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July 2012 to July 2013 Scheduled Thursday 4pm to 5:30pm

Siena College VISTA Fellows

Community Development and Social Justice Seminar
This seminar is an interdisciplinary examination of community engagement and social justice issues.

Instructor: Prof. Harden E-Mail: Phone: 518-727-9906 (cell) Office: Morrell Science Center 034G Office Hours: by appointment

Assigned Readings will be posted on Blackboard.

VISTAs will be able to: ! Identify the models of community engagement and current issues of community concern ! Evaluate the evidence and reasoning behind issues of social justice ! Explain the importance of research for community engagement and social justice issues. ! Distinguish different methods of research and their applicability to service site ! Design research that impacts your community partner ! Prepare research in a written and presentation format

August 2012 ! What is community engagement? ! Writing for community engagement September 2012 ! What is social justice? ! Can writing be used as an instrument to promote social justice? October 2012 ! Can we rethink the economy? ! Introduction to systems theory

VISTAs will be required to: ! Utilize Blackboard to access seminar materials and to submit work
Community Development and Social Justice Seminar

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Analyze the assigned reading Apply the assigned reading to your experience Compose a written essay based on the reading Prepare feedback for cohort members

VISTAs will have the opportunity to: ! Prepare a written article for publication ! Present a paper at a conference ! Develop a portfolio that will assist in career development

Evaluation will include the following: ! Written comments from o Instructor o Cohort members o Site member (when possible) ! Blackboard recording of completed assignments ! Written feedback submitted to Siena VISTA Program Director

November 2012 ! Experiences of poverty ! Charity v. Social Justice December/January 2012/2013 ! Health Care ! Webinar/Lecture Capture February 2013 ! The value of research in community development and social justice ! Finding a topic March 2013 ! Narrowing topic areas ! Finding a method April/May 2013 ! Finding your context ! Peer Review June 2013 ! Submitting for publication

Community Development and Social Justice Seminar

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