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Newton 1 Danielle Newton Mrs. Rowe English 12A 20 November 2013 4C of So thern !

n"iana #resh sheets$ newl% washe" &lothes$ bottles &leane"$ all of these things rea"% for %o r new bab% to &ome home to. ' t what will %o "o when %o r new bab% t rns a %ear ol" an" two %ears ol" after that( )ill %o *now the &hil" nee"s an" re+ irements it,s it sho l" meet at that %o ng age( )hile having a over 120$000 -eo-le in the Evansville &omm nit% ./oogle. N.-0. 1alf of these -eo-le have &hil"ren along with families$ b t "o the% reall% *now what it ta*es to raise a &hil"( Sometimes *nowing what to "o an" how to raise a &hil" &an be &om-li&ate" b t with a &aring an" s --orting &omm nit%$ along with learning the im-ortant ste-s to *ee- %o r &hil" ha--% an" health% life while *nowing how to manage %o r mone% is *e%. 2 r 3ri4state &omm nit% has the answer to man% of these + estions. 3he 4C organi5ation is that answer for man% of them. 3he 4&,s stan" for Comm nit% Coor"inate" Chil" Care$ whi&h tells %o that &hil"ren are the organi5ations -riorit%. )hile the 4C organi5ation is lo&ate" in Evansville this organi5ation also hel-s 13 other &o nties besi"es 6an"erb rgh. A &aring an" s --orting &omm nit% is one of the *e% things that is hel-f l to have when e7-loring wa%s to raise %o r &hil"ren. #amilies nee" s --ortive &omm nities to -rovi"e so&ial ties$ enhan&e health$ tea&h val es$ an" "evelo- assets in &hil"ren an" %o th .' il"ing Caring Comm nities to S --ort #amilies. N.-.0. )hen living in a s --ortive &omm nit%$ a famil% &an grow to its f ll -otential an" -rovi"e the best environment for &hil"ren to grow into health%$ &aring a" lts .' il"ing Caring Comm nities to S --ort #amilies. N.-.0.

Newton 2 3he 4C,s organi5ation is one of the s --orters in o r &omm nit% an" is *nown for being *nowle"geable as well as ver% intera&tive while hel-ing families learn abo t what,s best for their *i"s an" what to e7-e&t when raising them. 3he 4C organi5ation is the most s --ortive an" &aring organi5ation one &o l" as* for. 4C has man% staff members s-e&iali5e" in -arenting an" &hil" "evelo-mental s*ills. 3hese staff members s-e&iali5e in what is e7-e&te" in "evelo-ing &hil"ren. 3he staff members go on home visits an" tea&h -arents han"s on wa%s as well as verbal wa%s to hel- better their &hil",s "evelo-mental s*ills "e-en"ing on what level the% are with their age. 4C offers an arra% of -rogramming for to"a%8s families$ em-owering families with information to ma*e informe" &hoi&es abo t &hil" &are an" to giving families reso r&es to better &are for their &hil"ren an" for a reasonable -ri&e .4C of So thern !n"iana$ !n&. Home. N.-.0. #rom "a% &are to the monthl% gro&er% bill$ the &ost of raising a &hil" is in&reasing at a rate that man% families &an,t *ee- - with. !t will &ost an estimate" 9241$0:0 for a mi""le4 in&ome &o -le to raise a &hil" born in 2012 for 1: %ears$ a&&or"ing to a ;.S. De-artment of Agri& lt re re-ort release" .Average Cost to Raise a <i". N.-.0. 3hat,s - almost 3= from 2011 an" "oesn,t even in&l "e the &ost of &ollege .Average Cost to Raise a <i". N.-.0. )hile man% "on,t reali5e the high &ost it ta*es to raise a &hil"$ it sho l" be &onsi"ere" before ma*ing the "e&ision to have a famil%. )hile e7-enses in all &ategories rose in 2012$ health &are$ e" &ation an" &hil" &are s-en"ing in&rease" the most .Average Cost to Raise a <i". N.-.0. 3he 4C organi5ation has man% e" &ational an" &hil" &are o-tions that are ine7-ensive to the &omm nit%. 3his organi5ation has a s-e&ifi& -rogram that -rovi"es finan&ial assistan&e for families who are wor*ing or enrolle" in s&hool. 3he -rogram is &alle" CCD#$ whi&h stan"s for Chil" Care an" Develo-ment # n". !f %o are eligible to a--l% for this -rogram %o ,re &hil"ren ma% even be eligible for free "a%&are an" e" &ational -rograms at C lver s&hool.

Newton 3 Even tho gh some of the -arents are %o ng a" lts there are also man% a" lts that ma% also be involve" with this -rogram. 3heir are man% ste-s to hel-ing %o r &hil" live a ha--%$ health% life. All the wa% from *ee-ing it f n to letting them grow an" leave the nest. Some a"vi&e given is to have f n$ -arents that >o*e an" -reten" hel- give %o ng *i"s the tools to thin* &reativel%$ ma*e frien"s an" manage stress .10 S&ientifi& 3i-s #or Raising 1a--% <i"s. N.-.0. )hile the 6an"erb rgh 4C organi5ation hel-s tea&h -arents to have f n with their *i"s the% also tea&h them other sef l f n"amentals for a ha--%$ health% life. 3he 4C organi5ation hel-s -rovi"e sef l information$ li*e what &ertain age gro - a &hil" sho l" be "evelo-ing in. !f a 4C -arenting &ons ltant$ li*e m% mentor Cheri$ saw a to""ler the age of two not -rogressing in s-ea*ing$ or a 1 %ear ol" not -rogressing in being able to wal* she wo l" -oint it o t to the -arents an" then hel- them herself$ or refer them to someone who &an hel- their &hil" rea&h that goal. )hile interviewing Cheri ! as*e" what &hallenges shes been fa&e" with while "oing her >ob. She res-on"e" with ?meeting the nee"s of a "iverse -o- lation@ .!nterview with Mentor. Aersonal interview.0. Ever% &hil" is "ifferent$ ma*ing it "iffi& lt sometimes to n"erstan" what their nee"s ma% be an" how to meet them. )hile tea&hing an" learning with the *i"s that she goes on ho se visits an" sees she also brings f n things to the ho seB li*e games from the 4C len"ing librar%. 3he 4C has man% "ifferent -rograms$ this one s-e&ifi&all% is a &hil"8s favorite. 3he Cen"ing Cibrar% is lo&ate" at C lver S&hool an" is > st one of the man% s-e&ial -rograms the 4C organi5ation has to offer. 3he Cen"ing Cibrar% has man% "ifferent games$ along with learning a&tivities for the &hil"ren an" families the% meet with. 3he 4C organi5ation has man% things to offer$ -rograms$ "evelo-mental s*ills$ learning a&tivities$ along with the Cen"ing Cibrar% that man% other organi5ations "on,t have. )hile vol nteering at this organi5ation ! have learne" man% new things abo t how the% hel- o r

Newton 4 &omm nit% an" the lives of the &hil"ren in o r &omm nit% as well. )hile some -eo-le thin* the% *now the best wa% to raise a &hil"$ it t rns o t that the% fig re o t -arenting is not one4 si5e4fits4all. 3he 4C organi5ation "oes an ama5ing >ob &aring an" s --orting o r &omm nit%$ along with tea&hing the im-ortan&e of -re-aring a &hil" for a ha--% an" health% life$ along with ma*ing these -rograms affor"able for families in 13 "ifferent &o nties.

)or* Cite" D!nterview with Mentor.D Aersonal interview. 22 Nov. 2013. D4C of So thern !n"iana$ !n&.D Home. N.-.$ n.". )eb. 13 Nov. 2013. htt-EFFwww.&hil"4&are.orgF D' il"ing Caring Comm nities to S --ort #amilies.D N.-.$ n.". )eb. 13 Nov. 2013. htt-EFFohioline.os .e" Fh%g4fa&tFG000F-"fF' il"ingHCaringHComm nities.-"f D/oogle.D Google. N.-.$ n.". )eb. 1: Nov. 2013.

Newton 5

Mears$ !t )ill Cost an Estimate" 9241$0:0 for a Mi""le4in&ome Co -le to Raise a Chil" 'orn Cast Mear for 1:. DAverage Cost to Raise a <i"E 9241$0:0.D CNNMoney. Cable News Networ*$ 14 A g. 2013. )eb. 13 Nov. 2013. htt-EFFmone%.&nn.&omF2013F0:F14F-fF&ost4&hil"renF D10 S&ientifi& 3i-s #or Raising 1a--% <i"s.D N.-.$ n.". )eb. 13 Nov. 2013. htt-EFFwww.lives&ien&e.&omF1N:O44104s&ientifi&4-arenting4ti-s.html

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