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Class notes week 2, Tuesday 10/8/13

WHAT OTHERS WANT TO SEE WITH RESPECT: Come to class prepared Show that you are listening to others not waiting to cut them off in a conversation Pay attention to social queues Address conflicts: student > seminar teacher > teacher team > dean of Night and Weekend classes o EWS Dean: Sarah Ryan

Evalution portfolio =: Keep paper work Keep handouts Keep reviewed essays Print off notes

What is philosophy?
Historical View:
Philosophy once consisted of all areas of inquiry into human knowledge. Many of these areas developed well founded and distinctive methodologies and set of principles Those areas became disciplines: of their own. Today, philosophy consists of questions that are left over. A Positive View: o The question that are left over are that way for a reason o They concern the presuppositions of our lived experience.

Philosophy (Greek and Roman) means Love of wisdom not knowledge. Because during that time they studied everything

Modern views:
Presuppose in living that there is a world independent of our thoughts about it. There are other people besides ourselves

Unless everyone is are delusions of my mind, but if that were true Id never spell anything wrong. That we have knowledge about some things and not of others. Some things that are up to use to do or not to do Some things ought and other things that out not to be done Some ways of living are better than others

Philosophical Inquiry: Avoid dogmatic answers We cannot take any principles or concepts as beyond question. o Empirical science dont by themselves answers philosophical questions (sciences are based on the same presuppositions) Presuppositions are not given in philosophy Principles of reason or intuitions or things that Everybody knows arent to be taken at face value.

How do we inquire into these presuppositions Some common approaches

Close attention to the language we use Defining our terms conceptual analysis Considering what we would say in various situations or about various things

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