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Dear Queen, Thank you so much for letting me sleep on top of you.

According to a source, after a luncheon hosted by the Queen in London in his honour, the former Ugandan leader Idi Amin Dada had this to say as a vote of thanks: My ma esty Mr! Queen "ir, horrible ministers and members of #arliament, invented guests, ladies under gentlemen! I hereby thank you com#letely$!!Mr! Queen, sir% and also &hat he has done for me and my fello& Uganda &ho come &ith me! 'e have really eaten very much and &e are fed u# com#letely: (hanks to you keenly for o#ening u# all &indo&s: so that those #lenty climates can come into lunch! )ut before I go back to my country &ith a #lane from the *ntebbe Air#ort of London, I &ish to invitation you Mr! Queen, to become home to Uganda so that &e can also revenge on you! +ou &ill eat a full co&: and also feel u# your stomach and &alk &ith difficult because of full stomach com#letely! *ven &hen you &ant to rest at night, I &ill make sure that you slee# on to# of me in the to# u# stairs of my mansion com#letely so that you can en oy all the gravity of fresh air! )ut no& am sorry because I have to tell you that I have made a short call on you only! )ut ne,t time I shall make a long call on you to last the &hole moon com#letely! (hank you very much to allo& me to undress you com#letely before these e,tinguished ladies under gentlemen sir! Lastly but not least, I ask the band to #lay our international anthem of the -e#ublic of Uganda and also the )ritish international anthem! +our ma esty sir, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and from the bottoms of all the #eo#le of Uganda! 'ith this fe& &ords I thank you sir!.

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