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Education Foundation Request Project/Activity Description: School Garden Project.

The money will be used to buy the necessary supplies to start a garden this spring and also maintain the garden in the future. We are asking for $4000.00, which will be spent the following ways: Tiller $2500 Fence/Posts $100 Seeds $150 Tools $250 Trees $750(5 apple trees) Misc., Supplies $250 *Compost start-up Fertilizer Water cans Start-up pots Soil *Compost will be started with waste from the school lunch All supplies will be stored in the schools red shed and in the greenhouse so that there is long term use. Educational Goal/Outcome: During the first year of the project the committee has agreed that we will plant a variety of vegetables and 5 fruit trees. Plants will be started inside during early March and then transferred to the greenhouse before planting in the garden. Mr. Rinkenbergers agriculture classes and Ms. Machs science classes will be responsible for starting seeds. We will experiment with growing times and yields of our different varieties of plants. Our goal is to be able to supply some vegetables to the school lunch program in the fall as well as selling some at the local farmers market. In year two of the project we plan use our experience from the first year to select more vegetables that can be used in the school lunch program. We also plan to have curriculum in place so that the garden can be used in a variety of classrooms. Long -term goals include community open houses, hosting guest gardeners/speakers, and raising enough money through the sales of vegetables and fruits to sustain future garden and greenhouse projects.

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