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1. Each system shall consist of following: all 99 nos. Basement 1 Jet fans of double speed with 1.8 KW .3 !w "ating moto". 93 nos. Basement # Jet fans of double speed with 1.8 KW .3 !w "ating moto". 19# nos. $% senso"s 1& nos. '(ial )"esh ai" fan fo" *o"mal +entilation , #- KW ... !w "ating moto". 1/ nos. '(ial E(haust fan fo" 0mo!e +entilation , #- KW ... !w "ating moto". abo1e fans.

#. 0ta"t2stop push button shall be p"o1ided on the panel fo" each fan fo" a manual ope"ation. 3. )o" "unning any of the fan manually th"ough abo1e sta"t2stop button the selecto" switch shall be put on 3anual position. &. )o" 'uto ope"ation of fans as pe" 45$ logic p"og"am the selecto" switch shall be put on 'uto position and fan shall "un th"ough automatic commend f"om 45$ panel. .. 6ndi1idual set point fo" each $% senso" will be fed in the cont"olle". 7he set point shall be p"og"ammable in then field. /. 7he $% senso" shall continuously monito" the $% le1el and t"ansmit a signal in the fo"m of &8#- m' to cont"olle". . 7he cont"olle" shall compa"e the p"ocess 1a"iable with the set point. 7he set point and 4"ocess 1a"iable shall be displayed on the panel. 8. 6ncase 4"ocess 1a"iable e(ceeds the set point 1alue the cont"olle" will initiate a command to "un JE7 )'* 1. 6n e1e"y 9one the Jet fans "un: 't $%85e1el :-83.ppm all Jet fans a"e off 't $%85e1el :3. 8.- ppm all Jet fans in this 9one; indicated will "un in step 1 't $%85e1el :.- ppm all Jet fans in this 9one; indicated will "un in step # 'll indicated Jet fans sta"ts togethe" without time delay 6n e1e"y 9one the 3ain )"esh 'i" fans "un: 't $%85e1el :-83.ppm all )ans a"e off 't $%85e1el :3. 8.- ppm all )ans in this 9one; indicated will "un in step 1 't $%85e1el :.- ppm all )ans in this 9one; indicated will "un in step # 'll indicated )ans sta"ts togethe" with time delay pe" time8"elay 6n e1e"y 9one the 3ain E(t"act fans "un: 't $%85e1el :-83.ppm all )ans in this 9one; indicated will "un in step 1 't $%85e1el :3. 8.- ppm all )ans in this 9one; indicated will "un in step 1 't $%85e1el :.- ppm all )ans in this 9one; indicated will "un in step # 'll indicated )ans sta"ts togethe" with time delay pe" time8"elay 9. When $%85e1el falls unde" the 0et points <and hyste"esis= all fans fo" this 'la"m le1el in this 9one stops o" switches to othe" 'la"m mode


1-. 6n the e1ent a fi"e signal is enabled <by othe"s=; the cont"ol panel "un all the >et fans in speed # at once; all E(haust and )"esh 'i" )ans sta"t at 0peed 1 afte" time delay to speed #. 11. 6t is possible to "un all the fans in fi"e mode as e(plained in point no.9 th"ough a manual switch in cabinet doo" <also p"otected with the othe" 0witches=. 1#. 7he Jet )ans; f"esh ai" fans and e(haust fans a"e powe"ed th"ough the $ont"ol panel and "un th"ough an automatic o" manual command.

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