Ampicillin: Mechanism of Action

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Ampicillin is a beta-lactam antibiotic that has been used extensively to treat bacterial %mpicillin infections since 1961. It can sometimes result Systematic (IUPAC) name in allergic reactions that range in severity (-()-amino-)-phenyl-acetyl)amino-*!* from a rash (i.e. patients with mononucleosis) -dimethyl-6-oxo-)-thia-+-a,abicyclo to potentially lethal anaphylaxis. #*.).-$heptane-.-carboxylic acid Identifiers

Mechanism of action

/%0 number

69-+*-. 2-1/%-1 1.91(1 %364--*)-

%1/ code elonging to the group of beta-lactam 3ub/hem antibiotics! ampicillin is able to penetrate "ram-positive bacteria. It inhibits the third and final stage of bacterial cell wall synthesis! 4rug an5 which ultimately leads to cell lysis. Chemical data #edit$ 7ormula

/16819:*;.0 *.9..-6 g=mol

%mpicillin is closely related to amoxicillin! another type of penicillin! and both are used to treat urinary tract infections! otitis media! uncomplicated community-ac&uired pneumonia! Haemophilus influenzae! salmonellosis and Listeria meningitis. It is used with flucloxacillin in the combination antibiotic co-fluampicil for empiric treatment of cellulitis' providing cover against "roup % streptococcal infection whilst the flucloxacillin acts against the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium. #edit$

<ol. weight

Pharmacokinetic data ioavailability 3rotein binding <etabolism 8alf life @xcretion .-> (oral) 1+ to )+> ? approx 1 hour (+ to 9+> renal

Therape tic considerations 3regnancy cat. Begal status 6outes ;ral! intravenous % (%u)!

Use in research
%mpicillin is often used in molecular biology as. a test for the upta5e of genes (e.g.! by plasmids) by bacteria (e.g.! E. coli). % gene that is to be inserted into a bacterium is coupled to a gene coding for an ampicillin resistance (in E. coli! usually the bla gene! coding for C-lactamase). 1he treated bacteria are then grown on a medium containing ampicillin. ;nly the bacteria that successfully ta5e up the desired genes become ampicillin resistant! and therefore contain the other desired gene as well.

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