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Present Perfect


a. Formation The Present Perfect in English is formed with the auxiliary HAVE and the past participle of the main verb. If the verb is regular then the past participle has the same form as the !imple Past. If it is irregular then we have to learn the past participle by heart. HAVE / HAS HAVE /HAS NOT HAVE/HAS !. $se The Present Perfect can be used in four different occasions" #. $hen we refer to an action which happened in the past. $e are not doing it now but we may repeat that action again in a future. %Ha&e 'o e&er (one to France#) %*es. +e ,a&e !een t,ere t-ice.) If we thin% that we are not going to repeat that action then we use the !imple Past. +,en I -as 'o n(er I li.e/ tra&ellin( &er' m c,0 ! t no- I1m too ol/ to tra&el &. $hen we refer to an action which happened in the past recently. $e still remember it' it is still present in our minds. I ,a&e rea/ t,e instr ctions 2or t,is -as,in( mac,ine ! t I can1t n/erstan/ a sin(le t,in( (. If that action has very recently finished )a few seconds ago* then we use +,!T with the Present Perfect. %*o loo. &er' tire/) %*es0 I1&e " st carrie/ t,ose &er' ,ea&' !o3es) + + + Past Participle Past Participle S !"ect + Past Participle#

In all the three uses above the Present Perfect does not have an indication of time in the sentence. -. If we want to say that an action began in the past it still continues in the present and it will continue in the future then we use the Present Perfect with either ./0 or !I12E. $e use ./0 when we refer to the complete amount of time that the action is ta%ing. $e use !I12E when we are interested when the action began to happen. 4o,n an/ 5ar' ,a&e (one o t to(et,er 2or 2i&e 'ears 4o,n an/ 5ar' ,a&e (one o t to(et,er since 6778 The Present Perfect 2ontinuous )HAVE 3EE1 4 5E0,16* can be used in any of the four uses above but with the idea of emphasi7ing the continuous aspect of the action. !ometimes it can also imply that the action is not finished. I1&e !een rea/in( t,is !oo. I1&e rea/ t,is !oo. Tom ,as " st !een r nnin( S san1s !een appl'in( 2or an' "o!s since s,e -as 2ire/ 9 9 Not 2inis,e/ Finis,e/

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