Cell Cycle Test Review

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Cell Cycle-mitosis-meiosis review worksheet 1 .How do prokaryotes divide? 2. What are the sex chromosomes called? 3.

What are the body design chromosomes called? ll o! the names please. ". What are the two chromosomes that make #p a male? $. What are the two chromosomes that make #p a !emale? %. Which parent determines the gender o! a child? &. What is the symbol !or a male? '. What is the symbol !or a !emale? (. How many chromosomes do h#mans have? 1). What are the % stages o! cell division o! a somatic chromosome? 11. What is the phase o! mitosis when all o! the chromosomes are lined #p in the middle? 12. What is the division o! the cytoplasm called? 13. What are the 3 phases o! *nterphase? 1". What is the pne#monic +memory game, !or somatic cell division? 1$. Chromosomes that are similar in si-e. shape and appearance called? 1%. How do gametes divide? 1&. What is sperm prod#ction called? What is the end res#lt o! it? /raw it o#t 1'. What is egg prod#ction called? What is the end res#lt o! it? /raw it o#t. 1(. What is the process that occ#rs in prophase * o! meiosis? 2). Why is it important? 21. 0ist the stages o! 1eiosis and 1eiosis **? Write them o#t. 22. /raw and label the cell cycle and tell what happens in each phase. 23. What is the end res#lt o! 1itosis and 1eiosis? 2". 0ist at least $ o! the di!!erences o! mitosis and meiosis.

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