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Nikolina Pantelic

1 (203)-543-4763 37 Jennings Avenue ridgeport, CT 06610 pante i!"ridgeport#edu


$ee%ing a position as a &enta '(gienist in t)e &entist industr(, *)i+) *ou d ,a%e use o- proven a"i ities in patient edu+ation, de"ride,ent, and preventive ora +are#


Bachlors Degree in Dental Hygiene, .niversit( o- /ridgeport 0ones $+)oo 1- &enta '(giene, /ridgeport, Conne+ti+ut, 2013# 2e+eived t)e .niversit( o- /ridgeport 0u Tuition $+)o ars)ip -or -our (ears#

Clinical Experience 0ones $+)oo 1- &enta '(giene 126 3ar% Avenue /ridgeport CT Student Dental Hygienist 0452011 - 0552013 6 3rovided &enta '(giene instru+tons 62adiograp)s 6 3rovided preventive ora +are 6&e"ride,ent 63o is)ing 60 ouride Treat,ent 62e-rea s

Skills And Abilities

3ro-i+ient in $panis), $er"ian, Croatian, /osnian# $trong +o,puter s%i s and e7posure to 8i+roso-t 9ord, 3o*er3oint, &e7is $o-t*are and :ag eso-t so-t*are#

8ission 1- 8er+( (8#1#8) Community Service

03523 - 0352552012

1ver 2,000 patients *ere served *it) -ree denta +are , 1,600 vo unteers *or%ed toget)er to provide ;1,300,000 in donated denta servi+es to patients o- a ages#

&aug)ters 1- C)arit( 015200< - 0452010 =o unteered as a tea+)ers aid and )e ped in supervising +)i dren# A so )and ed t)e o--i+e *or% -or t)e dire+tor#

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