e ne N4 v,1', nnr '1'lnh6 Bi vd' '44 8, al16, u\*, ba.\, sq $ dt ary,nEnbn.it6, "lN w'df f ir e , | ' N F k ' t l y q I , * b e 3 !| b w'c f t l'i' @ a t ' d | @ P | 3 l d | h h @ n w| ' 6 | 'eh,

'tuy sbw dr1Ft,ry avalqs.,t ld rthqe wtE R ktuts rar rith,.HB .d tu tn9rltst,k ee nt " kr krndhthkuq3ad! jtd 4h1!N.i,atu1

NowInqr clbet hi 'thel gfts dohat@ l 'or e


one sood widor 6 be 6t d he,Lthyh rbl nqr cre. ft* Hrcnsr bt @rq nora Dwlrl q 3n ind

G) rf ctrhd @nb nr tumhh,(vtr ! dou6ht he fdr, oft rhe krc riy 16r tq i{r GI ch{k a8!h* $ rpptPdrs sp.d:r sNI if pcs*cd, rhTd har

qoit h hin 'hir{ 'Hq, shwh! hqaw hw @ a& he. hk.Mat 4 r, hn Bfr a,t4 td rM sa ad w L@t vw tt hr cibl' ryil

$G$tur .b4s rcn snP



3 rd l4

hi.e Erpi 63h' $< rNi oa'l'tiFhinhtothltem

Dql cn th Hqo$ abod th* lwo sPo,|ru]e, bd

ya o4,,hlbt! $de,tuerntl, bbu t,teghtby"r fle d ww rit,rcw$aw6uiHh h L,q hBkk@ E[hs rherrcl flill rhercn dd 6rk oI| q rhe*rc winbv e g o t t h e f u $ 4 e o d G n h ,th e ffid ck Hso rdk ort h. msr nar. r !(asfqt sur4 'tu r c nbaa c h l l E b o | i h e m y m r e so u ysh r iB k* e'g.o@, Pq d9) jup h ro 6y b $* rh. Hd. Hn sur, @llnsr be

Ied wh* sn of Here6er thcl MiQr acosr4sr

'hoqblyFdelhedbh!vb['E|9wl||,PoLuF '*. ur. r& qiM de b . ttu!, hdnth! 16'r'f uh G . h q | h r g c n h a a w ' .a W]M

de*dp[oi, bd do

y4 Ior &d * ou b rheprayE

h rhenhe oI the3!ds; ? flJL cbrc rheory s|WFd4u"!rcj'@Pheissv?zr]ngdou?le od lq!ry he t illosd thn tu dly be coLik


wdrn ar rery da4 Y@, aLrndinqoI ddnk pcfeGbrysoBthhs hodbh rir . n;hrt af

sair srilL surt ('o) .oi (!o) sapt ltot iu@F(d ee{0)

shdfly rk


th. rd

bdd34 cibhr c h r

' o Kwie wr lv l ht''fua|cbl '@l '16w |rh1 ptur $ M! kh tun ,! lotk @ts etu u er$ t@l Naarrn\ @ ary q a, ea ,) rtu i& dBt h rdehuod1' dn hb v! r ,l $4 st h nubtdt 3o{,io63d4'-'(heFih6thsbi3g$t,to4he5t, mLe [!nD Hrrc Prc!tr) tu &/&a. r' rd{4 !/ the LtBshh tkI@'nrhe ,rt5 srdnrNN.kbil !u, to t4 dt na ih t tt vw b o& le.' tnkt



joh the lght


bd tL4 .r

A t t L-Po i t , l l e H . r c 4 n i g k e e ob lyb @ m !

r6iy ave rhebb bdtus o||L jwr s toq 'td 6 lu 4t4 b

'L@L s wnt tav h 3t4 r,e tu

t s ta, @)

Nt6, nu t !a, wkd b, w aturt ,b! ttt hl h* e ol $e Bhi n M vwb td th@ NnIk 'lk/ bs'tq. tuw ah.w u& ttli4 ttp, rn'|tM ah'av " 4tuie4tut tut tu, sudt &M hin,stu Nq,N k ba|,re|dg|hi|bqt'94}q4|bnd$]'aBd k $ h e L4 Ntu yt kis .Mr jd at Pole uhdevrryk6l'lhdldk|wwcabl|Edathi*' 'tb Arl*P|hI!fu|P@h4Gqqla&$d14fffuIfuad t kt$ hi eh, I tk hqe thd tl ta nver ktkt hw dr! tu. ad e !@ sf 4E 3M8 {t .w lq tr

h,4 4&r nM rrnttpdr tu tE ,Ft ol v,/ ue.

b* bN 6 Nab'tu tu&ab. s N., tryrlryw b.d ,@t ft rcr h ryh aitk* of tqtt' w vt .M ,br.l " i 3hhth d't tult, qut al the @6 tu !d, lw 4h nN@ at4t Eumitl, e,t uh e k s@ kn,, 4
c Ro l' k ( P P l6h { yw 4 h 9 l { d s' i 3 u fl a l y

'ottt t, tttcobta at t$t ttdb! rh!tut \wt


co6rb ie t,hidr cibkr,i[

hive Eldy ro hind) od

u , qit lar 6tt't ,$4 'o4".'1 ,qhh pt1 vir i.h !t@ lu utk I dn b@t v.n blfu6Gtl!6lb'ar*chnd| wnahA 6tu I d!

hnl' Jdesdbe u6od'hs hl dbdti

14fr hn q h; Lirestonu4sl! rhn b

rhr lhaLlogs nd sd rh. wdds &,.t! dsht rr he roi of 'h cobrh vir4e tson rhe id&r r{(i;,

h s *d l t 6 ! !]u ,]i |yo fd b GF u 3 *d d eday! |n Pr c 8 q @ tl E u n fo fu *.d 4 ($ " h q$e 6 d s r t h g | l e s!8 h 'T fu n 6 kth 4 b try4di

denpt' rhejol win plobrry Ans I slprc of laLed @rtem.d rfzr you qirl rry drh ?n drdw Hav

nake, qd tu6 ibost gdttu the.o.B ode nshi & ih* you tr r* jud rh Hsds ta dd ii lers a

lq*h{,EFdrly wfth 3h:rpwGpois dc * hod i |ikrtrh3an*!h6Rq@wd{lheliAh'h*sbds



Prqq wrrEd do4 : i&h noe wqL

wF o b a b | y b o !th i h d T ? l e th Pb r !4 l d e o f u Dd { n ! e | &n e b 6 y6 n a d !fr sh l ' b d l i zl ' l

cLrjo0ud hiq c@ | \par rhen lu* doirBo !

edb3! rD*i

ro rhe dhs


hc sLL & uibh

ole rhcH@ hi5 r@3ft dd ri|ha coLik rtu oths

P 6 3 s 5 F t h * tfu d h d h fta d a l ' a F j i so I

| f,D w l Ig godo$* dtr63ht* !de u P b 6 e kh of crbr*s dh{5 b EnBh h,n rMy rred 'he a tow quins !d oysry rhey miy hi* ki!, iu*
$nr yet{ hidr @ !]dbgs y ol :^@ bqoI

e 4 l L +jtfuFtrl qbA ghi dhel he n h E


r r idd rine 6 bEak (or Ltrh, d udil rhe

re HeG hE*Gne rhlmrs of Etjn,lnd &.d rctbbBbwithtlrDwl'|idrsftsdosh,lP

GoblDs do nd {tully s* slh dkr (hqd G$ do) h ri.t, th. renah, or q eq crclili vill b. $rd

AIrq luoo\ rhHso' prcbrblyrircddd dru& win

*@' mnidfueor <@ dEh| P3@ | J n&dr e| . edE 3ny (we sh.dely hoFll

TlBlw@dhac hoItheEGfs y @ Ed6s e

thi sare 6 3d thm b{k on tR* &skrlv

thG b

5pd rtu tse@6 Ga, ore Fr Hso p[s ! aphh). De im e d ; 6 L y - d on l si r cr h g H 4 o e 5 a $ e l d } i l l Thar!ho|dbe4oqhb3d'hs&slBforldue

}utrh.n4jnwlhinwhbig{F!|y,sylwooG kobLqaLthoqh@nPdo'ad!o'u4lhd|d*]rL iun ibod nmise 6 lone od o r+. rry tu 6 hrl

bnd, y@ 6id' oF ro sdpt a ryhole cv prord yq

rb rr4ed ftlnd 16!!4s rf rhedrr6i*@

Pratrs wry rclsh

ol! od trcdi a !ry ldF, Ep.ids noNu (rib a! $Gpd Mmd.d4 pehapsl @miB Iron rh od,q

sols 6 !qt, ir only the/ hadbd}td

b di& b rhe

w ftb E'l l ,dJ ry dal dH eI6,y qn j3 $ t h t r b

{ bi rud bi* m b rh. ig6r 6r&. 'tuy P ldwlF . r r q i e d E k w l ' h l s B ll th d w a n

behs hsdiry sili oI3ory d.ldptiois or dniEk

r r r w? lL iF h $ ch !b ? d *a kth *r b i g T l o L L 6 !l d

fiad+ mer upodside rtu 3rs of 6ad rr rhryw4 tky dont kiow r|:t tlt capbh or lhecurd b ore

dde ?nd crbrdq tu@ nay,wn tbs - i36 hiverh cobrh,od rhe folrow wop nd rriv? rh?

cryht v".rri 6 acphh of rhel(*d dt suir wl! rhcErndk'HehqP{eg

H.dd tqh qp to wdi the d1], ht to4 rllqft n b

.ren so trc Gtk lqe thd ry tu6

w6 4n li k r. e Mj qMr, e. t sLrt l,M r irNn: 0t i3 b be hqd rh* rheHss ryirl @r be s hdr4s * to b[ hin rh* it b jud : d dowi, y.ry 0i6Pre$i @urry bm4 r @d4 Dkr er oI

t4 anttu


s*tbtsLIb,'brd Gn c6 t.r,

n4 unrtaqI ut w, tN. tu,h.d wu L,stu rd. 1-h.k r6n: t)ntie65 apn,-cq4kbv pt@i!4 tt ti+t v sodkbh ffifr6 aa r4 ht' .htta ar


wh*qvq rhs Herc* an rhi* oI h! h*, et t tu @hrdh6 tl khg td t Ntu b u w w\ r 181h,v ttu b 64t q @Mn hkqs tit wr

n v@st 'hat woLd f!8hh hh 4oud b

'3dti4 kt*6 b kd, eh?wL ! att @rk$ ywne ww htutuF d xaqt ttt rt cI h' tiwht, tn 't@e 4rai1T,eut!wylua tt i6iL tta 8tu L t rh'

shpid GI *ill.daok- hw sto$ c s* csrh abr)

bdrhofd{rbBsho*!d@'bynuIdedgrhrry Fople rh+E npo*dly @ne to protd? II thry 6 d{tafrsht'"*cibLdodE|sobalatlE(dom

n 6 r yF+ l hi obs hdE otfthl Tl rq @ ! d d c o

brerv rrcqh rcon for ewrybodr d ausrq bed ddw. rh b.6 l@L s oL4 ruty md lse th.r cibhr @,id prcbably Fi* rhq rprd rhc roudq ooarhgsofthFnrnayodyndto$aehthgn


hL @ @bs

od gd {@gh


capru v{chik lnd rwo of hn Erinr. @nb (rFi

dLd who "N||s a],Te' d b.d n |k cob|'n 'rlla

ib b"r v*"h,I h80." s* F* ;bu*l'-' -d the cll dunpinsrk! weporu b ? @r* r k

the caolq lnd 3$ldsD6

a 6'

peopr. nd.h atf

Tr.n v?khik d{6 ro speir 4ih Hs n d4 od b b ovsha . bur oy Hqo lho nahs a $esdi,L serct/edsb[wi||mreod'h*hln$ybgto wqhor rhe oNq*6{ { h his bi4s eF 'hin

rydt,,r, t 134 @r.n,'vahi,k $y! qudry wr',. pI hqew hit6. r $ h et a ot |r'attu, o xkq lte r* bd L b 4ir 'qu w F6a itu tt r btt. Ertu rt 4, baadq, w @ bsy 5w, rtuHer
'4 b4uatl 'n ni3ht Mtbt.bte b rtut tq sre+hs I drnt l@q krshsdk rn, *d\ kt cuk l @ j,4 ke u wP1,, t t rtu tb rq 'rt qtu6r Nd cqPh''' {@$ ddhg Yoi. Bd,6 o? o'

jtkpoghhl|}ta|u{|rblowFinknvlhrtrdhshr d,a cnr luda.rrie o!ir3r,. 'hra thesurdflndotb.begiBi6frd. b\q oic d

Ikg h'wef uu| I ! & M u r h t a @ n l h w| h 4 '|fu.Jd'llq'@MhnfrNn*ahudreb4d

raudrr d h?' pidh How44 6w I rih. b rd nre 'hs. doq quns ju* i 36ple 5,4rt rcrr(or , b be rd.d oPa r1E

P { P | e L d t ' T o n yd ' l g a r i n b d fl l n e d b u i |d h 8 jBr r'rr oy orhq Lpwi hous rho rhE ?E $


schLtuh !

sr4J sr ,i A'ed (!r. co 1ll,

16,] 6! (r'

/'dqD@',Fi6tofko61&adthcnst!d dag o h th .d ty,i nofi m{s hunB n6t of ft of no podiar se wha&{q orrhosh 6. do*

tubttut LM t'2),uda3 ^een kB nA sNhitutv cwnqrl Lwt bqw, tutitu

c?mlrd@,th@IIWBjqofthec|ycu!d' lho 3 4 d b ll c f,y ftheP i oa(!B s l j ? n o t :my wh{ v4 yous, wm ! nedaL 4d ,nncdErdy { ue h (Wb (e d,w h.reh.l B s h34]i i q o f f ld

E4i't stitk'


d EH.r c4 o r e Mrcdj K tl yfronthegab'6q w,rrh& p$ord rhlr lru 6d Y4hoo ind b

Ir th?Hrcd eive dth i poitd

V:tlir 6! oN or

sevsir dhr ladh6 lrihr

virr jso b? pieet,


rhe*(n bRk w.'Lrsivt , ew lck di.I b{oE

$c bbb, o a bG h:t b we. ,hn pratns rhe

sry 6k ,k,1 i, ttt 4411 M ,ra&turt,@r * lav Nt4t o. n 4 .@N,t d hd nt, l"tl dh @tttut, h?nb alt khe b hb M 4 ttt B hRlqryy tet' @


sqt. A dslt he6s ol, icue, tr eun N.dar tlI t@ke. w. nrt Qt, rb1.aft!, deut! tk 4 3d bE srwkkkie r xth utt.t t. ht akt sh,vHw ,b? F^tqt tu ,,t dawe buh kn a ,Mtia ,t$ ttu

6 b wi,d our rl!, ray he teq br of rd6s I s(rerhis 6 $y !b@r hL d.eb:r hore rh* *outd

'w.llNa''Dantv]i'I|hi|*1|wnfu9nd'i4 rtr,' K4srbtu trt N,rthtre haa d a4.qi@a

lrlau04tu!.ralh oIv,
a'* q rel4, says \\e Matat I es yart.ffub' ai& tti, ed ol this ent. a, M,e, I r t,nw tbhae we *qths uth, t bra kt erydd I' ku

kth,. A et,

nodento|']nv wir tud@' @eat thw

'kt dl'Idhlwfril|yN,"a|k,nwJ'm"w]6?.1b

n l'nts eqd

thdr sehn th.kttFrk wlp

T h F t s d K a d j o g h r T l r g D Psi r cn h sC N 4

yq ldr. do* sc n3h'rine.hdc.e. ^re onliru lld rum olr rid' lbur nak5uc rh?tFu 'h

w3 d !u, hph8 rh6 ,tm@n tu bM dt ww ptqtl Lb nt thedk6n rto,iv b d.Fa b ioh rtc un! rnl! we@' dr b rd rt tht sb oa hqv 4kr

pik , p,oided by tLe Myoi who binqwt or sturEd

@ter,l tireal @*, ,

Pit rbr t I rut w, tut tu P,t,i ri wry s

{a danttnu wth nw tt t,

He inndbbly bqh5 b @it*, se th h t @ ry bu tl '@

!l I r'i@ ydr tMs

5siry5 rqbrs irrhash rhe rini6 pisr mqht For o inbuh F hr rhem sa th niP od Pqrbr

tur.t ati|t, r kilu ttd na. rhq qe tunnhsh Id,4 w atl {w Nt'hiq cqta\ !d.r* x M 4 eM Hl

tqqw4 e n


prc v lde d b y t h e @ e & d g E | i n ib wb wln d sq lovq$rbn h rhesaol theHrc4 {irr bow tu rk


;d.h*"at ;:L-"

d r..s rh^ - b *r. r bF d "a Pr4 *4 r"e" +-' FP. 'r.n P -d

ic ; , e s d " d

h e Etr N m r 3

b r h b - G.*'

b he& th* thry p@b,blv hiv. udi rdof b crdv

be @r b wqr bl;'ld4 !.r{ &rsc5 &rw{i hc r!; hood. (rheE . rc'rnc b nirs r\hrq bdF rh@sh .&b od brftl5 oi i' & cdr

d ni{i.-".

rherr n'k5 p^re b 3i b*r. i a f'tu

Ihs! .Jho

eo , bredF d rum'B rk 5*!1, ro



b"tue^ rh"n o"* nnld

clblin col

a d@ (worrc?wldi D n.\ Cs


tu aq Gqdd 0der4

,5 ns

fo, the Hs@s you6c4 *e the qle5.eLi4

br doii3

e'IrheHercs'i3h66ghtaav,lry,th.yborc' hqs lbd rct trhed w!ho!s) h xdd rh ffw

Nobr6 d cr

lc:stry)i It no

PIoPI! of tud lrnrorry| r 6is ot T'eA@ rl Eh Elintb wub6 0i6ftYl r d$ or 5oDF sd

smP P@pL0ddr4 5 udtsor 50 w^ a.h !^ T [ I s ru3, r l r r u s r ^ M ] N A F ' M o E4 sp e /

(|nfdL4 @ n$,

hdudhs rrrad.zue and Eisof 1+, ronqFLe) un4 sxr!r 3^rftsr^uNA o now4 Ee'




F wn thdqdhs

oohrtr worf Ridqs ovoLfGwrry) 2 wr! or :t


::?T,",..,., "^,,",,,^",.^,.,".,""' qiG

rls of h! oc Gr,rtry), t orts no *6 rig6 or Doqs coooud.F (lir{rry} !q tui

cobrb5 0,rjorryI I ur! of 50n4 ..h

lfu la Er ' r l6 n iP p]yrbefoLow hsroi r6e$dd

&3' r&rF {d win @med rhederi {5 (ijrfqe

soi * th.y rs Jl nnned b4w4i thgloods (pb Eh*vs sPrr, Hqo Prcsor*d

hl; hadq b 6 s h t l b a f t | e * H e wtL L jn Ply

iJ thet nry riq is p,6$t). HoFiurly rhc Hdo6 vill

rhe 6rd5 o*5id cad Gri[ ftly ne rirdy rd b.

3uy, r0 rdl od ErE* hs.k hb K-d you nry theowth h rui r frrll:Gh or rhe bM lbd 6r fo l6 f'b dtw i | be!,i qhndhrl ora G o u c f u l Dn <d 6 wqk odl hddai L,* hg' h . iu h s P G

5lePodtdEIqe@'J|rdrdbyth!5]4sP.ll DB.

s4iqt sLrl] +eu,ahe,n rtud qdt , ^raiad bftu|lk@ktrh.Fll'|i

'l{t]d som or rhs Haes nay e ery hdy woudr4 or

s@ao{, $ne w:y, the H!rcs i3h' sat'ay thrchbsqons@nNijsrcuPcI3daPhEd ind bdqght be6e d r! [tu for rt! bi3 showdo'(

AyHer4who5wielheblah@b]<!tsninths friir lare h lddrb4 yoq win rcd z@e ;d Elson De . G I t ] o | d $ 4' o l } P@d ksh d d h th g sh ft

D6PleoyFsibLeprcbLdsdqdisthgb*tli$oi r *ir hiBr y rcnfidd

hwroqibk r. wr *,r liir sinpk srtl iitc slep wrtuAs iid Fer rf rh.f do nd wd[ rE wil Le !rc 3.4 bdl' he m K a &*h spcr I blr oqt of

a si&d lb D| - isB i *cs'$@'j ns|dI ph4ue h rrowiq rhe H@6 ro di& h; tur of

sdsoi ilrL lrn Le Kry *giir; 1 s@d


nisht &

hjured n noned dE HeaF RiDe {h* rhL nant

].nd rtu "

lill ";4 !d s .. h@^rido6Ly rhis $d zum -'h

i".* - . e* ' G


4 p6sibLi

rhisiurd bc $ed 6 Fy rher@p; !r; Eruarshrrrr

|i g h tT@l abt3l bo| ab's i qd4 n i& s t h e


sPerr boo( h!id*!rry, L m,h!t

6 be


pre*nh steei.ckod andlr LNssstone


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