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(Bachelor of Law) Course

For the purpose of LL.B. (Honours)(Three Year) Course admission, the Banaras Hindu University conducts Undergraduate Entrance Test (UET), during 3rd 4th ee! of "ay every year# $dmissions are made according to merit in the UET, su%&ect to fu'fi''ing of e'igi%i'ity re(uirements mentioned %e'o and avai'a%i'ity of seats# Note: )resent'y, in BHU * Facu'ty of +a , there is no Five ,ears ++#B# -ourse after ./th -'ass# Minimum Eligibilit !e"uirements for LL.B. (Bachelor of Law) B#$#0 B#1c#0 B#-om#0 Shastri (at least .23/33 pattern) securing a minimum of 425 mar!s in aggregate considering a'' the su%&ects in the three years e6cept those su%&ects here on'y pass mar!s are re(uired and hich do not contri%ute to the tota' in the fina' (degree) mar! sheet# OR any other 7egree under at least .23/33 pattern recogni8ed %y the Bar -ounci' of 9ndia for the purpose of admission to ++#B# -ourse securing a minimum of 425 mar!s in the aggregate considering a'' the su%&ects in the three years (aggregate %eing ca'cu'ated as mentioned a%ove)# (Note - As per directive of the Bar Council of India, the candidates acquiring High School/ Secondar or Inter!ediate/Senior Secondar level ("#$%& through the distance education or e'ternal !ode (ill not )e considered eligi)le for ad!ission in **+B+& Ma#imum $ge: $ge of the candidate shou'd not %e more than 32 years on .st :u'y; /2./ (app'icant shou'd %e %orn on or after .st :u'y of .<=/ for UET /2./)# No. of %eats: 3=4 ($ppro6imate) !ela#ation in Minimum Eligibilit for %C&%T&'BC&'BC(Minorities&)h sicall Challenge* ()C) Can*i*ates: (i) The 1-01T candidates see!ing admission to ++#B -ourse must have scored at 'east 345 mar!s in the aggregate considering a'' the su%&ects in the three years of the >ua'ifying E6amination as per recommendations of Bar -ounci' of 9ndia# (ii) For ?B- (?B-s and ?B-*"inorities) and )- candidates there i'' %e a re'a6ation of 45 mar!s in aggregate in the (ua'ifying e6amination in minimum e'igi%i'ity re(uirements, in comparison to genera' candidates#

!ela#ation in +,,er $ge Limit for )h sicall Minorities Can*i*ates:

Challenge* ()C)&%C&%T&'BC&'BC-

There is an age re'a6ation of 4 years in upper age 'imit for candidates %e'onging to 1-01T and )- categories and 3 years in upper age 'imit for candidates %e'onging to ?B-, ?B-*"inorities category for admissions in ++#B# !eser.ations: .) %che*ule* Castes @ /01 /) %che*ule* Tribes @ 2.01 3) 'ther Bac3 4ar* Classes ( 'BC5s 6 'BC ( Minorit ) @ 721
A$s per the decision of the -entra' Bovernment, the "inistry of Human Cesource 7eve'opment, vide Ceso'ution Do# F .*.0/224*U#. $0=4E dated //nd 7ecem%erF /2.. and ?ffice "emorandum of the same date, c'arified that reservations in admission to the educationa' institutions as e'ucidated in its ear'ier Ceso'ution ou'd continue to app'y su%&ect to a su%*(uota of 4#4 5 for minorities, as defined in c'ause (c) of section / of the Dationa' -ommission for "inorities $ct, .<</ out of the /G 5 reservation for ?ther Bac! ard -'asses, in accordance ith the -entra' +ist of 1EB-s0?B-s notified state* ise from time to time %y the "inistry of 1ocia' :ustice and Empo erment ith e6c'usions notified %y the 7epartment of )ersonne' and Training vide ?" Do# 3E2./0//0<3*Estt (1-T) dated =#<#.<<3 as amended %y ?" Do# 3E233030/224*Estt#(Ces#) dated <#3#/224 and as modified %y said "inistries from time to time, as app'ica%'e for the purposes for imp'ementing reservation in admission to -entra' Educationa' 9nstitutions as defined in the -E9s $ct, /22E# Therefore, as per referred to notifications, such ?B-s as %e'onging to "us'ims, 1i!hs, -hristians, Buddhists and Horoastrians ()arsees) communities i'' a'so %e considered under 4#45 su%*(uota for minorities ithin the /G5 (uota for ?B-s as provided a%ove#I

4) )h sicall Challenge* @ 81
A Jisua' 'y 9mpaired (.5)3 Hearing 9mpaired (.5) 3 ?rthopaedica''y Handicapped (.5) (on hori8onta' reservation %asis)# 1uch candidates i'' have to su%mit a se'f attested copy of 7isa%i'ity -ertificate issued %y the 7istrict -"? ith the $pp'ication Form# The candidates ca''ed for counse'ing for possi%'e provisiona' admission i'' %e e6amined %y a "edica' Board constituted %y BHU and if necessary, i'' %e referred %y the "edica' Board to other recogni8ed %odies for the purpose, as per criteria fi6ed %y the University# The decision of the "edica' Board constituted %y BHU i'' %e fina'# The Entrance Test for B'ind candidates i'' %e he'd at Jaranasi -entre on'y# KLriter; i'' %e provided %y the University to each %'ind candidate# The (ua'ifications of K riters; sha'' %e decided %y the University# 1uch a candidate is re(uired to app'y for K riter; to the -ontro''er of E6aminations on the prescri%ed app'ication form for the purpose at 'east .4 days prior to the date of the ,ntrance -est+.

0) %u,ernumerar %eats: $) BH+ Em,lo ee 4ar*s @

A.25 supernumerary seats in a'' the courses (inc'uding specia' courses) sha'' %e avai'a%'e for the sons0daughters of permanent emp'oyees (inc'uding those on pro%ation) of BHU current'y in service or during the academic 1ession

immediate'y preceding the 1ession for hich the Entrance Test is he'd, provided the candidate fu'fi's the minimum e'igi%i'ity re(uirements and c'aims that he0she %e'ongs to emp'oyee ard category in the $pp'ication Form and (ua'ifies in the UET#I

B) )ai* %eats @
Th ere is provision for supernumerary PAID SEATS (not exceeding 1 ! of the tota" num#er of seats$ in certain courses% the detai"s of &hich &i"" #e avai"a#"e at the time of admission from the concerned 'acu"ty(Department) The desirous candidates are advised to *eep constant touch &ith the 'acu"ty(Department for *no&ing the detai"ed position regarding the process of admission under paid seats in the concerned courses% #ecause in some of the courses separate notices are put on notice #oard for Paid Seats instead of sending ca"" "etters to a"" candidates a#ove as per +ET index)

-) 9oreign Nationals @
A)rovision to the e6tent of .45 supernumerary seats for Foreign Dationa's e6ist@ ?ut of hich 45 seats sha'' %e fi''ed up %y chi'dren of DC9s M)ersons of 9ndian ?rigin ()9?)N and 45 %y chi'dren of 9ndian or!ers in Bu'f and 1outh $sian -ountries#I

Application Form and Entrance Test Fee:

For admission in a course, a candidate i'' %e re(uired to su%mit a fi''ed in F$pp'ication FormF for the purpose# The F$pp'ication FormF a'ong ith F9nformation Bu''etinF can %e purchased from the ?ffice of the -ontro''er of E6aminations, Banaras Hindu University or some other designated offices of the Banaras Hindu University %y paying an amount of Cs#420* (Cupees Fifty on'y)# (Note: The application for admission can also be submitted ONLINE. The details of this can be seen from our BHU website: The -andidate sha'' pay the Entrance 9ee (for ++#B# course) a'ong for the amount mentioned hereunder@ For 1- and 1T@ Cs#3220*, For ?thers@ Cs#G220* Notes !elating to Minimum Eligibilit !e"uirement : 9) -andidates appearing in the Fina' ,ear of the >ua'ifying E6amination may a'so app'y and appear in the Test# Ho ever, the candidate i'' %e re(uired to produce the origina' mar! sheet of the (ua'ifying e6amination at the time of counse'ing for getting admission# 99) -andidates ho ere admitted as regu'ar students to )art 9 0 9*1emester of any of the a%ove courses of study in this University through Entrance Test in ear'ier years(s) and ho ere e'igi%'e for appearing in the concerned E6amination sha'' not %e a''o ed to re*appear in the Entrance Test for admission in the same -ourse ith the same com%ination of su%&ects, un'ess specifica''y permitted %y the ?rdinance of the concerned Facu'ty# Ho ever, they may appear in the Entrance Test for change of com%ination of su%&ects of the same course# Further, such ith the $pp'ication Form

candidates ho ere not e'igi%'e for appearing in the concerned e6amination due to shortage of attendance or for not fi''ing the e6amination form in time i'' %e a''o ed to appear in the Entrance Test for that course if other ise e'igi%'e# 999) 9f the app'icant has passed the (ua'ifying E6am here grades are a arded and@ $) here the Brade 1heet does not mention the e(uiva'ent percentage of mar!s from grade points, the candidate shou'd su%mit such a -ertificate of conversion from the concerned 9nstitution mentioning either the converted percentage, or the formu'a for the actua' conversion of grade point average to percentage of mar!sO B) here the Brade 1heet itse'f mentions the e(uiva'ent percentage of mar!s from grade points, or the formu'a for such conversion, the candidate shou'd get %oth sides of the 7egree0Brade 1heet photocopied sho ing the e(uiva'ent percentage of mar!s0conversion formu'a#
A$ggregate percentage of mar!sI i'' also inc'ude grace mar!s a arded to a candidate# it will not inc'ude the mar!s of those su%&ects here on'y pass mar!s are re(uired such as compu'sory 'anguage, compu'sory environmenta' studies etc# and hich do not contri%ute to the tota' in the fina' (degree) mar! sheet# 1imi'ar'y mar!s of additiona' su%&ect (if any) for improvement of aggregate percentage0division i'' not %e considered for ca'cu'ating the aggregate percentage for admission in the University# 7ecision of the University in regards to such ca'cu'ation sha'' %e fina'#I

;uration of Test an* %tructure of <uestion )a,er There sha'' %e one )aper of ./2 minutes (T o hours) duration carrying 442 mar!s containing .42 mu'tip'e*choice (uestions# These (uestions sha'' %e %ased on Benera' $ areness and -urrent $ffairs, -ommon +ega' Pno 'edge, $ptitude and "enta' $%i'ity# The )aper i'' a'so inc'ude t o sets of mu'tip'e choice (uestions on +anguage comprehension, one each in Hindi and Eng'ish, here the candidate is re(uired to ans er either the Hindi 'anguage set or the Eng'ish 'anguage set %ut not %oth# Entrance test Centers: Jaranasi, 7e'hi, Po'!ata, -hennai, Hydera%ad The fina' decision to a''ot a -entre to a candidate sha'' rest ith the University# $n outstation -entre can %e cance''ed due to inade(uate num%er of candidates or due to any other reason# The candidate in such a case sha'' %e a''otted another -entre# B'ind candidates i'' %e a''otted Jaranasi -entre on'y# E.aluation an* !esult There sha'' %e negative mar!ing in tests for a'' -ourses of study in UET# Three mar!s sha'' %e a arded for each correct ans er hi'e one mar! sha'' %e deducted for each incorrect ans er# Un

attempted (uestion i'' %e a arded 8ero mar!# -andidate sha'' %e se'ected in order of merit on the %asis of aggregate mar!s secured in the Test provided he0she fu'fi's the minimum e'igi%i'ity criteria and minimum (ua'ifying mar!s in the test# ?n'y those candidate ho are se'ected0 ait'isted for admission, i'' %e informed through a F-a'' +etterF %y the concerned 7irector of the 9nstitute07eans of Facu'ty# The University sha'' try to announce the resu'ts of the candidates around 3rd*4th ee! of :une every year hich may %e avai'a%'e on BHU Le%site@ #%hu#ac#in #Do (uery regarding resu't sha'' %e entertained# =m,ortant ;ates !egar*ing %ale: %ubmission of $,,lication 9orms an* Test: /# -ommencement date of sa'e of app'ication forms from the office counter 7# +ast date for sa'e of app'ication forms from the office counter @ 9n the month of "arch every year @ 9n the month of Fe%ruary every year

8# +ast date for receipt of du'y comp'eted app'ication Forms ># 7ate of Test @ @ 9n the month of "arch every year 9n the month of "ay every year

The faci'ity for fi''ing the app'ication forms on'ine is a'so avai'a%'e# For further detai's on su%mission for F?n'ineF, p'ease visit the e%site #%hu#ac#in Note: $# Fo''o ing modes of su%mission of du'y fi''ed up and comp'ete app'ication forms are avai'a%'e@ (i) ?D+9DE su%mission on BHU e%site as per procedure prescri%ed on the BHU e%site (ii) 1u%mission %y Hand at the -ounters of the ?ffice of -ontro''er of E6aminations (iii) )osta' su%mission of forms

List of Documents To Be Enclosed With The Application Form: I) An app"icant must enc"ose the fo""o&ing documents &ith his(her App"ication 'orm, (i$ "Challan of State Bank of India" for the prescri#ed Entrance Test 'ee) (ii$ -ertificate(s$ in support of the category c"aimed for reservation in the app"ication form, (a$ Se"f attested copy of -aste -ertificate from the competent authority as mentioned in Section . of the Information /u""etin) (for S-(ST(0/-( 0/-12inorities category candidates on"y$ (#$ Se"f attested certificate from -hief 2edica" 0fficer of a District) (for Physica""y -ha""enged candidates on"y$ (c$ /3+ Emp"oyee4s 5ard -ertificate issued #y Directors(Deans(Principa"% 226(30Ds(3ead of 0ffices concerned 7See Section .(iv$(i$ for definition and coverage8) In case of emp"oyee &ard of P9 co""eges% the certificate issued #y the principa" of the co""ege concerned) This c"aim sha"" #e verified from the +niversity records in case the candidate is se"ected for admission under this c"ause) (d$ Se"f attested copy of certificate(s$ in support of :Sports Seats: (if c"aimed for :Sports Seats:$)

Email an* Tele,hone Numbers (9acult of Law)

;ean: ?0>7-@2?/A?7: 78?2@8?: 78@A?/B 'ffice: ?0>7- @2?/BA@: 78?2@8/ Email: dean.'a schoo'.%huQgma'.com

Note: Abo e information ha e been summari!ed as per the pro isions contained in the BHU"
UET Information Bulletin " #$%# and are sub&ect to chan'es or amendments. Therefore( one should confirm the procedures)pro isions of the admission throu'h the UET Bulletin of the concerned *ear.

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