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Group Name: Syntaxcare Business Solutions Members Sohail Khalid Adeel Anjum Abdul Ghafar

Online Shopping Mall

Site for Three types of Views Shop Owner(Vendor) Consumer Admin Shop Owner can configure Products Promotions Consumer orders Admin Configure Shop owner Set commissions for each owner Manager Consumer user Consumer Buy things from multiple vendors Manage own transaction/order

Online Shopping Mall

Option-I Open source PHP Solution

My SQL Database Open Cart Some Purchasing module Outsource Graphic Design Apache Web Server

Online Shopping Mall

Issues with open source Security Issue Support Issue Incoherently development by pool of programmers Need Technical Support to deploy

Online Shopping Mall

Option-II In house development

J2EE EJB3 (Business component) JPA ( persistency) JMS (for messaging of email pool) Spring MVC( Store Front) JSF (Store Admin) Oracle Glassfish as Application Server My SQL as Database Apache SOLR Search Engine Software As A Service (SaaS) Architecture

Online Shopping Mall

Benefit with in house (J2EE) Application Architecture is in our control Own Choice of DBMS Own Choice of Application Server(WAS, JBOSS, GLASSFISH) With Power of JPA can change ORM and DBMS any time With Power of EJB3 Business Components can be distributed across other products of organization in future

Online Shopping Mall

Our Option
For Evaluation we tried Open Cart as open source

Demo is Ahead

Parallel J2EE development Start Prototype Approach by studying multiple Ecommerce Solution

Magento OpenCart Big Commerce

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