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The Ocean Cleanup

The Eco-Engineering Design Contest


Contest Background
Millions of tons of plastic are polluting the world's oceans. It reaches the oceans through rivers and waterways, and then accumulates in five high-concentration areas called gyres. Boyan Slat, a student at the Delft University of Technology, believes that its possible to remove most of the plastic from the oceans in only five years using a series of floating filtration platforms and booms that take advantage of ocean currents.

The Contest
The success of the project relies on the design of two important components the filtering platforms and the floating booms. By using floating booms instead of nets, much larger areas of the ocean will covered, and even the smallest particles will be diverted and extracted. We are offering engineers and designers around the world a chance to contribute to this groundbreaking project by submitting design concepts for the booms, in accordance with the design guidelines.

The Jury
The jury selecting the winner under the conditions defined above is made up of 4 people:

Boyan Slat
Founder and president The Ocean Cleanup Foundation

Bertrand Sicot
CEO Dassault Systemes SolidWorks

Blair Perot
Ph.D Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Fluid Dynamics University of Massachusetts

Stephen Endersby
Senior Product Portfolio Manager Dassault Systemes SolidWorks

Join The Contest

Find out how!

The Prize
One grand prize winner, who will receive:

Admission to SolidWorks World 2014, including round-trip airfare to San Diego and four nights hotel. A one-week trip to The Netherlands to work with The Ocean Cleanup team, including round-trip airfare and seven nights hotel. One Microsoft Surface Pro with SolidWorks 2014 Premium

Two runners-up will receive a Microsoft Surface Pro with SolidWorks 2014 Premium.

Legal Stuff
All designs and computer files (including but not limited to renders and 3D drawings) issued by The Organiser as part of The Contest remain the intellectual property of The Ocean Cleanup and Dassault Systemes. See here for the detailed terms and conditions (and here in French).

Boyan Slat

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