UAE University Department of Chemical Engineering CHME 420: Mass Transfer Team Project

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UAE University Department of Chemical Engineering CHME 420: Mass Transfer Team project It is desired to reduce the volatile

organic chemicals (VOC) from a contaminated wastewater stream in a stripping tower. Five thousand gallons per hour of wastewater is to be fed to the top of a 0.6 m diameter tower which will operate at atm and !" oC. #ir stream$ which will enter totall% free of an% VOC$ will be flowing countercurrent to the a&ueous stream$ to reduce the VOC concentration from 0.0'" to 0.0 ' mg(mol )( . *nder the stated flow conditions$ the overall li&uid capacit% coefficient +)a is e&ual to 0.0 s( . ,he e&uilibrium data are given in ,able CA mol !"C m#$% yA 0.0 0.0 / 0.0!0.0' 0.0'-. 0.0-! 0.0-." 0.0"'

0our role as a team of design engineers is to stud% the use of a pac1ed bed stripping column pac1ed with !"(mm ceramic 2aschig rings to perform the above dut%. ,he following points should be addressed in %our report3 . ,he minimum flowrate of air re&uired in this process !. ,he effect of input air flowrate in the range between minimum and 0 times the minimum value (take five different values in the range) on3 a. the variation of the composition of the vapor stream leaving the column. (4int3 5ssentiall% %ou can 1eep 6# as constant) b. the total column height &otes: . ,he details of %our calculations should be e7plained in %our report !. ,he results (presented in graphs and tables) should be carefull% discussed$ and from which conclusions should be reached. ,he discussion should reflect %our understanding$ in addition to e7plaining the trends. '. ,he report must be t%pewritten in 89 :ord and be submitted along with the 4%s%s file. (0ou can;t find VOC in 40909< %ou ma% choose ben=ene instead of VOC)

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