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A. Cuban food 1. What are some of the typical Cuban foods?

- Some of the typical Cuban foods are media noche (meaning midnight sandwich), pan con bistec, empanadas, croquetas, flan and pastelitos. 2. Compare and contrast their cuisine to what you generally eat. - A tostada and caf con leche is a typical Cuban breakfast. My typical breakfast that I eat is cereal and orange juice. Typical Cuban lunch foods are empanadas, media noche and pan con bistec. Some of my typical lunch foods are sandwiches, pasta and pizza. Typical Cuban snacks are finger foods such as pastelitos and croquetas while for snack I usually have fruit. Typical Cuban dinners usually have meat, chicken and fish as the entre. This is similar to my usual dinners as mine usually consist of meat, chicken and fish but also pasta. 3. What Cuban food have you tried before? Did you like it? If you have not tried any, what do you think youd like and why? - I have tried flan and empanadas and I liked them very much.

Part II (14 points) After viewing the translator presentation, include your answers to these questions for your 1.02 assignment. A translator can be online or someone you know who is a native speaker. 1. What are some of the reasons a translator should not be used? - The translator might not translate the word into exactly what you need (EX from the slide: Reloj means the watch you wear around your wrist. However, even though the two words sounds and look the same, you dont reloj a tv. For this sentence, you would use the verb ver. The translator would say Yo reloj instead of Yo veo to talk about you watching the television). 2. Why would using an online translator or native speaker be considered cheating? - It would be considered cheating because you wouldnt be using what you learned in the lesson to do your assessment. You would be getting help from an outside source to do your work for you. 3. When does working with someone on an assignment or getting help affect the integrity of your work? - It affects the integrity of your work because then your work isnt completely your own work and it doesnt then accurately show how well you grasped the lessons material.

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