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* Signed in 1997.

* Aimed at the fair distribution of responsibility

for green gas emissions. (BURDEN SHARING)

* Includes proposals and policies like the

curtailment of energy use in rich countries.

* Implementation of stricter environmental


* UN can invoke the equal rights of nations to a

cleaner and safer environment.

* Implies a moral obligation to the future. * REASON: future depends on the present

* We have inherited a world that has made it

possible for us to survive.

* We have an obligation to pass on to the next

generation, a clean and liveable planet where it would be possible for them to live well.

* Implies a moral obligation to the present * REASON: It matters that we value the present
for the sake of those who are living now.

* Intra-generational Justice * What we do individually or collectively affects

the lives of others.

*These principles require that we value the life of each human being, now and in
the future.

*To recognize this moral


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