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Superposition theorem:the current through or voltage across an element in a linear bilateral network is equal to the algebraic sum of the

currents or voltages produced independently by each source. Example: find the current through R2 for all resistor value of 100 , vs1=10v and vs2=5v for the figure shown below(Thomas,L,Floyd).

Set vs2=0v(short circuit) the circuit become as shown below:

The current through R2 is I2=I/2 , I=v/RT, RT=100+100/2=150, I=10/150, I2=5/150 Set vs1=0v(short circuit) the circuit become as shown below:

The current through R2 is I2=I/2 , I=v/RT, RT=100+100/2=150, I=5/150, I2=2.5/150 The total current through vs1 and vs2 is I2=5/150+2.5/150

H.W finds the current through R1 and R3.

H.W for the above example reversing vs1 and finds the
required value. Example:for the circuit shown below find the current through 10 resistor using superposition theorem.

Solution: Setting 2A and 1A off(open circuit) The circuit become as shown below

The voltage across 10 ohm resistor using voltage divider rule V10=10*10/(10+20+30)=1.67v Setting 10 v off (short circuit) and 2A off(open circuit) the circuit become

The current through 10 ohm resistor is I10=1*30/60 (current divider rule) I10=.5 Amp And voltage across 10 ohm is V10=I*R=10*.5=5volt Setting 10v off and 1A off the circuit become

The current through 10 ohm resistor is I10=2*50/60=1.67 And the voltage across 10 ohm resistor is V10=I*R=1.67*10=16.67 volt The net voltage across 10 ohm resistor is V10=V10v+V2A-V1A=1.67+16.67-5=13.34VOLT H.W reversing the polarity off sources the find the current through 30 ohm resistor Example:

Setting 5A off the circuit become

The current through 3ohm is I3A=2*5/10=1 Amp


Setting 2A off the circuit become

The current through 3 ohm is I3A=5*3/10=1.5 Amp The net current through 10 ohm is I3A=I5A+I3A=1+1.5=2.5Amp Example: using superposition theorem finds the current through 10 ohm resistor for the circuit shown below.

When 6A and 18V is off the circuit become as shown below

The current through 10 ohm resistor can be found as follows RT=(((10//6)+4)//8)+8=11.937 IT=V/RT=12/11.937=1.005 Amp The current through 7.75 ohm resistor is

I7.75=1.005*8/15.75=-0.51Amp I10=0.51*6/16=0.19Amp When 12 and 18 volt is off the circuit become

And simplify to

When 6A and 12 volt are off The circuit become

Simplify the circuit to become

Finally the total current through 10 ohm resistor is

Example :for the circuit shown below find the current through 4 ohm resistor using(h.w) 1)nodal method 2)loop method 3)by inspection 4)superposition theorem Then decide which method you prefer

Repeat the above exercise for the following circuits:


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