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24 Student(s) Found Student/ Grade/ . Birthdate Servinq District = 0756: Bloominq Prairie and School = Bloomina Prairie Hiqh School and Selected students onlv School/ IEP. Manager/ Reg Ed Teacher Blooming Prairie High School Kittelson, Ranell Blooming Prairie High School Kittelson, Ranell Blooming Prairie High School Kittelson, Ranell Blooming Prairie High School Kittelson, Ranell Blooming Prairie High School Kittelson, Ranell Evaluation/Reevaluation Plan Prior Written Notice Received: Due: 12/2/2013 Received: Due: Received: 2/23/2011 Due: Received: 4/17/2013 Due: 5/22/2013 Received: Due: 1/8/2014 IEP AND 3 year reevaluation Meeting Scheduled for Jan. 8 at 9:00 am IEP due 2/6/13 IEP/EVAL due 3/7/14


# 1

Current Needs

Agenda Comments Finishing ER and IEP -Social Skills Goal? >M Meeting scheduled for 1/23/14 at 7:50 Think about schedutrig and E ^ a f ' * ^ Plan


Going to Hospital 12/11 and 12/12 to get testing done now ? ?


Sent home extracurricular sheet. Where should I address this in the

Blooming Prairie High School Kittelson, Ranell Blooming Prairie High School Kittelson, Ranell

Received: 10/13/2011 Due:

Received: Due: 1/31/2013

3 year Eval/IEP scheduled for Jan. 31st at 1:00 per dad need to reschedule IEP mtg. due to noshow today-due 1/9 permission for eval. not received/14 days were up on 12/5 so the eval. is underway

Dad signed 12/8/13

Blooming Prairie High School Peterson, Lia

Received: 11/20/2012 Due:

|* , .,


Blooming Prairie High School Peterson, Lia

Received: .Due:

.... tt


Blooming Prairie High School Peterson, Lia

Received: Due:

Hanna is wanting to spend her lunch-. In Ann's room r * n y days' (I'm %W0* for my lunch at this time). 1 told her that she needs to be with h%r peers # for lunch & she argues that she doesn't eat with them anyway because she eats in(Ke offide; SomeSlI days she doesn't eat so that's usually when she asks to go to Arm's rdom. # Helpl eval. due 2/14 (moved up from 3/21 so we don't have to have a double meeting)Erin is f ^>i . " ? ..*$ '<i#


Blooming Prairie High School Peterson, Lia

Received: Due:

currently working oh the plan. 12 Blooming Prairie High School Peterson, Lia Blooming Prairie High School Peterson, Lia Received: Due: Received: Due: permission for eval. not received/14 days were up on 12/9 so the eval. has been started left a message on hj|^m^g^gyjHt, voicemail on 12/10 in response to her call to Mary Worke last Frftgg<ftM0 concerning his Fs; informed her of work that he complete^MNMMMMMft reminded her about my e-mail & ext. began working at Fleet Farm last Saturday



Blooming Prairie High School Peterson, Lia

Received: 1/2/2013 Due:

15 Blooming Prairie High School Stephenson, Ann Blooming Prairie High School Stephenson, Ann Received: 10/2/2013 Due: 11/15/2013 Received: 12/11/2012 Due: 2/1/2013 lEPdate 2/15/13 With dad the weeks of 1/13 and 1/27 Last IEP ' meeting date 1/31 Need date Eval Meeting Needed IEP meeting set for 1/9 @ 7:50 New eval. plan being written adding possible ASD 3 year reeval last meeting 2/13/13 IEP meeting set for 12/17 @ 3 IEP meeting 12/12 @ 7:45 3 year reeval Meeting set for 1/13 @ 3


Report c o m p l e t e d l ^ i i t l M M n W M i




Blooming Prairie High School Stephenson, Ann

Received: 1/3/2012 Due:

3 days of unexcused absences/3 days ISS New s e t t i n g ^ ^ r j i j ^ M M I


Blooming Prairie High School Stephenson, Ann Blooming Prairie High School Stephenson, Ann

Received: 5/2/2013 Due: 9/18/2013 Received: 12/6/2012 Due: .

Attendance issues again.


6 /MHM
20 Blooming Prairie High School Stephenson, Ann

Received: Due:

Attendance issues continues


Blooming Prairie High School Stephenson, Ann

Received: 2/3/2011 Due: 3/18/2011


Blooming Prairie High School Stephenson, Ann

Received: 12/3/2012 Due: 1/23/2013


Blooming Prairie High School Stephenson, Ann

Received: Due:


Blooming Prairie High School Stephenson, Ann

Received: 11/20/2013 Due: 1/15/2014

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