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Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: _____________

Have Smore
Background: Smores are treats made from graham crackers, chocolate, and a melted marshmallow. he origin of smores is unknown, !ut man" food historians !elieve the" were invented !" a cam#er in the earl" $%&&s when chocolate and marshmallows first !ecame mass' #roduced. he first reci#e for smores was #u!lished in the $%() *irl Scout hand!ook, and the treats #o#ularit" took off from there. Smores have even !ecome a #o#ular treat in homes since the com#onents can !e melted with a microwave. +n this activit" "ou will !uild smores using the ingredients su##lied to "ou and #erform stoichiometr" #ro!lems !ased on the assem!l". ,ach grou# will receive: !alance $ chocolate !ar - marshmallows . graham crackers

$. Place a na#kin on the !alance. !elow: /hocolate s0uare g 1arshmallow g *raham cracker g

ake the mass of each reactant and record it in the ta!le

(. 2sing onl" the items at "our station, decide how man" different varieties of smores "ou can make. 3ecord the num!er here: _______________ 4. /hoose "our favorite variet" of smores "ou have made. 5ist the ingredients in order from !ottom to to#. _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________ 6. 7 limiting reactant limits the amount of #roduct "ou can make. 8hat was the limiting reactant in "our activit"9 _______________________________________ .. 8ere there an" reactants leftover9 8hich were the"9 _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________ ake the mass of an" leftover reactants and record them in the ta!le !elow: /hocolate g 1arshmallow g

*raham cracker g -. How man" of "our favorite smores could "ou make if "ou started with $&& g of each reactant9 ______________________________________________________________________ ________ ). 8hat would !e the limiting reactant9 _____________________________ :. How much of each e;cess reactant would !e left over9 <ill in the ta!le !elow. /hocolate g 1arshmallow g *raham cracker g

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