Daily Equity Report 18-02-2014

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18 Feb 2014



S2 5995.10

S1 6045.25

Close 6098.00

R1 6145. 5

R2 6195.80


Nifty Future closed in the green in the last trading session. We advise buying around 6050-6060 levels with strict stoploss of 6005 for the targets of 6100-6150 levels.

18 Feb 2014



S2 9980.50

S1 10150.50

CL#SE 10$56.00

R1 10450.50

R2 10650.25


Ban Nifty Future closed in the green in the last trading session. We advise buying around 10!50 levels with strict stoploss of 10100 for the targets of 10"50-10600 levels.

18 Feb 2014



#$# F%&%'(

#$# F%&%'( is loo ing strong on charts) long build up has been seen) we *ay see *ore upside) if it sustains above +"0 levels. We advise buying above +"0 levels with strict stoploss +!0 for the targets of +60-+,0 levels.

18 Feb 2014


&-&- ./W(' F%&%'(

&-&- ./W(' F%&%'( &-&- ./W(' F%&%'( is loo ing strong on charts) long build up has been seen) we *ay see *ore upside) if it sustains above 0, levels. We advise above 0, levels with strict stoploss 06 for the targets of ,0-,! levels.

18 Feb 2014

!es' C(s) !*+ S,-./' 1crip Na*e

2(3-W-'( '.5 67F(

Buy .rice
-B/4( 1"6 -B/4( 55

1top loss
1"! 5!

1",-150 5,-60

!es' Sell S,-./s 1crip Na*e 1ell .rice 1top loss &arget

18 Feb 2014

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18 Feb 2014

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