Activity 1 Week3

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Activity 1.

Week 3 coursera if teachers did these formative assessment practices consistently then students achievement would rise substantially. actually Scotland or England would go to number 5 in the world league tables if they could achieve that when teachers do a formative assessment effectively students learn at double the rate that they do without it. So you are really achieving 1 year's learning within 6 months through the use of formative assessment. Even if you go to a great teacher education program at a college youre only there for 4 years and you have been in a classroom for 13. So when you are reacting in the classroom - you rely on the scripts,( routines that youve learned when you were a student.) teachers actually know everything I tell them. example teachers typically wait for less than a second to give students a chance to answer a question theyve asked before weakening it or asking somebody else. research showed that 3 seconds to 5 seconds actually increased level of dialogue/ thoughtfulness + student achievement (most teachers already knew this. But did nt applied it in their own teaching). => the hard part of the problem is helping teachers to do this in their own classrooms because we are trying to change habits. Why is it so difficult to change? because teachers are very practiced at stitching together these routines & mini episodes that make a lesson a good lesson You ask teachers to change what has been successful for them in order to be more successful - its very hard to do. but if you are very serious about raising student achievement you arent going to do it by changing class sizes or school structures => what happens day in, day out in the classroom is what makes a big difference. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 key strategies for Assessment for Learning;

If we take the three central processes in assessments of learning making sure that you think about the role of the teacher;: 1. you are clear about where the learner is going; 2. you are clear about where they are and 3. you want to establish how to get there; and then you think about the role of the other peers in the classroom and the learner themselves. => You end up with 5 key strategies: 1. the teacher's role in making sure that you know where the learner is through questioning, classroom tasks, dialogue =>finding out where the learner is. 2 giving feedback to the students (not only feedback that tells them they are doing okay and no they are not doing okay), => feedback that moves the learner forward. 3. the role of peer, a. helping each other understand success criteria. The teacher helps clarify what the lesson and the learning is about and peers have a role in communicating this to each other as well. b. peers supporting each other - what we call activating students as teaching resources of one another. 4. student self-assessment or activating students as owners of their own learning. => 5. That brings in all the stuff about metacognition; managing all your emotional reaction to school and to work. We get this complex of ultimately five processes. Resumen: 5 key strategies for Assessment for Learning; 1. question in finding out where students are within their learning; 2. the feedback that moves learners; 3. making sure that everybody concerned is clear about the success criteria; 4. student peer assessment 5. student self-assessment. if you are not doing one of those then you are not doing Assessment for Learning. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Creativity for learning

In the past we have emphasized 19th century skills. ex. basic numeracy and literacy, the 20th century was relatively stable. You would go; leave school; get a job and they would actually practise the same sort of skills over and over again. Although we didnt do a wonderful job at it - at least we knew the kind of world we were preparing them for. moving into the 21st century we cannot imagine now the kind of world that we are =>We have to prepare students for situations that we cannot envisage. =>we have to encourage Creativity and ownership. = choose to think rather than to remember. We need students who when faced with challenging situations, instead to respond: 1. its too hard I am going to run away from the problem 2. face the challenge: a. (generating self-probing questions) Ex: What can I use? What do I know? How can I think my way through this problem? How can I be creative here? How can I think my way around the problem? Is it a way of thinking about the problem that means there are different kind of solutions as possible? b.developing the problem-solving

skills that work and solve things when you dont know what it is specifically you have to do.

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