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Soccer Student Portfolio Checklist

Name Teacher _____ Is able to stop a ball from a dribble. _____ Is able to stop a ball from a 10-yard (9-meter) pass. _____ Is able to gain control of a ball coming from a long pass. _____ Is able to pass a soccer ball 10 yards (9 meters) to the right. _____ Is able to pass a ball 10 yards (9 meters) to the left. _____ Can use a tight soccer dribble. _____ Uses a loose dribble only in an open field. _____ Uses different parts of the body to trap or volley a high ball. _____ Positions self correctly when the team has possession of the ball. _____ Adjusts positioning when the team loses possession of the ball. _____ Follows coaching hints when they use basic soccer terminology. _____ Actively repositions self to be effective though not playing the ball. _____ Knows how to and can attempt to disrupt the successful play of opponents. _____ Able to follow basic soccer rules. _____ Exhibits good sportsmanship. _____ Plays without endangering the safety of others.
From Isobel Kleinman, 2009, Complete Physical Education Plans for Grades 5 to 12, Second Edition (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).

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