Classroom Management Plan

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McManus Classroom Management Plan

Our classroom will provide a safe, positive, and productive environment where learning, creativity, and curiosity thrive. All students will work hard to better themselves for the future.

Rule 1: Raised Hands. I will raise my hand to share ideas. Rule 2: Quiet Mouths. I will use a soft voice. Rule 3: Walking Feet. I will walk in school to be safe. Rule 4: Helping Hands. I will use my hands for helping and not hurting. Rule 5: Caring Hearts. I will use kind words.

Procedure 1: Story Time - SHINE!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sit up straight. Hands in your lap. In your own space. No noise. Eyes on speaker. Quiet as a mouse. Hands by your sides. Single file line. Ears Listening. Be Still. Ask teacher before leaving. Take bathroom pass. Use the bathroom. Wash your hands. Return to your classroom. Place your folder in your mailbox. Order your lunch. Answer question of the day. Read a book. Be Still.

Procedure 2: Hallway

Procedure 3: Bathroom

Procedure 4: Morning Entry

Free and Frequent Verbal Praise Smiles Stickers Stamps Thumbs Up Intermittent Student of the Week Note Home Special Jobs Free Choice Time Strong and Long-Term Students work to earn special days. Special Projects Student of the Week


Level 2: Level 3: Level 4:

Class reminder of the rules. Individual reminder of rules. Modification. Child will be removed from the situation (return to seat, move to a different table, move closer to the teacher, etc.) Student will sit in the "brain chair" to think about better actions. Note or call home. Trip to the principal's office.

Level 5: Level 6:

1: Send a student to the office with a crisis behavior card. 2: Send the rest of the class to a neighboring classroom. 3: If possible, help the student in crisis to reestablish self-control. 4: Bring remaining students back to the classroom after the crisis has been addressed. 5: Notify parents of incident.


What? Develop Rules & Classroom Procedures How? Develop a list of rules. Create procedures for: 1. Hallway 2. Bathroom 3. Story Time Create posters for both When? Prior to the beginning of the school year.

Post Rules and Procedures

Prior to the beginning of the

Create Handout for Parents Including: Rules, Procedures, and Contact Information

rules and classroom procedures. Include rules, procedures, and contact information in a handout for parents and students.

school year. Prior to the beginning of the school year.


What? Teach rules, procedures, and consequences to students. How? Set aside a block of time to discuss rules, procedures, and consequences with students. When? First week of school.

What? Share with colleagues and/or classroom aides. Share with parents. How? Meet with principal to discuss the plan. Send home information during the first week of school. When? Prior to the beginning of the school year. First week of school or Back to School Day.

What? Provide opportunities to discuss rules and procedures. How? Schedule discussion times once a month or more if necessary. When? Throughout the school year, as needed.

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