An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution

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agangai Main Road Madurai "#$% &$& An ISO 9001:2008

Certified Institution

INTERNAL ASSESSMENT TEST I Fourth Semester Mechanical Engineering (Sec B) ME225 Strength o! Materials Time" #$ Minutes 'ate" %%(%%(%%%% ,( 2( 5( ( 5( 9( :( -( #( )ART A (# * 2 + ,- mar&s) 'e!ine Shear stress an. /olumetric strain0 1hat .o 2ou mean 32 strain energ2 an. 4roo! resilience0 1hat are the t24es o! 3eam an. .ra6 neat s&etch o! each t24e0 'e!ine 7oo&8s la60 'e!ine 4oint o! contra !lecture0 'e!ine elasticit20 ;i/e the relationshi4s o! three mo.ulli0 'e!ine strain energ2 an. 6rite its unit0 'e!ine longitu.inal strain an. lateral strain0 )ART B (2 * ,9 + 52 mar&s) ,$(a) Three 3ars ma.e o! co44er< =inc an. aluminum o! e>ual length are rigi.l2 2 connecte. at their en.s( The2 ha/e cross sectional areas o! 25$mm < 5:5mm2 an. 5$$mm2 res4ecti/el2( I! the com4oun. mem3er is su3?ecte. to a longitu.inal 4ull o! ,25@N< estimate the 4ro4ortion o! loa. carrie. on each ro. an. the in.uce. stresses( Ta&e Ecu + ,5$;NAm2< E=n + ,$$;NAmm2< Eal + -$;NAm2( Br (3) A 3ar o! cross section -mm C -mm is su3?ecte. to an a%ial 4ull o! :$$$N( The lateral .imension o! the 3ar is !oun. to 3e change. to :(##-5mm C :(##-5mm( I! the mo.ulus o! rigi.it2 o! the materials is $(- C ,$ 5 NAmm2< 'etermine the )oisson ratio an. mo.ulus o! elasticit2( ,, (a)A cantile/er 3eam o! ,(5m long is loa.e. 6ith a uni!orml2 .istri3ute. loa. o! 2@NAm run o/er a length o! ,(25m !rom the !ree en.( It also carries a 4oint loa. o! 5@N at a .istance o! $(25m !rom !ree en.( 'ra6 the Shear !orce an. moment .iagrams o! the cantile/er( Br (3) (i) A sim4l2 su44orte. 3eam o! s4an 9m is carr2ing a uni!orml2 .istri3ute. loa. o! 2@NAm o/er the entire s4an( Dalculate the magnitu.e o! shear !orce an. moment at e/er2 section< 2m !rom the le!t su44ort( Also .ra6 shear !orce an. moment .iagrams( (,$) (ii) 'ra6 the Shear !orce an. moment .iagrams !or the 3eam sho6n 3elo6 (9) Ma%imum" 5$ Mar&s

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