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Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers Task 1 Contextual Factors Chart

This chart is designed to help you to understand that many factors affect teaching and learning. They include the community, classroom procedures, the students, and the physical environment in which you will be teaching. All this information will help you to determine teaching strategies and approaches that will support your students learning. In this chart, address each of the characteristics listed as they pertain to your teaching assignment. (You must attach this document as an artifact in response textbox . . .!

Source of Factor

Contextual and Environmental Factors Suburban and Rural

Urban, suburban, or rural; socioeconomic; census data on families

Per Capita Money Income in Past 12 Months (2012 dollars), 2008-2012: $21,026 Persons Below Poverty evel (2008-2012): 20.7% !"m#er o$ %o"seholds (2008-2012): 26,288 Persons Per %o"sehold (2008-2012): 2.56 Median %o"sehold Income (2008-2012): $37,911 &nrollment: 9,031

Enrollment, percent free and reduced lunch; graduation rate; ethnic breakdown; percent with IEP; percent ELL; per pupil expenditure

Percent 'ree and (ed"ced "nch: 63% 'o"r-)ear Cohort *rad"ation (ate: 76.5% &thnic Brea+down: White 45%, Bla ! 40%, "i#$ani 12%, %ther 2%, &#ian 1% Percent with I&P, 12.7% Per P"pil &-pendit"re: $8,370

&nrollment: 1,568 School

Enrollment, percent free and reduced lunch; achievement scores; ethnic breakdown; percent with IEP; percent ELL; recognitions; teacher student ratio

Percent 'ree and (ed"ced "nch: 52% &nd o$ Co"rse .ests - 201/: '$er ent () #tudent# # (rin* 70 (r ab(+e, &l*ebra 1-.ath )(r the /e hn(l(*ie# 20 67.2%, 1n*li#h 10 60.6%, Bi(l(*2 1-&$$lied Bi(l(*2 20 69.0%, 3S "i#t(r2 and the 4(n#tituti(n0 65.1%, &ll /e#t#0 66.0% &thnic Brea+down: White 46%, Bla ! 42%, "i#$ani 9%, &#ia 1%, %ther 1% .eacher01t"dent (atio: 1-21 &thnicity: White 46%, Bla ! 48%, "i#$ani 6%

Classroom Demogra hics

Ethnicit!, language needs, gender, identified special needs including gifted, ph!sical needs, and cultural characteristics

an2"a2e !eeds: n(ne *ender: .ale 56%, 5e6ale 44% Physical !eeds: %ne #tudent i# aller*i t( late7. Se+eral #tudent# )eel that #ittin* in the )r(nt hel$# the6 learn. %ne #tudent ta!e# 6i*raine 6edi ati(n 8hi h an au#e 9uea#ine##. 3cademic Pro$iciencies: 'Be*innin* () the 2ear 1n*li#h dia*n(#ti te#t, Ran*e 37%083%, .edian S (re 68.5%, .(de 73%, &+era*e S (re 65.6% earnin2 1tyles, S(6e #tudent# $re)er (6binati(n# () li#tenin*, n(te ta!in*, +i#ual #ti6uli, a#!in* 9ue#ti(n#, et .

!no"ledge of Students
Learning st!les, prior learning experiences, academic proficiencies, behavioral differences, and areas of interest

4($2ri*ht : 2013 b2 1du ati(nal /e#tin* Ser+i e. &ll ri*ht# re#er+ed. 1/S, the 1/S l(*( and ;<S/1=<=>. ;1&R=<=>. ;1&?<=>. are re*i#tered trade6ar!# () 1du ati(nal /e#tin* Ser+i e '1/S,. @R&A<S and /"1 @R&A<S S1R<1S are trade6ar!# () 1/S.

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