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CoW -is trailer with antenna and transmitting/receiving hardware used to provide temporary cell phone service in emergencies.

1. Cost- Pricing on COWs varies depending on what size and design, e.g the addition of a istri!uted "ntenna #ystem $ "#% that enhances wireless service within a geographic area or !uilding, and improves coverage and capacity indoors and outdoors. &sually, it costs &# ' (),)))-' *),))) per piece. +. "ccessi!ility- epends on the service provided. COWs can provide (, service. -n order to ma.imize its range to around +/ 0ilometers in diameter to reach more people, only +, service can !e provided. -f within the range, you can ma0e use the mova!le cell site using your cellular phones. #ome COWs has the same call capacity as a freestanding cellular tower and can handle !oth C 1" digital calls and wireless data and -nternet service. (. 1aintenance- " team networ0 engineers must monitor the networ0 +2/3 throughout the duration of use to help ensure the networ04s performance. 2. #implicity/5fficiency of use- - #ince COWs are self-contained and are stored in a ready-to-go state, it can !e deployed 6uic0ly in a particular top priority area that needs access to the networ0 and coverage without the hassle of installing permanent foundations, costly construction and regulatory restrictions. 7he antenna tower can !e lifted and e.tended for enhanced reception. /. ependency during typhoon- 1ostly COWs do not provide e6uipment protection from lightning and power surges. *. 8ow it solves the pro!lem- COWs has a completely independent satellite cellular transmission system, hence provides su!stantial fle.i!ility and rapid set-up for disaster recovery operations where a temporary cell site is needed immediately.

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