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26, KRANJI LOOP, SINGAPORE 739562 TEL: 6365 4522 / 6365 3263 Em !": #$ %%&"'())*$!"".#)m +&,-!.&: ///.0)1& #&%.1&.%&.
Dear Sir/Madam, Letter of Invitation to 8th 1-1 Myanmar-Korea Business Matching 2014 On behalf of Incheon Business Agency, and Bu yeong-gu !ma"" and Medium Business Association #B!MBA$ Korea, Goodhill E-Biz cordially invites you and colleagues to the th !-! Myanmar-"orea Business Matching #$!%& ' trade delegation com(rising of !$ "orean com(anies from various industries )ill be in Myanmar on #* th March #$!% to meet )ith re(resentatives from local com(anies to e+(lore business o((ortunities& ,e believe that this one-to-one business meeting session )ith the "orean com(anies )ill be an e+cellent (latform for your com(any to e+(lore business o((ortunities, e+change valuable e+(erience )ith "orean business counter(arts, as )ell as to net)or- and establish contacts )ith industry (rofessionals .lease com(lete and indicate in the registration form the com(anies that you )ould li-e to have your discussions )ith and fa+ or email your registration form to Goodhill E-Biz .te /td to register your interest in our business meeting session& 8th 1-1 Myanmar % Korea Business Matching 2014 0enue1 2uby 2oom 3nya /a-e 4otel 56, "aba 'ye .agoda 2oad 7angon, Myanmar Date1 #*th March #$!% 8ime1 9am : *(m Organized by1 3ncheon Business 'gency, BSMB', "orea Su((orted by1 Goodhill E-Biz .te /td ,e antici(ate your favorable (artici(ation in this business meeting session& .lease feel free to contact1 Singa(ore1 Ms ;erena <hun at =>*? >5>* %*## / @erenaAgoodhill&com Myanmar =3BBG Office?1 =9*? ! >*$ 559/ =9*? ! *#! 9$ / ibbgmyanmarAgmail&com 7ours sincerely, ;erena <hun Senior E+ecutive Goodhill E-Biz .te /td 8el1 >5>* %*## Ba+1 >5> !$$5 Email1 @erenaAgoodhill&com

7egistration 8orm
!-! Myanmar : "orea Business Matching #$!% 0enue1 3nya /a-e 4otel 2uby 2oom 56, "aba 'ye .agoda 2oad Date1 #*th March #$!% 8ime1 9am : *(m &"ease fa' registration form to ()(8 100) or emai" to *erena+goodhi"",com
!-./I01 A2 All fields are compulsory 1AM.0M&A15 A337-!! /-L -MAIL 8A: ;-B!I/M0BIL1A/67- 08 BI9 3-!I41A/I01

!-./I01 B2 Please Tick the companies you want to have a meeting.

No. 2 2 3

Company 4"ovics .o,, Ltd )))&clean-(o(&com 3aein &"astic .o,, Ltd )))&di(lt&com Minstar .o,, Ltd )))&minstar&co&-r

Product &ore Brush %D motion remove sebum as )elle as all im(urities on facial surface and in (ores and remove ma-e-u( (erfectly& &"astic in*ection arts and mo"d .lastic (roduct by in@ection machine and mold& Mo<i"e &hone Accessories ,e have develo(ed as much as 6$$$ -inds of (roducts range to cover mobile case and accessories& 4ang 8orm, -uro 8rom ' -ind of mold to cover the entire structure at one time and can be lifted u( ste( by ste( form the ground to the to( follo)ing the (rogress& 3t includes ladders, )ording dec-s, )or-ing gate and so on& ?accum c"eaner, =ire"ess )ireless, vacuuming and )ater cleaning )ith lithium ion battery @ot and co"d =ater dis enser, &urifier and coo"er 2efined touch sensor buttons, elegant design, <ontem(orary color, saved energy 3igita" <reatha"yAer 'lcohol tester is a device that measure B'< analyzing e+haled breath& &o=er distri<utor, 7e"ay <oard, !inga" ca<"e Bacility automation eCui(ment Beef f"avour "aver, Bam<oo sa"t "aver, Kimchi f"avour "aver Massage chair, /ourma"ine heating stone Massage chair, machine eCui(ment& 4ealthcare eCui(ment


L! 8orm=or> .o,, Ltd )))&lsform)or-&co&-r

;or"dLiving -"ectronics )))&clean-home&co&-r &/! Korea .o,, Ltd )))&(ts)ater&com 3A /ech .o,, Ltd )))&alcofind&com !angA -"ectron .o )))&sangaelectron&com 5eo!ong 8oods &rotecmedica" htt(1//(rotecm&com/main/

7 3 9 24

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