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uear lLS lrlends,

CreeLlngs of Lhe day !!

Welcome Lo !"#$%&' )*+,-,+. /0"#1 Lo en[oy MoLher naLure and camplng aL lLs besL. 1hls ls a four days resldenLlal camp
wlLh a clear alm - Lo prepare you for Lhe corporaLe world. We concenLraLe on Lwo volds. Cne, Lhe gap beLween whaL u
Lhlnk Lhe corporaLe world ls and whaL lL Lurns ouL Lo be. 1wo, Lhe gap beLween whaL companles are looklng for and whaL
Lhe college prepares you for.
We wlll, Lhrough loL of fun and exclLemenL, prepare you for Lhe unexpecLed, unfalr, unpredlcLable corporaLe envlronmenL
by maklng you menLally and emoLlonally sLrong.

1o acqualnL you wlLh Lhe envlronmenL we are llsLlng a few aspecLs - even Lhough you have aLLended a presenLaLlon on 26

Cur campslLe ls a 30 acre properLy resembllng Lhe Carden of Lden, surrounded by hllls and a lake. 8reaLhlng fresh alr, Lhe
smell of fresh mud, lush greenery, fluLLerlng buLLerflles, LwlLLerlng blrds, preLLy flowers are a sooLhlng lnfluence from Lhe
husLle busLle of a Llrlng clLy llfe. And whaL more, Lhe envlronmenL and Lhe workshop wlll allow an experlence of
professlonal growLh and personal growLh Lhrough a process of self dlscovery. All Lhls ls pure and naLural. We assure you of
a purposeful and fulfllllng lnLeracLlon wlLh yourself, naLure and Lhose around you. An evenL LhaL you wlll share and cherlsh
for Llmes Lo come.

Cur vlslon mlsslon ls 234 and whaL you Lake home ls 23456.

Lmpower AcLlvlLy Camps ls an advenLure resorL and everyLhlng from enLry Lo exlL ls advenLurous. We are responslble Lo
ensure LhaL your sLay ls comforLable and pleasanL, hence klndly make noLe of Lhe followlng guldellnes.

?ou wlll be sLaylng ln LenLs and dormlLorles (drawn by loLs).
Slnce ours ls an advenLure resorL, we do noL have luxurles llke 1v, 1elephone, room servlce eLc . 8ed n 8aLh ls clean and
comforLable. lease brlng your own Lowels. We wlll provlde llnen lncludlng blankeLs.

We serve boLh vegeLarlan and non vegeLarlan food. lease do leL us know lf u r veg or u need any speclal food llke !aln
food eLc.

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Common lLems of regular use are avallable.

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We are ln Lhe ouLdoors, connecLlvlLy someLlmes may noL be good or clear. Cnly 8SnL & 1A1A CSM /CuMA work aL Lhe
camp. ?ou can glve followlng nos for any emergency lf someone has Lo speak Lo you whlle you are aL Lhe camp and your
Mob ls noL worklng : 02194-203076 , 9223693613

:=,8?1 +$ @',8? 0A$8?B

Well worn shoes (noL new ones), floaLers for waLer based SporLs and comforLable cloLhlng.
CaLer Lo adequaLe change of cloLhlng. CoLLon shorLs, or Caprles or 1rack panLs are advlsed durlng CuLbound acLlvlLles.
Sunscreen Lo keep your skln glowlng
1olleLrles and personal medlcaLlon
1orch wlLh cells, no pencll Lorches, Avold valuables.
Carry your sense of humour, 1ravel llghL and pack smarLly.

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