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History of Army Ordnance Corps

The history of the Army Ordnance Corps can be traced back to the Military Trains and Magazine Establishment, in the East India Company s Artillery! On "th April #""$ a %oard of Ordnance , &as constit'ted in %engal presidency, &hich for the first time created an organisation that co'ld effecti(ely control all the stores of the Company s Army! The official history of the Army Ordnance Corps can th's be said to begin from this date! As a conse)'ence of the *pecial Ordnance Commission + #""$ and Army in India Commission , #"-. set 'p post the /irst 0ar Of Independence in #"$-, on #st Apr #""1 the Ordnance establishments in the three 2residencies &ere amalgamated into one department called the Ordnance 3epartment in India ! The department &as 'nder the immediate e4ec'ti(e control of the 3irector 5eneral of Ordnance &ho &as the official ad(isor to the 5o(ernment of India and the Commander+In+Chief on all Ordnance matters! At the end of the 00+I the Indian Ordnance 3epartment &as re+organised and on #"th 6'l #.77 the Ordnance Corps took shape as a self contained body ha(ing the stat's of a department and designated as the Indian Army Ordnance Corps ! 0ith effect from #st Apr #.8., the Indian Army Ordnance Corps 9IAOC: &as made responsible for the entire technical maintenance of the Indian army in field! On #st May #.18 as a res'lt of the recommendations of the IEME committee a ne& corps of Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers &as car(ed o't of IAOC! 0hen India became a rep'blic on 7;th 6an #.$< the prefi4 Indian &as dropped and the Corps &as named Army Ordnance Corps , &hich is the name today!
Evolution of AOC Crest

1855 1896 1918 1922 1855 + The Insignia of %ritish %oard of Ordnance!


1896 + The Ordnance 3epartment Crest adopted after amalgamation Of the three presidencies of %engal, Madras and %ombay! 1918 + The prefi4 =>oyal= &as adopted by the Corps for meritorio's ser(ice d'ring The Ist 0orld 0ar! 1922 + /ormation of Indian Army Ordnance Corps and its crest! 1954 + The present crest! The motto =*hastra *e *hakti= &as

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