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Oral Case Presentations

Clinical Foundations of Medicine

Oral case presentation expectations

About 5-7 minutes in length

Your history (CC ROS)

Your physical exam A summary of the case (few sentences) Your top 3 diagnoses, and why

Some characteristics of good presentations


Thoughtful Well rehearsed

Presenting the patients story (the HPI)

Youre in the drivers seat. You get to choose the best way to tell the story. Centered around the patients story, but its also important to be an honest editor. Interweave other relevant medical information

Pertinent positive AND negatives Related diagnoses and medical issues Risk factors, relevant family Hx and social Hx Relevant items from the relevant ROS

Presenting the physical exam

General appearance and vital signs

Basic rule Present what you observed. Equally important: what you looked for, and didnt find Overkill on your CFM physical exam presentations is OK.


The chief complaint

A couple of sentences summarizing the history

A couple of sentences summarizing the physical exam (A couple of sentences summarizing studies)

Your top three diagnoses

(Insert your favorite inappropriate phrase about growing up and taking personal responsibility)

Pick a top diagnosis, and defend it proudly.

But be honest

Point out the strengths and weaknesses of your argument

Have two other diagnoses in your differential, with shorter discussions of their pros and cons

Process issues

Practice multiple times before you present. Use a stopwatch. Write up your presentation notes separately. Dont just read your H&P.

Think of it as telling your friend about the great case you saw in clinic that morning Theres no magic here. Your first presentation may not be your proudest moment. Just like your first time riding a bike, your first time driving, or your first date.

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