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Magical Sword
You have found a Magical Sword, one that is forever sharp and deadly. If used, the Magic Sword will increase all chips used in combat by +1 Category. The base damage for the sword is a Medium and a Small wound.

Magical Wand
You have found a Magical Wand, one that will aid in your casting of powerful spells. When used, the wand will increase the Category, by +1, of any chip used to cast a spell.
Spell power +1 Cat

Magical Staff
You have found a powerful Magical Staff. When the Staff is used to aid in the casting of magic, you can feel the power that the magical wood carries. The Staff will allow you to cast any spell you know at -1 Category below the spells normal casting cost. Spell Cost -1 Cat

power +1 Cat





Magical Ring
You have found a Magical Ring, one that will turn you invisible. You may escape from combat at any time you wish. You may do so without a chip contest, but only if you have the ring.
Free Escape

Magical Cloak
You have found a Magical Cloak, one that when worn blends you into the background, thus making it harder for others to see you. While worn, you gain a +2 Category to all chips played while trying to perform Sneak/Hide.
Sneak/ Hide +2 Cat

Magical Boots
You have found a pair of Magical Boot. While worn, these bright red boots will allow you to walk with great speed. You can thus move at twice the normal distance you normally can travel with a Move action.

Move pace x2

M +1



Magical Armor
You have found a suit of Magical Armor, one that will protect you from harm. When worn, all combat chips played against you suffer a 1 Category. The armor also acts in all ways like a suit of Chain Mail.
Enemy attack -1 Cat

Magical Shield
You have found a Magical Shield which offers the normal protection of a Medium Shield. The magic of the shield also reduces an enemys attack chip by 1 Category.
Enemy attack -1 Cat

Magical Helm
You have found a Magical Helm, one that will protect you from harm. While worn, the Helm will reduce all attack chips played against you by 1 Category. The Helm also acts like a Metal Helm in all ways.
Enemy attack -1 Cat

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