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AP English Language & Composition

Independent Novel Project Diversity in American Literature

I, too, sing America --Langston Hughes Purpose: The purpose of this project is for all of us to gain an understanding and appreciation of culture, cultural values, and perspectives by reading works of fiction written by American authors of a variety of races/ethnicities/ backgrounds/classes, and by sharing what we read This project is multifaceted !n order to effectively analy"e literature, students must read novels by uni#ue, culturally diverse writers Through reading and writing, students will be able to show how authors$ backgrounds and e%periences shaped them and their writing !n addition, students will also be able to analy"e and e%plain how literature often reflects and shapes diversity within a society Directions& 'tudents will choose from the authors list to research Through their research, students will choose an author to research and will choose one ()* novel in which to read and analy"e 'tudents will need to secure the novel on their own, either through the +H' library, at the public library, or by purchasing it either in book or ebook form

! "eading#"esearch Note$oo% 'tudents will use their notebook packet to complete their research and novel notes such as& the novel$s plot, the background and culture of the author, te%tual evidence from the novel, and the connections between literature and society &! 'ormal (ournal Entries Three (,* !ndependent -ournal .eponses / due dates to be announced )! *ral Presentation .esearch-based informational and literary analysis presentation/ due dates to be announced +! ,imed -riting Essay A0 1nglish Literature style prompt / administered at the end of presentations

.ulticultural Author and ,itles List

A/rican American Authors 2aya Angelou I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings -ames 3aldwin Go Tell It on the Mo ntain !otes o" a !ati#e Son 1rnest - 4aines A $esson Be"ore Dying The A to%iogra&hy o" Miss 'ane (ittman A Gathering o" )ld Men 5ora 6eale Hurston Their *yes Were Watching God M les and Men Toni 2orrison Belo#ed The Bl est *ye 4loria 6aylor The Women o" Brewster (lace Mama Day Harriet 3eecher 'towe +ncle Tom,s Ca%in Alice 7alker The Color ( r&le Asian American Authors 2a%ine Hong 8ingston The Woman Warrior Amy Tan The 'oy $ c- Cl % The Kitchen God,s Wi"e (e0ish American Authors 3ernard 2alamud The Magic Barrel 1lie 7iesel The Gates o" the .orest Latin and 1ispanic American Authors -ulia Alvare" /ow the Garcia Girls $ost Their Accents In the Time o" the B tter"lies 'andra 9isneros The /o se o" Mango Street Native American Authors 'herman Ale%ie The $one 0anger and Tonto .ist"ight in /ea#en Louise 1rdrich $o#e Medicine 6 'cott 2omaday The Way to 0ainy Mo ntain Indian American Authors -humpa Lahiri The !amesa-e 'emale American Authors (gender issues* 8ate 9hopin The Awa-ening 'ylvia 0lath The Bell 'ar

*Note* Students cannot choose a novel which was used for 9th or 10th grade English courses. Novel must be new to the student; however student ma! have prior "nowledge of an author .

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