Binomial Distribution Problems

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Binomial Distribution Problems

(1) A company owns 400 laptops. Each laptop has an 8% probability o not wor!in". #ou ran$omly select %0 laptops or your salespeople. (a) &hat is the li!elihoo$ that ' will be bro!en( (b) &hat is the li!elihoo$ that they will all wor!( (c) &hat is the li!elihoo$ that they will all be bro!en( (%) A stu$y in$icates that 4% o American teena"ers ha)e tattoos. #ou ran$omly sample *0 teena"ers. &hat is the li!elihoo$ that e+actly * will ha)e a tattoo( (*) An ,#- cell phone is ma$e rom '' components. Each component has a .00% probability o bein" $e ecti)e. &hat is the probability that an ,#- cell phone will not wor! per ectly( (4) .he AB/ /ompany manu actures toy robots. About 1 toy robot per 100 $oes not wor!. #ou purchase *' AB/ toy robots. &hat is the probability that e+actly 4 $o not wor!( (') .he 01B /ompany manu actures tires. .hey claim that only .002 o 01B tires are $e ecti)e. &hat is the probability o in$in" % $e ecti)e tires in a ran$om sample o '0 01B tires( (3) An 4D.5 is ma$e rom 100 components. Each component has a .00' probability o bein" $e ecti)e. &hat is the probability that an 4D.5 will not wor! per ectly( 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
(1) (a) 20/5 (.08)5 (.92)15 = .0145 (b) 20C0 (.08)0(.92)20 = .1887 (c) 20/20 (.08)20(.92)0 = .0000000000000000000001 (note -22 means move the decimal 22 places to the left) (2) 0/ (.04) (.9!)27 = .08! ( ) "#obabilit$ that it %ill %o#& (0 defective components) 55 /0 (.002)0 (.998)55 = .89! "#obabilit$ that it %ill not %o#& pe#fectl$ is 1 - .89! = .104 o# 10.4' (4) 5/4 (.01)4 (.99) 1 = .000 8 (5) 50/2 (.007)2 (.99 )48 = .0428 (!) "#obabilit$ that it %ill %o#& (0 defective components) 100 /0 (.005)0 (.995)100 = .!0! "#obabilit$ that it %ill not %o#& pe#fectl$ is 1 - .!0! = . 94 o# 9.40'

(2) &e will sol)e this problem with E+cel 7sin" B89:1D8;.. ;uppose that 48% o in$i)i$uals 8' years an$ ol$er ha)e Al<heimer=s Disease. #ou "o to a nursin" home that has been ee$in" resi$ents a $iet consistin" o natural> or"anic> an$ healthy oo$s inclu$in" ree ran"e chic!ens> ome"a * e""s> la+ see$> etc. #ou in$ that only %? o 100 resi$ents who are 8'6 years an$ ol$er ha)e Al<heimer=s $isease( &hat is the li!elihoo$ o this outcome( .o use E+cel> you nee$ the ollowin"@ 9umberA; is the number o successes in n trials. Bor this problem C %? .rials is the number o in$epen$ent trials. Bor this problem C 100 ProbabilityA; is the probability o success on each trial. Bor this problem C .48 /umulati)e is a lo"ical )alue an$ you in$icate .D7E i you want the cumulati)e )alue or BA0;E or the e+act probability. Bor this problem> we want the in$i)i$ual probability o %? EsuccessesF rom 100 so we in$icate BA0;E 7sin" E+cel> Answer is 4.8'*%2 E 60' C .000048'*%2 G.he ollowin" may be o interest to those who want to $o research in the uture@ A researcher woul$ want to $etermine the cumulati)e probability o 0> 1> %> *> H> %?. 8 the cumulati)e probability is low> then the researcher mi"ht conclu$e that $iet has an e ect on Al<heimer=s $isease. Please note that one woul$ ha)e e+pecte$ to see about 48 people out o 100 with Al<heimer=s $isease (p C .48) in this nursin" homeI %? is rather low. 4owe)er> any )alue below %? is e)en more unusual. &e want to !now the li!elihoo$ o all outcomes rom 0 to %?. /ertainly> in$in" ' resi$ents with Al<heimer=s woul$ ha)e been e)en more unusual than %?I 0 woul$ ha)e been astoun$in"JK

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