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1 Region 2 Regions 3 Regions 1 Tile

Long Hand
When this spell is cast, the next spell you cast can have its effects take place outside the region you are in. The distance in regions away from you that the spell can affect is based upon the power of the spell.

When this spell is cast you can fly like a bird. When cast, you can make a move action that results in a movement of up to four regions. This spell will last but a single turn.

When this spell is cast, you turn invisible. While thus unseen by all, you automatically make all sneak or hide tests. No chip contest is needed. The spell will last but a single day.

When this spell is cast, you may flee any battle you are engaged in, and at any time. You do not need to have a chip contest to flee the battle.

When this spell is cast, you disappear from one location and appear in another. Pick one map tile to arrive in and place your character in the same category region as the one they just left. If there is no corresponding match, then the spell may not be cast.

Lightning Bolt
When this spell is cast, you fling a bolt of lightning at your foe. When you cast the spell, you make a magical attack of Category The Lightning Bolt does a Large wound.

1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days

1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days

Immunity to Earth
When this spell is cast, you become immune to all Earth based spells and chips. You are also immune to all attacks made by any Earth Elementals. The spells effects will last but a single day.

When this spell is cast, you create a great storm that rages over the lands. While the storm blows, no character can move within the map tile that is affected. The storm will last a number of days based on the power of the spell.

Summon Air Elemental

When this spell is cast, you summon an Air Elemental. The Elemental will remain with you for a set number of days, based upon the power of the spell.

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