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Q and A In a Zambian classroom As you watch this consider: What did you notice about the teachers questions?

ions? Which questions elicited multiple responses or could have done? How did the teacher handle multiple responses? How would you improve the teachers questions? What would you do differently while handling multiple responses?

2. when she asked whether the answer was correct or not, there were different opinions. When she asked back (ping-pong style) why the student thought it was correct or incorrect, it generated a more thoughtful answer, but I think there should be more visual explanation, and should make the teaching visible: Ex. Which color is the first circle ( ex. Orange color, and she stick an orange circle on the blackboard with tape) Which color is the second circle? ( ex. Yellow and she stick a yellow circle on the blackboard with tape, in its place) So, imagine this first circle is an orange ( free associative & imaginative thinking) -So, if I divide it in 2, How is the piece left: bigger or smaller? -Now, the piece left is the result, (signaling the yellow circle) who can tell me: is the number in the yellow circle bigger or smaller than de first circle? (signaling the orange circle) -Is there only one number that can be divided by 2 ? This is a tricky question -If I divide an orange in 2, is the orange bigger than de number 2? (inductive question so she can explain further after) -Pay attention!.. Can I divide the orange in 12 parts? (Adding a 1 near the 2) -Is 12 bigger than 2? -Who will eat more, the girl who eat the piece left when we divided by 12 or the hungry boy who eat the piece left when we divided by 2? -Now I will divide this prix ( showing a real orange) between the people who answered correctly 3. She was passive, impatient, she gave the answers sometimes and in general tried to ask only the pupils that answer the word correct, but I noticed the kids were mostly guessing, not really understanding. So the class was simple and boring. 4. I already answered with my above suggestionssee my proposed questions in point 2. 5. I already answered with my above suggestionssee my proposed circle method in points 1a. and 1b.

Ins Rivas answers 1. she was very repetitive, focusing in the boxes, specially the first one. 1a.For the viewer, the comprehension of the method is incomplete as the boxes should be in different color but as the blackboard is 1 color and also the chalk only white, its an incomprehensive method for the children and for us. And better to use a circle so she could use it as a visible example (orange fruit, a pie) 1. b. If the teacher used pieces of a circle instead of sticks, it would help to understand better.

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