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My father My father name are Aleksandar. He bor on 26 of july 1960, so he have a 52.

He has a blue eyes and a brown ha r. He s not too tall for a man. He l kes to eat a meet and !ho!olate very mu!h. He"s favor te s#ort s sw mm n$ and a ten ss. He always dr n!k !offe n the morn n$, but he never dr n!k alkohol. My father s an en$enear. He works n an off !e. %hen he works there, he wears a wh te sh rts and $rey, dee# blue or bla!k su t. He hate a t es so he wear only on buss nes meet n$s. He also wear bla!k shoes and bla!k belt. He doesn"t have to wear a $lasses be!ouse, don"t need them. He does not wear a wat!h, be!ouse he always wear a mob lefone. %hen do on f lds he have to wear hardhet, be!ouse t"s dan$eres thear. He wear blue hardheat, and otner workers wh te. He somet mes wear buts when s ratn n$. He works n a b $ n a b $ !om#any w th a lon$ trad t on. H s off !e s b $ and n the left !orner s lo$ sofa. He work alone n thet off !e. He has a not too old, b $ desk n the m dle of the room. &he desk have a lot of small dravs. 'n the desk he has a new !om#uter, and s (#ored) a small *erb an fla$. &here s a beaut ful flovers on the w ndows. &here s too l $hts dur n$ the day. He don"t have !om#any !ar be!ouse he s not a d re!tor, but he have a se!retary. He dr ve !he# an old !ar +a! ja lo$an. &hat !ar s not too fast, but s lon$ and safe. At home he wear jeans, tsh rts and swater. ,n the weekends he watsh h s fawor te &- !hanels and rest at home, be!ouse he s too t red to $o enywhere. *omet mes when s not too t red he $o out w th some fr ends to dr n!k some !offe. ' wear on the bea!h a sw mm n$ su t. ' have to br n$ a oll, 1. .em#lo s have to !omes on t me. 2. &he have to stay from 9 th to 1/ th 0. &hey have to be #ol te 1. &hey have to sm lle 5. &hey have to be t dy 6. A se!yr ty have to wear a un form. /. A se!retary have to wear wh te blouse, bla!k m dle s! rt and a blo s!arf. 2. A men$er have to vear a su t and t e 9. All em#lo s when dele$at os !ome have to s#ek en$l sh. 10. All em#lo s on 3r day don"t have to wear un form or sut.

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