Nur 467 Portfolio CNL Competencies 02 17 14

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Clinical Nurse Leader Compentency Assessment Core Competency Health care systems and policy Sub-Competencies Understand how

health care delivery systems are organized and financed, and the effect on client care Identify the economic, legal, and political factors that influence health care delivery Experiences Completion of NUR 266. I watched the documentary Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare. In NUR 266, we created a diagram of all the elements that influence the health care system. In NUR 2"#$ % &, I presented various nursing s!ills to my classmates. In NUR 2"#&, I presented on how to evaluate whether or not your patient has learned. In NUR #6"$, I presented my assessments and recommended interventions for our patients in post'conferences. In NUR ()#, I performed physical assessments. $s a research study coordinator, I spea! to individuals regarding their a*dominal pain and+or discomfort and their *owel ha*its in order to assess whether or not they meet the criteria for irrita*le *owel syndrome or functional constipation. .or NUR 22"$, I created a video presentation a*out medications. .or NUR 2"/, I created a power point presentation in order to *ring awareness to female circumcision in $frica. .or NUR 2"2, I created a power point presentation on preventing depression in older adults. 0or!ing in research, I had the opportunity presenting a poster of our irrita*le *owel syndrome research at the igestive isease 0ee! in 2/(/. .or the past " years, I have wor!ed at the Center for Neuro*iology of 1tress where I colla*orated with gastroenterologists, nurses, post' doctorates, medical students, administrators, and other academics to conduct research on irrita*le *owel syndrome. $s a research study coordinator, I have to interact with many individuals in the medical and academic field daily, including gastroenterologist, nurses, la* technicians, and administrators.

emonstrate communication s!ills during assessment, intervention, evaluation, and teaching

Communication ,-press oneself effectively using a variety of media in a variety of conte-ts

,sta*lish and maintain effective wor!ing relationships within an interdisciplinary team Communicate confidently and effectively with other health care wor!ers *oth in collegial and

su*ordinate positions

2roduce clear, accurate, and relevant writing Use nursing and other appropriate theories and models, and an appropriate ethical framewor! ,ngage in self reflection and collegial dialogue a*out professional practice Critical thinking

,ngage in creative pro*lem solving emonstrate !nowledge of the

Provider and manager o care

$pply appropriate !nowledge of ma4or health pro*lems and cultural diversity in performing nursing interventions

uring clinicals, I have the opportunity to interact with nurses, care partners, social wor!er, respiratory therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapists, physicians, and physical therapist. In NUR 2"/, I wrote a letter to the 1enior $ssociate irector of 3perations and 2atient Care 1ervices to suggest implementing daily multidisciplinary rounds to improve patient outcomes. In NUR 2"#&, I wrote a paper on how to interact with mothers of pediatric patients. In NUR 26/, I learned various models and applying them to create a *reast cancer screening program for $frican $merican women over the age of "/. In NUR 2"/, I participated in group discussions on articles regarding ethics and in4ustices in the medical field. In NUR #6"$, &, % C and NUR #6), I wrote 4ournal entries of my e-periences during clinical rotations. In NUR 2"/, I wrote a paper reflecting on the various perspectives in The spirit catches you and you fall down: A Hmong child, her American doctors, and the collision of two cultures *y $nne .adiman and developed solutions that would help 5ia receive *etter medical treatment. In NUR #6), created and implemented a fall prevention intervention on medical'surgical unit. In NUR 2"2, I learned how humans are different physically, cognitively, and socioemotionally at each stage of life. In NUR #6"&, I learned how to care for older adults. In NUR #6#, I learned how to care for pediatric patients. In NUR #62, I learned how to care for mothers and new*orns. In NUR #6(, I learned how to care for patients with mental illnesses. In NUR 26/, we are developing screening programs for specific target groups 6e.g. $frican $merican women over the age of "/7. In NUR 2"#&, I wrote a paper on how to interact with mothers of pediatric patients. In NUR 2"/, I learned a*out vulnera*le groups and how this vulnera*ility can affect their health care. In NUR 2"#$ % & and NUR #6"$ % &, I learned s!ills such as the " 8 2

importance and meaning of health and illness for the patient in providing nursing care 2rovide effective health teaching using appropriate materials, technologies, resources, and formats ,valuate effectiveness of health teaching *y self and others

Nurse technology and resource management

medication rights, one of them *eing education a*out how the medication treats illness. $nother e-ample, is teaching our patients to use the incentive spirometer, deep *reathing e-ercises, and coughing to prevent atelectasis, especially after surgery. In NUR 26/, for two patients I had to use the $9R: e211 application on my i2od ;ouch to teach them a*out recommended screenings for them.

!ember o a pro ession

Li elong learner

In NUR 2"#&, I gave a presentation on teaching and learning, which went over assessing whether or not the patient is ready to learn, teaching, techni<ues, and evaluation of learning 6e.g. tests7. In NUR 2"/, I had an overview of historical and philosophical foundations of nursing. Understand the history, philosophy and responsi*ilities of the nursing In NUR 2"#$, I had a lecture on historical and contemporary nursing. profession In NUR 266, I had lectures on the history of nursing and the role of clinical nurse leader. uring clinical rotations, I demonstrate professionalism *y maintaining Incorporate professional nursing patient privacy and *eing hygienic 6i.e. applying hand sanitizer *efore standards and accounta*ility into and after going into a patient=s room and wearing personal protective practice gear7. $ssume responsi*ility for the uring clinical rotations, I present myself professionally *y wearing my professional presentation of oneself uniform and not participating in gossip a*out the staff or patients. $ttending wee!ly >I conferences and 4ournal clu*s to !eep updated on evidence'*ased practice in the gastroenterology field. Recognize the need for lifelong learning and actively pursue new !nowledge $ttending annual igestive isease 0ee! conference to !eep updated in and s!ills as one=s role and the needs of the latest >I research. the health care system evolve $s a future goal, I would li!e to attend a certified registered nurse anesthetist program.

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