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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Melissa Class: EP1 Rainbow Week: 16 Dates: 17/02/14 21/02/14

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
This week in circle time we will review all of the to ics from term 2 in re aration for o!r en" of term test# $e will review vocab!lar% an" sentence str!ct!res thro!&h son&s an" &ames learne" "!rin& the semester# Please ractice answerin& '!estions in short sentence answers as this is e( ecte" on the assessment# )ocab!lar% to ractice is in the activit% time section# Mon"a%* +!mbers an" )e&etables T!es"a%* ,ittle -reat!res $e"nes"a%* Trans ortation Th!rs"a%* . osites /ri"a%* 0n% of the to ics the st!"ents are havin& "iffic!lt% with

End of Term Test Review

Activity Time

Numbers: .ne1 two1 three1 fo!r1 five1 si(1 seven1 ei&ht1 nine1 ten1 eleven1 twelve1 thirteen1 fo!rteen1 fifteen1 si(teen1 seventeen1 ei&hteen1 nineteen1 twent% Vegetables: Tomato1 c!c!mber1 sweet1 e er1 chilli1 otato1 corn1 broccoli1 ca!liflower1 bean1 ea1 !m kin1 lett!ce1 m!shroom1 cabba&e Transportation: -ar1 boat1 train1 tr!ck1 2ee 1 olice car1 amb!lance1 fire en&ine1 motorc%cle1 bic%cle1 b!s1 helico ter1 sk%1 sea1 roa" Opposites: /ast1 slow1 lo!"1 '!iet1 bo%1 &irl1 %es1 no1 ha %1 sa"1 left1 ri&ht1 bi&1 small1 ! 1 "own1 o en1 close1 tall1 short1 clean1 "irt%1 clean1 "irt%1 bea!tif!l an" !&l% ittle Creatures: /l%1 la"%bir"1 bee1 &rassho er1 ant1 s i"er1 cater illar1 b!tterfl%1 "ra&onfl%1 snail1 worm an" centi e"e

This week in honics we will be reviewin& for the test# 3t!"ents will nee" to know all letter so!n"s of the al habet an" first letter so!n"s of vocab!lar% learne" thro!&ho!t the term# 3ee review section4

New !letters"soun#s"vocabulary$

Writing %ractice
3t!"ents will contin!e racticin& in their homework an" writin& books#

&ight Wor#s
3i&ht wor"s are no lon&er in the c!rric!l!m#

%arent 'ollow (p " (se)ul Websites " *omework:

5ello Parents4 The en" of term is fast a roachin& an" we are alrea"% re arin& for o!r en" of term test4 .!r test will be ne(t week so we will be re arin& in class for this# 6f %o! co!l" lease hel %o!r chil" at home as well that wo!l" be &reat# 0bove is the vocab!lar% to ractice# Thank %o! for all of %o!r har" work an" "e"ication to EP1 Rainbow#

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