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Communion Mt 4: 19, 20
V E-n-te post me: * f- ci- am vos pisca-t-
res hmi- num: at il- li, re-lctis r-ti- bus et
na- vi, se-c-ti sunt Dmi- num.
V. Ps 118: 1, 20, 40, 48, 65, 103, 167, 174

1. Be- - ti immacu-l- ti in vi- a, qui mbu-lant in

le-ge Dmi-ni. Vente.

2. D-fe- cit -nima me- a in de-side-rndo ju-d- ci- a

tu- a in omni tmpo-re. Vente.

3. Ecce concup-vi mand-ta tu- a; in just-ti- a tu- a

vi- v- fi- ca me. Vente.

4. Et le- v-bo manus me- as ad prcpta tu- a, qu di-

l-xi; et exercbor in justi-fica-ti- - nibus tu- is.

5. Boni- t-tem fecsti cum servo tu- o, Dmi-ne, se-cn-

dum verbum tu- um. Vente.

6. Quam dl-ci- a fucibus me- is e-lqui- a tu- a, su-per

mel o-ri me- o. Vente.

7. Custo- d-vit nima me- a testim- ni- a tu- a, et di-l-

xi e- a vehemnter. Vente.

8. Concu-p-vi sa-lu-t-re tu- um, Dmi-ne, et lex tu- a

de-lect-ti- o me- a est. Vente.
Come ye after me, and I will make you to be fishers of men; and they immedi-
ately leaving their nets and boats, followed the Lord. 1. Blessed are the unde-
filed in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. 2. My soul hath coveted to
long for thy justifications, at all times. 3. Behold I have longed after thy pre-
cepts: quicken me in thy justice. 4. And I lifted up my hands to thy command-
ments, which I loved: and I was exercised in thy justifications. 5. Thou hast
done well with thy servant, O Lord, according to thy word. 6. How sweet are
thy words to my palate! more than honey to my mouth. 7. My soul hath kept
thy testimonies: and hath loved them exceedingly. 8. I have longed for thy sal-
vation, O Lord: and thy law is my delight.

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