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ffiEMtsrR$rRffiCf;$ OtVtStSt* R*c*rd* & Isformationilanagament*apartnent

10February 2014


J$$ 8. BAI.IT'STA Vice-Pre*ident, Senior NCRGroup JO$IE. SAGA}IA Vi**-President"


Vi $enior AUREA G, gA

Group , Vl$MlN

ll, ESPfi ildanager Depariment ROFERTO g. trAUTISTA


Divrsion lnlsrnationsl Operationa ,,----r0fiicer-in-Charge.



/ft t* R.glzucAo


Vrc+'Presldont,Membar SorviceeDrvrsron fi*r,A,'lttvw


of,slact ln*,9_$l3ryE, CIro ?ggy

It ha8 baen obsarvad tha! SSS Sran*hes *amrnonly us tfie blus sr purF&olnk etrmp pad in recsiv,ng dsquments at lheir respectivo Members Assistance Counters rristbl* if not {h{ec} F}eaee be informsd t[at ijse o{ sforeil}enla0$+dink cclcra are bara}y rnvisihle rn drg0ized documentssver $inm $$S has decidedlo $can in black and wnfe lo ,mprsve rrnage siz* a*d ccrtsequrntly. tr*ncrrrission efficien*y kom lhs remole rn the SS$ $y$terft{ARMS} archav RecOrdsManagemont branchesto the ,&utomated maln ofiice.

nlr. Y

tn vu, of thrs-we are rsommendir th Fge of blecl ink for sta{lP Prds 9t ait image$scannedvia ARMS In the meanlrme. counlersto ensureclarrtyof digitrzed F_S.$, we-[ave rrrslruc{adRIMO scsrtners ts rnanuaiiytra*spose dats printed wilh blue lnk in hard copies pfigr tO Scanningin order io preservg slamped infOrmationil e dale reeelved and narna ol 55$ EranCh rgcslv*tE the dOcurnenl). Th*s nterirrt *n&tf,&wt1 shail bc in place unlil we hsve coordinalsd with the Prncurenred Oepartmenl for the replac*rneni o{ afl b["relpurpleir:k with blacfi rnkfor all *t*rnp pa#s us*d hy $S$' For yaur in{orma*qn and re*erence.

gEfero N.r*ALro Ill !" M:nager grdarrrnenr


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