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ISBN 590353403 039480001 0394800 9 044"394599 1"848 $484 3948001"8 4390"4893 43913"350 9$800"08334 59 9$800""" 09 9 9$800$144$$ 44 9$803001 35 4 9$80$85

"41 94 9$80830$459 3$ 999888$$$"" 55

Dept Children Children Children #eadershi! %usiness Children Children Children %usiness %usiness %usiness %usiness #eadershi! %usiness %usiness

Book Title Harry Porter and the Sorcerer's Stone The Cat in the Hat Ho! on Po! #incoln on #eadershi! %usiness &s a Calling *reen +ggs and Ha, Harry Porter and the Cha,-er o. Secrets Harry Porter and the Prisoner o. &/)a-an +..ecti(e +0ecuti(e *ood to *reat *reat 2oti(ation Secrets o. *reat #eaders 3hat Really 2atters #eadershi! 101 %ring 4our %usiness to #i.e %e %usiness

Pub Num

Author 1 Rowling 4 4 $ 3 4 1 Seuss Seuss Philli!s 'o(a) Seuss Rowling


1 Rowling 1ruc)er Collins 9 %aldoni 8 Pe!!er " 2a0well 5 Caldwell 1 Pauley

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