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D|rect Cb[ect ronouns

(|o, |a, |os, |as)

o tengo una bufanda
I have the scarf
Lets take a |ook at the parts of the
sentence en |ng|es (Lng||sh).
I have the scarf
I|rst we have the sub[ect = I
I have the scarf
nave (!"#"$) |s the verb
I have the scarf
Aher the verb. the th|ng that you
"verb" |n the sentence |s the
D|rect Cb[ect
I have the scarf
Let's suppose that you were to
ask me the quesnon:
Do you have the scarf?
I cou|d respond:
es I have the scarf?
8ut why wou|d I do that??
ou know what I'm tak|ng
about, I know what I'm
ta|k|ng about
1here's no need to say:
the scarf anymore
I can subsntute |t
for that two |euer
word =
I can subsntute |t
for that two |euer
word =
I have the scarf
I have |t
It= D|rect
l have lL
What |s |t ta|k|ng
l have lL
What |s |t ta|k|ng
In Span|sh these
parts a||
I have the scarf
o tengo |a bufanda
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
1- Gender and |ura||ty
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
1- Gender and |ura||ty
GLNDLk: Nouns |n Span|sh have
gender, even the word |t |n
Span|sh has to have gender
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
1- Gender and p|ura||ty
for examp|e:
La bufanda (fem|n|ne)
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
1- Gender and |ura||ty
for examp|e:
L| abr|go (mascu||ne)
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
1- Gender and |ura||ty
LUkALI1: ou w||| a|so have to
make |t more than one |f we are
ta|k|ng about more that one
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
1- Gender and |ura||ty
for examp|e:
Las bufandas (fem|n|ne, more that one)
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
1- Gender and |ura||ty
for examp|e:
|os abr|gos
(mascu||ne more than one)
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
1- Gender and p|ura||ty
When I want to say |t |n Span|sh
there are two th|ngs to keep |n
1- Gender and p|ura||ty
2- |acement
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
2- |acement
1he DC |s p|aced |n a d|erent
manner that we wou|d for
When I want to say |t (DC) |n
Span|sh there are two th|ngs to
keep |n m|nd:
2- |acement
We can a|ways p|ace th|s
"|t" (DC) AI1Lk the person
(sub[ect) and 8LICkL the
1o summar|ze the
ru|es and to show
you how they
app|y .
If our "|t" (DC) Is referr|ng to an
e|, un
ou wou|d use the DC
Lo (|t)
If our "|t" (DC) Is referr|ng to an
|a, una
ou wou|d use the DC
La (|t)
If our "|t" (DC) Is referr|ng to an
|os, unos
ou wou|d use the DC
Los (them)
If our "|t" (DC) Is referr|ng to an
|as, unas
ou wou|d use the DC
Las (them)
If our "|t" (DC) Is referr|ng to an
L|, un Lo
La, una La
Los, unos Los
Las, unas Las
|ace the DC aher the person (sub[ect)
and before the con[ugated verb
L|, un ! Lo
La, una ! La
Los, unos ! Los
Las, unas ! Las
SLN1LNCL: (SU8ILC1)________ (Con[ugated Verb).
L|, un ! Lo
La, una ! La
Los, unos ! Los
Las, unas ! Las
If the sentence |s neganve then we w|||
p|ace the DC aher the word no
L|, un ! Lo
La, una ! La
Los, unos ! Los
Las, unas ! Las
SLN1LNCL: (SU8ILC1)_no_______ (Con[ugated Verb).
L|, un ! Lo
La, una ! La
Los, unos ! Los
Las, unas ! Las
SLN1LNCL: (SU8ILC1)_no_______ (Con[ugated Verb).
L|, un ! Lo
La, una ! La
Los, unos ! Los
Las, unas ! Las
No |a tengo
l don'L have lL (Lhe scarf)
L|, un ! Lo
La, una ! La
Los, unos ! Los
Las, unas ! Las
1he DCs mean the same th|ng as
the |onger vers|on we're [ust
subsntunng them to make the
sentence shorter
When you subsntute a word for
the DC you wou|dn't need to
say |t anymore because the
word has been subsntuted.
lor example, you wouldn'L say.
I have |t the scarf
o |a tengo |a bufanda
lor example
I have |t the scarf
o |o tengo |a bufanda
LeLs pracuce
Look at the vocabu|ary ||st ( |ts |n
Lng||sh) s|nce you've been
study|ng your vocabu|ary words
ALL month |ong trans|ate them
|nto Span|sh then app|y the
correct DC for each
Look at the vocabu|ary ||st ( |ts |n Lng||sh) s|nce you've been study|ng
your vocabu|ary words ALL month |ong trans|ate them |nto Span|sh then
app|y the correct DC for each
1- the sun b|ock
2- the ra|ncoat
3- the umbre||a
4- the ower
S- the p|ant
Look at the vocabu|ary ||st ( |ts |n Lng||sh) s|nce you've been study|ng
your vocabu|ary words ALL month |ong trans|ate them |nto Span|sh then
app|y the correct DC for each
1- the sun b|ock
Spanlsh-L| bronceador
uC = |o
Look at the vocabu|ary ||st ( |ts |n Lng||sh) s|nce you've been study|ng
your vocabu|ary words ALL month |ong trans|ate them |nto Span|sh then
app|y the correct DC for each
2- the ra|ncoat
Spanlsh-L| |mpermeab|e
uC = |o
Look at the vocabu|ary ||st ( |ts |n Lng||sh) s|nce you've been study|ng
your vocabu|ary words ALL month |ong trans|ate them |nto Span|sh then
app|y the correct DC for each
3- the umbre||a
Spanlsh- e| paraguas
uC = |o
Look at the vocabu|ary ||st ( |ts |n Lng||sh) s|nce you've been study|ng
your vocabu|ary words ALL month |ong trans|ate them |nto Span|sh then
app|y the correct DC for each
4- the ower
Spanlsh- |a or
uC = |a
Look at the vocabu|ary ||st ( |ts |n Lng||sh) s|nce you've been study|ng
your vocabu|ary words ALL month |ong trans|ate them |nto Span|sh then
app|y the correct DC for each
4- the p|ant
Spanlsh- |a p|anta
uC = |a
}Muy b|en!
racuce senLences
o tengo |a bufanda
! #$%& '#& ()$*+
What |s the sub[ect (person) of the
racuce senLences
o tengo |a bufanda
! #$%& '#& ()$*+
What |s the sub[ect (person) of the sentence? C
racuce senLences
o tengo |a bufanda
! #$%& '#& ()$*+
What |s the the con[ugated verb |n th|s
racuce senLences
o tengo |a bufanda
! #$%& '#& ()$*+
What |s the the con[ugated verb |n th|s sentence?
racuce senLences
o tengo |a bufanda
! #$%& '#& ()$*+
Now re-wr|te the sentence us|ng
the DC |nstead of
"|a bufanda"
racuce senLences
?o Lengo la bufanda
o |a tengo
l have Lhe scarf
! l have lL
racuce senLences
1u uenes un abrlgo
,-. #$%& $ )-$'
racuce senLences
1 nenes un abr|go
,-. #$%& $ )-$'
Idennfy the fo||ow|ng:
Who ls Lhe sub[ecL?___
WhaL ls Lhe verb?____
racuce senLences
1u uenes un abrlgo
,-. #$%& $ )-$'
Idennfy the fo||ow|ng:
Who ls Lhe sub[ecL?__1_
WhaL ls Lhe verb?____
racuce senLences
1u uenes un abrlgo
,-. #$%& $ )-$'
Idennfy the fo||ow|ng:
Who ls Lhe sub[ecL?__1_
WhaL ls Lhe verb?__t|enes__
racuce senLences
1u uenes un abrlgo
,-. #$%& $ )-$'
Now re-wr|te the sentence us|ng
the DC |nstead of
"un abr|go"
racuce senLences
1u uenes un abrlgo
1 |o nenes
?ou have a coaL
! ?ou have lL
now you Lry ln your noLes:
lor each ldenufy Lhe followlng:
1- Who ls Lhe Sub[ecL?
2- WhaL ls Lhe verb?
3- 1hen rewrlLe Lhe senLence uslng Lhe correcL
racuce senLences
1.Nosotros tememos |os gorros
/& #$%& '#& #$'(
2.L||a nene unas gafas
0#& #$( '#& (.1 23$((&(
3.Ustedes nenen un rbo|
,-. 2.4( #$%& $ '*&&
answers wlLh
your nelghbor
Las kespuestas
racuce senLences
1.Nosotros tememos |os gorros
/& #$%& '#& #$'(
new senLence !
racuce senLences
1.Nosotros tememos |os gorros
/& #$%& '#& #$'(
Sub[ecL! Nosotros
verb! tenemos
new senLence !
Nosotros |os tenemos
racuce senLences
2.L||a nene unas gafas
0#& #$( '#& (.1 23$((&(
new senLence !
racuce senLences
2.L||a nene unas gafas
0#& #$( '#& (.1 23$((&(
Sub[ecL! L||a
verb! nene
new senLence !
L||a |as nene
racuce senLences
3.Ustedes nenen un rbo|
,-. 2.4( #$%& $ '*&&
new senLence !
racuce senLences
3.Ustedes nenen un rbo|
,-. 2.4( #$%& $ '*&&
Sub[ecL! Ustedes
verb! nenen
new senLence ! Ustedes |o nenen
kemember, to make any of these sentences
neganve p|ace the DC aher the word no
Nosotros |os tenemos
kemember to make any of these sentences
neganve, p|ace the DC aher the word no
Nosotros |os tenemos
Nosotros no |os tenemos
kemember to make any of these sentences
neganve, p|ace the DC aher the word no
L||a |as nene
kemember to make any of these sentences
neganve, p|ace the DC aher the word no
L||a |as nene
L||a no |as nene
kemember to make any of these sentences
neganve, p|ace the DC aher the word no
Ustedes |o nenen
kemember to make any of these sentences
neganve, p|ace the DC aher the word no
Ustedes |o nenen
Ustedes no |o nenen
Ior th|s next acnv|ty I
w||| g|ve you some
sentences. I want you
to pracnce shorten|ng
them us|ng the correct
kemember to app|y what you [ust |earned!
SLN1LNCL: (SU8ILC1)________ (Con[ugated Verb).
L|, un ! Lo
La, una ! La
Los, unos ! Los
Las, unas ! Las
Ior Lxamp|e:
(?o) neceslLo un gorro
L|, un ! Lo
La, una ! La
Los, unos ! Los
Las, unas ! Las
Ior Lxamp|e:
(?o) neceslLo un gorro
!?o lo neceslLo
ShorLen each senLence by uslng Lhe
correcL uC
1- nosoLros comemos las verduras (Lhe
2- ?o neceslLo un paraguas porque esLa
3- Lllas llevan shorLs con rayas.
4- usLedes Loman foLos en el parque.
3- 1u llevas un Lra[e de bano con cuadros
answers wlLh
your nelghbor
ShorLen each senLence by uslng Lhe
correcL uC
1- nosoLros comemos las verduras (Lhe
Nosotos |os comemos
ShorLen each senLence by uslng Lhe
correcL uC
2- (?o) neceslLo un paraguas porque esLa
(o) |o neces|to porque esta ||ov|endo
(yo) |o neces|to
ShorLen each senLence by uslng Lhe
correcL uC
3- Lllas llevan shorLs con rayas.
L||as |os ||evan
ShorLen each senLence by uslng Lhe
correcL uC
4- usLedes sacan foLos en el parque.
Ustedes |as toman
ShorLen each senLence by uslng Lhe
correcL uC
3- 1u llevas un Lra[e de bano con cuadros
1 |o ||evas
}Muy b|en!
1hls lesson only covered Lhe uC placemenL for
CnL verb ln a senLence. We learned how Lo use
lL/Lhem ln Spanlsh:
Lo, La, = |t (s|ngu|ar)
Los, Las = them (p|ura|)
nexL ume we wlll revlew where Lo place Lhe
uC when Lhere are 1WC verbs ln a senLence
We wlll also pracuce uslng Lhe oLher uC's
Me, 1e
jnay preguntas?

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